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[OT] Stupid stupid life

The Oracle

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For anyone with cabin fever from the winter weather, or feeling blue, it's time to take a trip somewhere and see the world and get away from your problems and yourself, and remember on this trip, which should be somewhere you either already like or would like to go to, is for you, so stop and read those dumb historical markers and go in those bizarre little souvenir shops and try to find the bug museum. Leaving yourself behind and seeing the world will fix you or at the very least, make you forget your problems for awhile.

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Andrea and Company -

There have been quite a few times in my life when I truly believed that my world was ending, when I was so sunk in a grey morass of depression that I was physically ill for quite a while. Yet, looking back on each of those times, I can honestly say that out of all the messiness, something good came out of it. Whether it was a psychological/emotional improvement or something more concrete - the benefit of hindsight makes it a bit easier to handle.

Losing friends and loved ones, through death or distance, isn't ever easy... but it definately makes you appreciate the relationships you do still have even more. When someone with a beautiful gift passes, it's a tragedy that their gift is lost with them, and yet, for the time they were around, that gift helped brighten things up, even if just a little... you have to remember those bright points to help get you through the colder nights...

*chuckles* I know these are just words viewed on a screen, but hopefully you'll find at least a little comfort in them.




Stormprince said:
Yet, looking back on each of those times, I can honestly say that out of all the messiness, something good came out of it. Whether it was a psychological/emotional improvement or something more concrete - the benefit of hindsight makes it a bit easier to handle.

This is true. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Don't worry Andrea

I've lost my girlfriend a month ago
I'm unemployed
I live with my parents
I am in debt
I am not doing so well in college
My car is being a piece of junk

But for the most part, I try to remain optimistic.

What do I have to hang on to to keep me in such?

Good friends, family, and some chick's cell phone number which I managed to get from her after asking her out to coffee! :D

Score for Orion!


First Post
The way I see it, if I feel like I've hit rock bottom, there's no way to go but up.

Yeah, it sounds like unrealistic opitmism. An yet I'm not certain if there is a "rock bottom." If there is, its when you've given in to what brought you down. When life begins to push me around, instead of letting myself lose control, I ask myself:

"Is there something I'm missing? What am I supposed to learn from this?"

I suggest to anybody who's feels down or depressed to ask yourself these questions. You'd be surprised to what you learn.
And then talk to people about your problems...especially with close friends.

Too many people in this world give in to their fears and doubts. Too many people believe that they aren't somebody special.
Too many people leave this world alone, depressed, and in sorrow.

Life is too short to live in fear, self-doubt, anger, or depression.

Everybody is special. Everybody has their own gifts to bring to this world to make it a better place. If you don't think you're somebody special, then you should think about this:

"Somebody who loves or cares about you is probably thinking about you right now."

Its empowering for me to know this. And I hope it helps those out there who read this who feel alone, depressed, or have low self-esteem.



Take care Andrea. Prayers are with you. (Oh yeah, *gasp* a D&D playing Christian... yes, we're out there. ;) )

I know it sounds cheesy but prayer does help, whatever your belief might be. It helps you sort out your thoughts, and in this case, make peace with those that have passed on.

*HUGZ* Take care girl.
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Just remember: things _can_ always get worse - but often, there's nothing you can do about that.

Having said that, the important point is, that as long as you can hold on to some small portion of hope, and stick at it, you can help them get better. It may take a long, long time. Or it could happen tomorrow.

Its damn hard to visualise good when all you feel is bad. Nevertheless, no matter what happens, if it does get worse, or you can't see it getting better, you have to cling to that hope.

Hang in there.

Andrea Mayfair

First Post

Derek/Talon Comics,thanks I´ll grow up to be a better person.

Dr Midnight,perhaps it wasn´t your purpose but sharing your feelings you´ve made my life a bit less gray.Thank you!

The Oracle,right now I also feel like traveling.Anywhere.Right now.Perhaps I´ll leave college for a month or so and do something.Thanks.

Christopher/Stormprince, I don´t care where those words came from.They are very welcome indeed.Thank you!

Lost Soul,yep,I´ll ask Nietzsche about it.Thanks

Talath, thank you very much for saying those magic words:"Don´t worry".
And for your optimism.
Oh and I know your date will be a success.

Wise Ulrick,I wasn´t going to think about it until I saw the answers on this post.But now I know it´s true.

Krug, whatever my beliefs are. thanks for caring!

SableWyvern. I´ll hang in there. Thanks!
Now I understand why this is called a community.

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