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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued


Epic Commoner
I have a nagging question about Anakina and Padme. Really what does she see in that arrogant punk. I have a feeling Anakin is using the force even if he doesn't know it to make Padme fall in love with him. Just a thought.

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Corinth said:
I think it's the other way around. I think that it is Padme who's using Anakin.

Such cynics. :p

I think it is exactly what it appears to be. An innocent but tragic and misguided love.

And I notice as well, that just as in Empire, the princess could not express what she felt until in danger of losing it, so too Padme cannot express it to Anakin until she is faced with loss. Of course I think Empire conveyed that a bit better than Clones but the Mother and Daughter are following the same pattern story-wise.


First Post
Been in Anakin's position. Got screwed over for my efforts. Wish I had Force powers and a red lightsaber to compensate for losing five years of my life.


Corinth said:
Been in Anakin's position. Got screwed over for my efforts. Wish I had Force powers and a red lightsaber to compensate for losing five years of my life.

You were seduced by a senator who bore your children and then ran away when you grew violent and anti-social!!!

That is some life you have led. You should publish it.


Sorry... could not resist. Do you think however you might be projecting just a tad? :)


Dagger75 said:
I have a nagging question about Anakina and Padme. Really what does she see in that arrogant punk. I have a feeling Anakin is using the force even if he doesn't know it to make Padme fall in love with him. Just a thought.

Quick... how many times have you said "what does she see in that jerk" in real life?

Lady Dragon

First Post
I feel that Anakin and Padme's love story is going to be the most important part of the whole story not only because of the obvious birth of the twins but rather because of how I think Anakin will react when she is killed in the 3rd episode.We seen forshadowing of this with the death of Shmi and how badly Anakin lost his temper and gave in to his anger.

Remenber what Yoda told Luke about anger and the dark side.Anakin will turn to the Dark side when he is again powerless to stop the death of a loved one mainly Padme.Prehaps this will also be the insident which makes him dependant on life-support.

As for the rest of episode 3 Obi-wan and Yoda will flee with the infants the other Jedi will die and Palpatine will openly admit he is the lord of the sith.No I don't believe Palpatine is a clone of Darth Sidious they are the same otherwise the Emporor would have used the name Sidius and not his real name Palpatine as emporor.

As for real names I think Anakin chooses to use Vader as his name not because he is hiding his identity but because he leaves that part of his life behind.


I am not sure I agree that Padme is going to die in the next movie. In Return of the Jedi, when Luke asks Leia about her mother, Leia has memories of her.

Personally I think the 3rd movie will have Yoda, Obiwan and Padme all fleeing with Padme eventually going one way with the girl and Obi-wan going another way with the boy.

As for Vader's name change, each Sith Lord adopts a new name - haven't you noticed... Dooku becomes Tyranous, Palpatine becomes Sidious, Anakin becomes Vader. Maul, well, I don't know what his name was. Each Sith name has an evil connotation (are they pure latin??? anyone know?) Maul and Tyranous are fairly easy to see in regards to meaning. Sidious is IMO a shortening of Insidious and Vader a shortening of Invader

Lady Dragon

First Post
Leia may have been thinking of her adoptive mother or perhaps the twins are a bit older than infants maybe 2-3 when all of this happens but they made too big a deal out of Shmi's death and Anakin's reactions for it not to be a forshadowing of events to come.

Also If Padme didn't die where was she in the final three movies I don't believe she would allow herself to be separated from her son she is a proud noblewoman.


Saw it last night for the second time.

I'm a fan(atic), so I can't give an objective review, or at least the skeptics won't trust any review I give as "objective", but here goes anyway:

I really liked the plot, most of the acting, the new characters, and the action was incredibly good. I really enjoyed Anakin's scene with his mother and what followed, Yoda in every scene he was in , and the sight of so many jedi fighting in the same place. Another thing about Yoda: the scene with the jedi children contrasted nicely with Yoda's big fight scene later, while complimenting it at the same time. Very nicely done.

As far as acting, I can't recall a scene that featured really bad acting , though I remember a few where I was disappointed that Lucas didn't get a better performance. I was impressed by Anakin, Palpatine, Jango and Boba Fett, and especially Christopher Lee. Anyone who can make me take a villain named "Count Dooku" seriously is an Actor with a capital A.

Some of my dislikes: The banter between Anakin and Obi-Wan seemed a bit forced, especially at the beginning of the movie. I think it could have been done better. Overall, I liked their interactions, but there was room for improvement.

The business with C3PO toward the end would have been better without the lame one-liners. I started to wonder if I was in a film with an Arnold Swarzenegger parody. I do think the comic relief was necessary, and having threepio taken apart is a tradition, :).

R2D2 can fly? I wonder why he didn't do it in Episodes IV - VI? That could have been left out. R2 is impressive because of his courage and cleverness, not because of his gadgets.

My biggest complaint is the pacing. The movie had too many scenes of the same nature back-to-back. Love-scenes followed by three more love-scenes and several political scenes followed by several action scenes isn't good drama. I agree with many others that the movie wasn't paced as well as it could have been.

One problem that non-fans (or perhaps casual fans) may have with it is that the plot is complex. To really understand what's going on can be tough, and I have a feeling that when the average movie-goer sees a film they don't understand, no amount or quality of action, acting, romance or special effects is going to make them like it.

Overall, I loved it though. I definitely liked it better than Episode I, or Episode VI. It's not the best Star Wars movie, but it's certainly not the worst. (Of course, I'll watch the worst Star Wars movie, Episode I IMO, and still enjoy it more than most movies.)

As long as your expectations aren't unrealistic, (Let's face it, it's going to be tough to top the original trilogy folks!!) I think most people will enjoy this film, and Star Wars fans will love it.
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