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[OT, Movies] Saw the trailer for Episode II last night . . .


Hmmm...I guess you're right about the ultimate failure of an opening week boycott. I'll just have to boycott the film entirely then. Oh, I imagine I'll end up seeing it eventually, over at a friend's house or on TV.

But no Episode II for me!

I feel almost...liberated.
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Bass Puppet

First Post

I saw the trailer, and it looked....ok. Compared to what is out there now, I would have to say that it looks just ok. I agree with some of you that Star Wars is an American Icon Film. It does not live up to that title anymore, P.M. proved that. Come'on, we are talking about a kids movie. L.O.T.R.:F.O.T.R. had more Violence and Death than ANY Star Wars film and it was rated PG-13. I know the two have been compare in several threads, but let's be realistic, P.M. was targeted to a younger audience. I believe A.O.T.C. will be targeted to the same.

The boycott? Yeah, it probably won't make any difference to George's pocket book, nor will it turn any heads. BUT, I do believe that the strongest statement made by an individual is ACTION. I applaud those who are taking a silent protest, or those who are skeptical about the A.O.T.C. by refusing to see the film the first week. I feel sorry for those who think it's not going to make a difference. Why should everybody jump on the Star Wars Hype and see it the first week. So we can all jump on these message boards and rant about it.


First Post
Re: A.O.T.C.

Bass Puppet said:
I saw the trailer, and it looked....ok. Compared to what is out there now, I would have to say that it looks just ok. I agree with some of you that Star Wars is an American Icon Film. It does not live up to that title anymore, P.M. proved that. Come'on, we are talking about a kids movie. L.O.T.R.:F.O.T.R. had more Violence and Death than ANY Star Wars film and it was rated PG-13.

Actually Star Wars: A New Hope has probably the highest head count of any movie for number of people killed, innocent and nocent alike. Lets examine the numbers shall we? We have assorted Rebel and Imperial Pilots getting blown out of the sky left and right, entire wings gone in an instant. Stormtroopers mowed down like so much garbage and the open scene were at least 15 rebel troops bite the big one. But those are just small change in the grand scheme of things. But wait, whats this? The Death Star? A spacestation the size of a small moon? How many people did it take to opporate that thing? Tens of thousands easy, and it just goes... boom. Speaking of things that go boom, what about Alderaan? "As if millions of voices cried out in agony, and were silenced." Hardly a low killing and movie and made at a time when there was no PG-13 rating. Only G, PG and R. It certainly didnt rate R but it was more then simply PG.

Then we have Return of the Jedi. While not as many deaths as ANH still pleanty of dead people by the end of the film. Not counting the couple hundred surely with Jabba on his sail barge we also have the final battle above endor. A number of capital ships, including the Executor, Vaders Super Star Destroyer, and countly starfighters on both sides are destroyed. There are easily and this is a low estimate 50,000 people killed right there. Then the Death Star II goes BOOM. And all hands on board die in a moment of fire and pain. Now mind you, while fully opperational the thing was still being worked on. So not only did alot of Imperials die that day, but countless craftsman, slaves and innocents were killed as well.

So what are we left with?
SW:ANH total dead: Millions
SW:RotJ total dead: Hundreds of thousands

Just a kids movie? Hardly. Sure there are elements there, but plenty of things for adults to think about as well. Fabulous acting? No, but at least one best supporting actor nomination for the movie. And it definetly was not the worst acting ever.

Now lets examing Episode 1 real quick. How many people died in that movie. Relatively few. Hell even the big final battle was nothing more then Gungans lobbing what are effectively water ballons at the oncoming droid army. A droid army that not only stops working when its control ship is destroyed (by artoo, he is the true hero not that little wuss anakin) but they also fall apart, what the hell is that? Destroying a ship causes their bolts to come loose and fall off?

The real probelm with Star Wars is George himself. He has admitted such. If you watched the biography special on him he says that after seeing his daughter born she became his life, not movie making. While this is understandable it also explains the crap that has come out of him in the years since. Star Wars is no longer something he loves, its something that makes him money and lets him show off cool technology.

Enough ranting. Those of you that agree probably agreed before, those of you that dont probably never will. I hope for more from AOTC, but I'm not going to expect it.

Bass Puppet

First Post
Re: Re: A.O.T.C.

Forlorn said:

Actually Star Wars: A New Hope has probably the highest head count of any movie for number of people killed, innocent and nocent alike. Lets examine the numbers shall we? We have assorted Rebel and Imperial Pilots getting blown out of the sky left and right, entire wings gone in an instant. Stormtroopers mowed down like so much garbage and the open scene were at least 15 rebel troops bite the big one. But those are just small change in the grand scheme of things. But wait, whats this? The Death Star? A spacestation the size of a small moon? How many people did it take to opporate that thing? Tens of thousands easy, and it just goes... boom. Speaking of things that go boom, what about Alderaan? "As if millions of voices cried out in agony, and were silenced." Hardly a low killing and movie and made at a time when there was no PG-13 rating. Only G, PG and R. It certainly didnt rate R but it was more then simply PG.

Then we have Return of the Jedi. While not as many deaths as ANH still pleanty of dead people by the end of the film. Not counting the couple hundred surely with Jabba on his sail barge we also have the final battle above endor. A number of capital ships, including the Executor, Vaders Super Star Destroyer, and countly starfighters on both sides are destroyed. There are easily and this is a low estimate 50,000 people killed right there. Then the Death Star II goes BOOM. And all hands on board die in a moment of fire and pain. Now mind you, while fully opperational the thing was still being worked on. So not only did alot of Imperials die that day, but countless craftsman, slaves and innocents were killed as well.

So what are we left with?
SW:ANH total dead: Millions
SW:RotJ total dead: Hundreds of thousands

Just a kids movie? Hardly. Sure there are elements there, but plenty of things for adults to think about as well. Fabulous acting? No, but at least one best supporting actor nomination for the movie. And it definetly was not the worst acting ever.

Now lets examing Episode 1 real quick. How many people died in that movie. Relatively few. Hell even the big final battle was nothing more then Gungans lobbing what are effectively water ballons at the oncoming droid army. A droid army that not only stops working when its control ship is destroyed (by artoo, he is the true hero not that little wuss anakin) but they also fall apart, what the hell is that? Destroying a ship causes their bolts to come loose and fall off?

The real probelm with Star Wars is George himself. He has admitted such. If you watched the biography special on him he says that after seeing his daughter born she became his life, not movie making. While this is understandable it also explains the crap that has come out of him in the years since. Star Wars is no longer something he loves, its something that makes him money and lets him show off cool technology.

Enough ranting. Those of you that agree probably agreed before, those of you that dont probably never will. I hope for more from AOTC, but I'm not going to expect it.


I still don't think that there was as much IN YOUR FACE violence and Death as L.O.T.R.:F.O.T.R. Even with space exploiding Rebels and Imperial Pilot,s that really doesn't compare to hand to hand hack and slash combat. I will grant you that Star Wars was vilolent (with sugar coating), but not even close to L.O.T.R. Maybe because I thought there was a "Darker" side to L.O.T.R. than Star Wars.

Comparison A. A stormtrooper is shot with a laser gun. Stunned or unconscience?
Comparison B. A Orc get's a sword driven through it. Dead

Comparison A. A planet gets destroyed from outerspace. How many where on the planet?
Comparison B. The Heroes walk into Moria to find hudreds of corpses. Dead

Comparison A. Rebells and the Imperial Pilots exploid in space. Dead yes, how many, who knows?
Comparison B. The Openning Battle Scene where Sauron (sp) was hacking at the soldiers and the explosion at this death. Dead

If any of you think A.O.T.C. will be more violent than previous Star Wars films, I strongly disagree.


First Post

Wild Karrde said:
The newest and longest does play up on the love angle but that does not mean that this only a love story. It's called marketing and this is there way of pulling in the female population.

Jus tprooves my point that Lucas is now a businessman
and not a film maker...

EP 1 'Kids and parents' take them for every cent

EP 2 'Lets get the female population now'

EP 3 "Revenge of the Geriatrics"


Wild Karrde

First Post
Re: ...

Harlequin said:

Jus tprooves my point that Lucas is now a businessman
and not a film maker...

EP 2 'Lets get the female population now'

Fair enough, but didn't Peter Jackson specifically alter FotR to include Arowyn (sp?), Liv Tyler, in all three of the movies for the express purpose of giving females someone to identify with? In other words to get females in the theatre and to give them someone on screen to cheer, i.e. marketing. In the end most everyone makes movies to make money. If it wasn't profitable we wouldn't have so many cool movies.

QUOTE]Originally posted by Bass Puppet

The boycott? Yeah, it probably won't make any difference to George's pocket book, nor will it turn any heads. BUT, I do believe that the strongest statement made by an individual is ACTION. I applaud those who are taking a silent protest, or those who are skeptical about the A.O.T.C. by refusing to see the film the first week. I feel sorry for those who think it's not going to make a difference. Why should everybody jump on the Star Wars Hype and see it the first week. So we can all jump on these message boards and rant about it.

I'm simply saying if you want to take a stance that the movies suck or you think they could be better don't see it at all. I could care less if you see it opening weekend or the last show of the last day. If you're gonna make a statement about something you believe in then do it. Don't give it lip service. Just like Wolfspider saying he wouldn't see it at all. Now that I can respect, that's a statement.


Vengeance Bunny
Re: ...

Harlequin said:

Jus tprooves my point that Lucas is now a businessman
and not a film maker...

EP 1 'Kids and parents' take them for every cent

EP 2 'Lets get the female population now'

EP 3 "Revenge of the Geriatrics"


Women are a little deeper than that, and won't be 'brought in' just because there happens to be a lovestory as part of the movie. Sure, we might like to see some gals on screen, but they aren't required to be mooning over some git just to get our attention. Give us a little more credit, and give some to the men, too.

The romance and it's failure are integral to setting up the three original movies. No romance = no Luke and Leia, and less motivation for Anakin/Vader. That's kind of important, ya?



WotC's bitch
Re: Re: A.O.T.C.

Forlorn said:

So what are we left with?
SW:ANH total dead: Millions
SW:RotJ total dead: Hundreds of thousands

Therefore, we are led to the inescapable conclusion that the quality of the movie is directly proportional to its body count. I KNEW Sly was on to something with Rambo II and III. Man, I can't wait for Rambo IV: Attack of the Bandannas!

Either that, or body count, taken out of context, is a poor measure of machismo and the glorification of brutality. It's 1am here and I'm too tired to figure out which one it is.

Hong "IHBT IHL" Ooi

Voidrunner's Codex

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