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[OT] Stupid stupid life


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Andrea Mayfair said:
I really couldn´t go to bed feeling so bad ,not that I want to go to bed alone now,but now at least I know for sure that there are people thousands of miles away from me,people I´ve never met, that care (even if it´s just a bit) about some stranger´s feelings.
I’m happy to hear you got some much needed rest.

This is a great community, one that people can be proud to be a part of.
I am.
It’s truly amazing that there is a place like this at all, considering the huge number of members it’s very rare indeed.
I just hope everyone realizes how special a place like this is.
There are so many friendly and helpful people here it’s really remarkable.
Lots of people willing to listen, to help, to support, and to give advice.
I’m really glad to see so many of us getting along so well (for the most part).
Don’t let people abuse the Boards, and don’t let people on the boards abuse you.
Keep up the good work everybody and Happy Year Chinese New Year.
Time to goto bed, it's almost 4am here.
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I know I've had a couple of bad years started off by a couple of months of serious troubles, Friend being killed in an accidnet, girlfreind threatening to leave, serious debt issues, being moved on in my job to something useless.. all in the space of a couple of weeks...
But things do get better, it may take longer for some things than others, but I can look back on most of it now adn see how I learned from the experiences..
Now I'm married to the girl who was going to leave, teh job aint great, but now I'm writing for DnD too... I still miss my friend, but I realise that will always be with me, but has helped me to appreciate life a little more.

Time s may seem real hard at the moment, its something you just have to try and ride with, experience, and try to learn what ever you can from it..

Good luck and best wishes, you can mail me direct anytime you feel the need....



Andrea, I've just read your post.
I don't know very well what to say, I'm not good at this kind of messages. I only want you to know that my best wishes are with you. Sometimes life looks horrible, but always there are a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust on life, sometimes it's hard and cruel, but after that it will be happy again!

Muchisimo animo, y si quieres cualquier cosa, escribeme.


Andrea sometimes the life play horrible tricks to you and suddenly it reverse to a positive side.

Last year i was in a horrible job in Paris and breaking with my girlfriend (we were living togethers since 3 years). Everything was dark in my future and all my friends were living in the south of France. And suddenly in one month everything get shiny. I found a new job (game designer for UBI Soft) in the south of France. Waow such a luck.

So i have to tell you Andrea, even in the darkest days you can have hop to get a brighter day.

And i wish you the best for the future.


First Post
Sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences. Sometimes when bad things start to happen, you'll feel a need to question the reasons behind it. One word -- why -- will be consumptive.

Go to the Humane society, or a pet store, and play with the kittens. That solves darn near every emotional problem, at least in a band-aid sense. It's a chance to see small happy creatures, who live in the now and don't worry too much about what the meaning of life is.

It doesn't have to be kittens, but I've found you need to make your own catharsis, or at least open yourself to new experiences that can help form one. Create a closure, an ending to a chapter, and prepare yourself for the next, happier, chapter of your life.

I'm glad you took the time to tell us things were going bad and I know they'll get better now.



Zhure said:

Go to the Humane society, or a pet store, and play with the kittens. That solves darn near every emotional problem, at least in a band-aid sense. It's a chance to see small happy creatures, who live in the now and don't worry too much about what the meaning of life is.

That brought a smile to my face.

And I'm a cynic.

Glad to know we've been of help, Andrea. But remember, I've got your promise now - you're hanging in there. I don't want to have to take Zhure's advice and send round some kittens to sort you out.


*gives Andrea a big hug*

Taking a tip from Grandaddy Gandalf

We all see hard times in our lives, what matters is how we use the time we have to make things not so bad

You control your own destiny, and you control your happiness

So make yourself happy :)

Go pet some kittens, they are so cute and furry

I go to one of my friends sometimes just to play with his cat :)

His cat is so cute


Zhure said:
::cynical society secret handshake::

*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

Just don't let her know that we're really a front for an organisation that knows how to get the absolutely, totally, mostest cuterest ever kittens in the world. And that we're not afraid to use them.
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Three tries. I'm not so bright some days.
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