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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued


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Remember that not even Obi-Wan knew about Leia. IN Empire Strikes Back he makes the statement "That boy is our only hope". Yoda replies, "No. There is another."

We find out in Return of the Jedi that it is Leia. I think it is safe to say that Anakin/Vader did not know about his children, or he was keeping it secret from Palpatine (that last sliver of goodness in him perhaps?).

So Yoda and Bail Organna hide Leia and don't tell Obi-Wan about her, while Yoda sends Luke with Obi-Wan... makes sense to me.


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Lady Dragon

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I still think Padme Amidala is going to get killed in episode 3 and that will trigger Anakin's final transition to Vader.

However it is possible that this event takes place after the children have been hidden or at least after Leia has been hidden with the Organa family.

I personally beleive that Anakin/ Vader knew about Luke all along
but allowed him to be hidden from the Emporer Palpatine. Vadar knows what will happen to Luke if the emporer get to him and I think like any father he doesn't want that for his son.After all Vader coveted the emporers throne for himself so he wasn't completely loyal so he may have hidden this from him.

As for the Light Saber gift that Obi-wan gives to Luke it may actually have belonged to Anakin at one time.One thing I find interesting is that if they were trying that hard to hide Luke from Vader why would they give him his own name and let him be raised by Anakin's stepbrother I would think he would be very easy to find.

To change to topic a bit.I found it interesting that Anakin favored dressing in the long black capes even before he becomes Vader.


Renshai said:
Remember that not even Obi-Wan knew about Leia. IN Empire Strikes Back he makes the statement "That boy is our only hope". Yoda replies, "No. There is another."

Hmmm. Perhaps, though I had interpreted it as Obi-Wan not really considering Leia as a possibility since so much had already been invested in Luke (and the fact that Luke showed such incredible potential). It seemed to be more of a comment along the lines of 'Man, I hope Luke doesn't blow this, or we're really screwed,' not a statement regarding the last potential Jedi. There must certainly be others in the galaxy with the potential to use the Force, with proper training, even beyond Leia.

Anyway, I just got back from seeing Clones again (3rd viewing), but this time in a digital projection theater. If you're a Star Wars fan, or simply haven't seen the movie yet, I highly encourage you to find such a theater (but plan on seeing it), even if you have to drive an hour or two. The crispness and clarity of the picture is phenomenal. The unwashed beauty of the vistas and intricate details in the CGI/models that shine through are immediately noticable, making an already gorgeous movie look even better. It reminded me of the first time I put a REAL graphics card in my computer, played some of the games I had, and thought to myself, 'Wow, I didn't realize it could look this good!' I truly hope Lucas' push for digital theaters pays off.
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First Post
A friend of mine said something funny the other day, that the only way to get another good star wars film out of Lucas would be to take his budget away and force the man to be creative again ;)

Kidding aside though, I have seen it twice and I enjoyed it the first time, but loved it the second time. Only a few things bothered me, which of course I am about to go into detail about but seeing Yoda throw down more than made up for all of it. The great warrior Yoda, yes indeed.

So anyway, here’s what bothered me; Hayden C – the guy who played Anakin – whom I had only seen in Life as a House before his appearance in Star Wars, but the thing is I watch him play Anakin and I feel like I’m watching the same character from Life as a House in a jedi suit. A whiney, unlikable, arrogant, self destructive little punk who has issues with his father figure. I thought the young Darth Vader should have been more confident and less whiney so we could take him more seriously rather than just say “oh look, Anakin is just another awkward teen”, but that’s just IMHO.

On the other hand I thought Hayden did a great job in the “love scenes” where Portman seemed to be trying to take herself too seriously and held back a lot – it felt to me like she really didn’t care for Anakin at all, but then it looked like they got married(?) at the end so I could be wrong.

The other problem I had with this movie was that it could easily have been episode 1. But then Episode 1 wouldn’t have happened and I wouldn’t have seen the greatness that was Darth Maul, who mauled people, or at least should have mauled people.

Overall I must say that I enjoyed this film immensely and will probably see it again fairly soon.

Aaron L

I still find it interesting that the the two sides are being balanced through the acts of two pawns of the Force, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Sidious. I can only assume that the Jedi thought that the "balancing of the Force" that Anakin was supposed to bring was something other than what it actually ended up being.
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I found it a nice touch that they made Dooku Qui Gonn Jinn’s master. Both ended up showing flawed judgment. Dooku thought he could use both the light and the dark side to save the republic, but ended up being twisted by the dark side. Qui Gonn was blinded into thinking that Anakin could bring balance to the force, without heeding the advice of the council. I don’t think he ever realized what “balance” could mean.

It’s easy to see where Qui Gonn may have learned his poor judgment from, now that we know Dooku was his master.


First Post
All I can say is that it was a great movie, and just to state a few things

-- from the book, Mace said there were about 2000 Jedi knights but only 200 were available to go to Geonosys for the battle. The rest were busy trying to keep peace throughout the galaxy.

-- Also from the book, Yoda also heard the voice of Qui-Gon while meditating and Anakin was killing the Tusken Raiders. This is something Yoda found very peculiar and something that could not be. I think this is where the Jedi find out that they can continue to teach from the dead, for example when Obi-Wan said if you strike me down I will become stronger than you could every imagine.

-- I liked the little touch about arrogance in the order even in the older members and then they show the librarian's arrogance.

-- Did anyone else notice that Obi-Wan told the droid to send the message to the 'old-man's room' while on the cloner's world.

-- Another Antilles from the movie is Wedge from ESB and ANH.

Nice to be back



Did anyone else notice that Obi-Wan told the droid to send the message to the 'old-man's room' while on the cloner's world.

Yeah, I thought it was kind of amusing, though some of my friends didn't pick up on the "care of the old folks home" line until their second viewing.
Another Antilles from the movie is Wedge from ESB and ANH.

Wedge was actually in all 3 movies of the original trilogy. He's also Ewan McGregor's uncle.
I still find it interesting that the the two sides are being balanced through the acts of two pawns of the Force, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Sidious. I can only assume that the Jedi thought that the "balancing of the Force" that Anakin was supposed to bring was something other than what it actually ended up being.

I believe their view does eventually come to fruition, but not quite the way they had expected.

It seems what the Jedi refer to as balance in the Force is similar to having a balanced, healthy body. When your body is 'in balance' you're not somewhat well but also kinda sick (whether it be a physical or mental illness), but instead, you're very healthy. So when they refer to a need to bring balance to the Force, they believe that Anakin will purge the growing presence of the Dark Side (akin to a growing sickness or spreading virus) that is compromising the Jedi abilities to use the Force to maintain peace and order.

Oddly enough, through this interpretation, Anakin does eventually fulfill the prophecy. Anakin kills the Dark Lord of the Sith, Emperor Palpatine, in Return of the Jedi. In the process, he becomes critically wounded and returns to the Light, so to speak, eliminating the Sith in one fatal blow.
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All I can say is that it was a great movie, and just to state a few things
-- from the book, Mace said there were about 2000 Jedi knights but only 200 were available to go to Geonosys for the battle. The rest were busy trying to keep peace throughout the galaxy.
-- Did anyone else notice that Obi-Wan told the droid to send the message to the 'old-man's room' while on the cloner's world.

It didn't even look like there were 200 that showed up. Still, if it said that in the book, it's likely there were supposed to have been about that many that actually went: we just didn't get a good shot of how many there were. Either way, it doesn't like there was much more than 20 after the battle.

And yes, I did notice that, although is that really what he said?!?

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