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D&D 5E Other Classic Adventure Remakes?


Dusty Dragon
I'll cast another vote for The Gates of Firestorm Peak. It would allow another option for integrating psionics, deal with the Far Realm and itrs effects in more detail. and possibly provide a frame for more optional rules modules.

Definitely. There is a lot of "warlock secrets" potential there too that could be use, esp if someone wants to avoid psionics.

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5ever, or until 2024
As I am also running conversions of old modules...and think Curse is the best 5E adventure by a long-shot, yes, that would be great!

I was actually just thinking about this. The first three were sort of mash-ups. Something, something...in the Realms! So there is DL with Red hand of doom...in the Realms! Hidden Temples of Elemental Evil...in the Realms! The D modules plus demonic Alice in Wonderland...in the Realms!

Ravenloft is an expansion of the original, but still quite close to it. So yes, instead of some crazy mash up, maybe they could do more straightforward adaptions of well loved classics...and maybe get similar sells.


I'm sure a lot of people would say Tomb of Horrors, but if Wizards went full hardcore mode with it, that would be pretty damn intense. It seems better suited to convention play than for MOST people's home games.

Actually, Chris Perkins did a conversion of Tomb of Horrors in Dungeon Magazine #213 during the playtest and it works fairly well. Its still really lethal and very faithful to the original material, but the some of insta-die areas have been softened up a little. Those who dislike the original for its deadliness may enjoy this version more. The one issue I found problematic when I ran it is that the Dungeon Delver feat really takes a lot of the steam out of this module, so I'd reccommend either not allowing it or increasing some of the trap DCs.

I'd love to see a remake of B4 The Lost City. It had by far the most original setting of any early module - a lost city in the desert where insane survivors of a fallen civilization battled each other for survival. It also had some unique features like different factions that the party could ally with or fight against.

Unfortunately, the adventure as written is a prime example of the "monster hotel" dungeons that dominated in the early days. But if you took the core ideas and redid the adventure from the ground up it could be amazing.

I think Against the Giants is very likey to be re-done, given the hints given out by Chris Perkins.

Isle of Dread and Keep on the Borderlands seem like they would possibly be good options to be re-done.

Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is something a little different that I could see WotC re-doing.

Hidden Shrine of the Tamoachan is another one that comes to mind.

The Dragonlance series of adventures could get re-done if they wanted to either give it a similar treatment to Curse of Strahd or if they wanted to go even further and bring back the Dragonlance campaign setting. Hopefully the adventures would be a lot less railroady than the original adventures were though.

I think a lot of the 1E adventures would need work done to them to flesh them out as a number of them were pretty bare bones in terms of the details that they provided.

I'm a Dragonlance fan, so of course I would be down for that. I was reading the 3E conversions recently and began to suspect that the edition where it would play best is 13th Age. 13th Age is great at epic fantasy, handwaves the details, and focuses on the high points. In fact, a lot of the modules contain long, long, loooooong dungeon crawls that as a player would feel counter to the spirit of the novels. So I'd love to see an unfaithful reworking of those modules that allow the players to zip around the continent of Krynn being big damn heroes. I think it could work with two books just like Tyranny of Dragons.

Keep on the Borderlands, Isle of Dread, and Against the Giants all have iconic fantasy elements that would be great for a reimagining.

However, what would excite me the most is Against the Slave Lords. My first exposure to those adventures was just a few months ago when I bought the hardback compilation. They have a spark but are limited by originally being conceived as tournament modules. The goal of the players is to smash or think their way through a series of dungeons as quickly as possible. I would like a reimagining to focus on creating a compelling villain and villainous organization, giving their victims a human face, and adopting a structure that is more a sandbox and less of a railroad.


First Post
I'd love to see remakes in the sense of reworked not just converted. I've converted most of my 1e modules already. But fixing some of the egregious dungeon ecology issues, pacing, removing some of the silliness, etc. would be neat, as well as seeing a new perspective on an old adventure as opposed just copy, paste, update.

The two I would like to see are White Plume Mountain and Forgotten Temple of Tharzidun.

Tony Vargas

Now, whether or not WotC SHOULD do more of these is definitely up for debate.
D&D is in the midst of a come-back that started with the OSR movement, and WotC should absolutely be reprising classic modules and settings just as hard as it possibly can. It should be like printing money at this point.

but you could argue that for every remake Wizards does, they could be giving us an entirely new adventure. ...But think of all those awesome adventures that could get this sort of lavish update...
A lavish re-make could easily be expanded to include a lot of new material.
Best of both worlds.

I'm sure a lot of people would say Tomb of Horrors, but if Wizards went full hardcore mode with it, that would be pretty damn intense. It seems better suited to convention play than for MOST people's home games.
Was re-done not long ago. It was actually presented as both a playable high-level module and a lower-level deathtrap, and made a nice sourcebook, as well. Pulling that off in 5e under bounded accuracy should be even easier.
The Isle of Dread:
Like Tomb of Horrors this classic has already been re-done recently. Still, could be cool. A whole adventure path could be set there.

Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
The original idea of that one was to cross-promote Gamma World. If we ever get a 5e-mechanics version of Gamma World (which'd be something like the 8th edition of that game, btw), reprising EttBP could be awesome.


I don't think it's by any stretch considered a classic, but the late 2E era trilogy of adventure modules in the Momstrous Arcannaseries that focused on Mind Flayers have a lot of potential for a reworking. The adventures were called A Darkness Gathering, Masters of Eternal Night, and Dawn of the Overmind. All were written by Bruce Cordell, and they were supported by The Illithiad Monsteous Arcana supplement.

The plot revolves around Mind Flayers trying to darken the sun, and it had a lot of cool elements. Definitely some weak spots and some flaws, but plenty of potential for a revision. If they did the adventure path approach, they could also include rules for psionics and possibly for space travel.

I think that would be a smart choice to go with...iconic villains, psionics mechanics, space travel rules, and it's not as well known so they wouldn't need to be slaves to the source material.

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