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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued


Liquid Awesome
DocMoriartty said:
Remove the bugs and replace with a single thermal detonator. Boom one dead senator and it doesnt matter if the entire Jedi Council is in the next room.

Assuming that the assassin knew about the Jedi (as mentioned by Canis, word would have had to travel fast). And assuming that a Senators apartment isn't protected against explosives by a force shield of some type. And assuming that even if it wasn't before, a force shield might have been added since the earlier bombing attempt. And assuming that explosives were not detectable by R-2 or some other sensing device.

Given that the assassin may not have known about the Jedi, perhaps the low-tech solution was thought to be the best solution.

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If you are sure you can drop two bugs into the room the why not a thermal detonator. Whether or not the alarm goes off once the detonator is in the room it can go boom.

BTW, there was a force field in place. The flying droid neutralized it before it could cut the glass and let the bugs in.

Rel said:

Assuming that the assassin knew about the Jedi (as mentioned by Canis, word would have had to travel fast). And assuming that a Senators apartment isn't protected against explosives by a force shield of some type. And assuming that even if it wasn't before, a force shield might have been added since the earlier bombing attempt. And assuming that explosives were not detectable by R-2 or some other sensing device.

Given that the assassin may not have known about the Jedi, perhaps the low-tech solution was thought to be the best solution.

DocMoriartty said:
You don't get to be #1 by being cool unless you live in a Hong Kong action movie. You get to be #1 by doing what works in the most effective and straightforward method.

You also remain #1 by leaving behind as little evidence as possible.

Jango is supposed to be #1 yet breaks both rules. That does not make sense.

As someone (Rel?) said before, "Success breeds complacency."

Maybe he always starts sword-fights with his left hand, too.

Eosin the Red

First Post
About the Bugs/Bombs

I do not think it is too much of a leap to assume that the area around the senatorial compound would be frequently scanned by bomb seeking droids. 24-48 hours after someone attempted to bomb Padme, I bet if you had a bomb within 1,000 feet of her security would go bonkers.

We can do similar things today, why can't we assume that a second bomb couldn't get anywhere near her.

Zam/Jango may have been smarter than you give them credit for. I am also not sure that they knew she had Jedi guardian.

Lady Dragon

First Post
I personally think its entirely possible that Palpatine couldn't care less weather Padme gets killed or not but they he needs the trade federation to enact his plan and that is their demand for their co-operation.

Lady Dragon

First Post
An interesting topic I think is the relationship between Palpatine and Anakin. They had that mentor/student conversation in palpatines office.Also Anakin stated that he didn't trust politcians but that he thought that Palpatine was a good man. He told Padme that he thought One good wise man should run the republic.It wouldn't be that hard for Palpatine to convince the young man of that.

Personally I think that offscreen palpatine has been working to turn the boy for long time and that they had had many conversations like the one in his office.

Some people even think that Palpatine is his father,which may or may not be true but it certainly would explain the loyalty to that Vader had to the emporor.

It would also make the scene at the end of RoTJ where vader had to decide whether the emporor died or his son died he kept looking back and forth do I kill the emporor or doo I let him kill my son.what if it was really do I kill my father or let him kill my son.Quite a quandry

Black Omega

First Post
Lady Dragon said:
An interesting topic I think is the relationship between Palpatine and Anakin. They had that mentor/student conversation in palpatines office.Also Anakin stated that he didn't trust politcians but that he thought that Palpatine was a good man. He told Padme that he thought One good wise man should run the republic.It wouldn't be that hard for Palpatine to convince the young man of that.
In the novel more mention is made of how much of a mentor Anakin sees Palpatine as. And Palpy certainly uses that to best advantage to influence Anakin in the wrong ways. Bad choice on who to trust.:)

A couple of points:

1. Jango Fett is not necessarily the "Number One Assasin in the Galaxy". The Jedi (i.e. the Galactic Police) had never heard of him. He's clearly very good (he fought Obi-Wan to a standstill, though with some significant tactical advantages), but there's nothing to say he's the "best in the galaxy."

2. There are only a few thousand Jedi in the whole galaxy (the novelisation of AotC says 10,000 all up with only a few hundred in the Coruscant area). And the galaxy appears to be populated with thousands of industrialisied planets with, one supposes, Earth like populations or more. That's a galactic population of, say, at least 10 trillion (ten thousand million). Jedi are thus *very* rare. Most people have never encountered one. Most people dont know what they are capable of. The Jedi probably don't advertise their capabilities. In fact, their powers are probably so much a matter of shaddowy, contradictory legend that many hard headed bounty hunter types may think it's all just PR.

3. The Jedi "danger sense" seems to be a little bit unreliable and also a little bit "ego-centric". The Force seems to warn *you* about dangers to *you* or someone you are emotionally commited to defending. An assasin entering the Senate building with a thermal detonator would wig out every Jedi in the area; but approaching with a knife to stab an anonymous senator in a crowded senate building might not register on even Yoda's Jedi "radar". Hence Obi-Wan and Anakin's inability to sense and stop the sabre dart that killed Zam. On the other hand, Obi-Wan and Anakin both had (different) reasons to care about Padme, thus they sensed the insectoids, though only at the last second...

4. If a bomb didn't work last time; dont try a bomb again, that's what security will be looking for. Something quiet and deadly and subtle is what you go for if the "Bid Bada Boom" approach has just failed. Moreover, in a crowded city a "messenger droid" is unlikley to trip security especially if all its containing is some primitive organisms or other smaller driods (depending on wheterh the centapedes were organis or mechanical)...
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Holy Bovine

First Post
Well, bot to beat a long dead and buried horse but I have to say that I finally saw AotC last night (my SO was in the dumps and we both decided that a movie was the answer - and AotC was the only thing we hadn't seen yet of the 'big' releases).

I loved it.

Let me repeat....

I loved it!!

It was everything I could want in a Star Wars movie - I felt that giddy thrill I got when I first saw a Star Destroyer roll across the screen blasting at Liea's Rebel Cruiser.

Star Wars is back - in a huge way.

There were only two parts that I felt were weak (of course I have to point those out first ;) ). The Padme-Anakin scene by the fireplace was way too heavy handed but the rest of their romance I found believable and just great diaolgue wise.

The other part I felt could have been punched up a bit was Padme's reaction to Anakin confessing to slaughtering all the Tuskens. Way too unemotional IMO.

Other than that I was in awe. Hayden C. did a great job with Anakin - he came across as a creepy, hot headed man who wanted what he wanted immediately. It seems Obi Wan couldn't teach him patience. The scene at the beinging when Obi Wan and Anakin enter the bar chasing Zam (sp?) and Obi Wan berates him repeatedly and all Anakin says is "Yes, master", and "I try master" really set the mood for me as to where Anakin's and Obi Wan's relationship stood. Anakin's resentment and frustration was powerful and expertly put across in just those few simple words.

OF course I'm gushing way too much now but I am amazed that this movie was not better recieved - this is Star Wars in all its glory.

Welcome back George!

Voidrunner's Codex

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