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D&D 5E Out of the Abyss IC



Kamael accepted Raza's assistance, trying to recover his strength from the long swim. Although the last meal had been plentiful, it would take more than one meal to make up for the days of starvation.

He carefully inspected the shore line, trying to locate a suitable vantage point from which he could use his ranged spells and avoid melee.

[sblock=status]Kamael hp 22/22
AC 15
Inspiration yes, Tides of Chaos yes, Concentrating no
Slots 3/4 3/3
SP: 3/4
HD: 4/4

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Credit: WotC . . . Cartographer: Jared Blando

Google Drawing editable map [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION]​

The group huddled in the water under the dock. Several members used crab-Raza's shell for buoyancy. The six kuo-toa and Plooploopeen's lightning priest hung back at the rear of the formation, as did Ce'rek, who proved capable of treading water on his own. The goblin hissed and spit, however, unhappy at being wet, and unreasonably nervous at his new surroundings. Solace closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stilled herself. Shuffling sounds could be heard in the dark, as could slapping noises. These sounds came from relatively close at hand, somewhere to the south. The air was rank with the odor of fetid entrails.

[sblock=Perception DC 10]Six kuo-toa work at the altar of the Deep Father, cleaning and arranging offerings. A kuo-toa lightning priest is there, too, but hangs back a bit on the far side of the altar. [sblock=Perception DC 15]Although you can't see anything, there are additional sounds coming from the south, perhaps 90 or 100 feet away, give or take. It's pitch black, so it's hard to tell. [/sblock][/sblock]

OOC: A note about the map and directions. North is to the right on the map. South is therefore to the left. The top of the map is West. The bottom of the map is East. Brinn will have trouble seeing in the dark (no darkvision and no light source). Raza can make use of her 30' blindsense while wildshaped. Kago, Kamael, Solace, and Ce'rek all have 60' darkvision.
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Raza Thulcandra

The problem with becoming a beast, Raza-Crab thought, was the difficulty in communication. She gently shook Kamael loose then slowly edged up onto the shore giving the others time to rearrange themselves. Cautiously she moved forward until she could sense the movement of one of the kuo-toans. The scrape and tap of her chitinous legs sounded too loud to her senses; she hoped it wasn't so in reality.

If any kuo-toan notices her, she will wave her claws about menacingly. If any move to attack, she will scuttle off south behind the shacks on the wharf.

[sblock=OOC]Raza Stealth: 1D20+5 = [5]+5 = 10

Str 13 (+1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 11 (+0)
Hit Points 13, HD 3
Speed 30, Swim 30
Blindsight 30 ft
Claw: +3 1d6+1 B, target grappled (escape DC 11; two claws to grapple)
(gear absorbed)
[sblock=Raza, in brief]
[size=+1]Raza Thulcandra[/size], halfling Druid 4
Initiative: +3; Inspiration: No
AC: 14, Current: 14; HP: 31/31; Speed: 25 ft

Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 11 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)

Conditions: Darkvision
Saves: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +5
Skills: Insight +5, Perception +5, Religion +2, Stealth +5
Senses: passive Perception 15

In Hand:
Spells Prepared: (7) (Grimoire)
  • 2nd level: 2/2; Darkvision, Flame Blade*, Lesser Restoration, Spider Climb (circle), Spike Growth (circle)
  • 1st level: 4/4; Absorb Elements*, Cure Wounds*, Faerie Fire, Goodberry
  • Cantrips: Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Produce Flame, Guidance
* can be cast at higher level
Spell Attack: +5; Spell save DC 13

Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Naturally Stealthy, Natural Recovery 2/2
Wild Shape 1/2 (2 hour duration)
Hit Dice 4/4 (1/2 total HD restored at long rest)

Kuo-toa pack, 1/2 ration, 1/2 full waterskin, focus (obsidion)
Driftglobe: light (at will); 1/1 daylight
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 Time to go, Kamael realised when Raza moved off. He tapped Solace on the shoulder and beckoned her to come with him, then cautiously moved off to their left until one of the huts blocked the shrine from sight. He kept moving around the back of the hut until a winding corridor between two huts gave him a view again. Then he hid and waited for the others to launch the attack.

Moving to y15, will take a round or so to get there moving at 3 squares.

Ready an action once there to cast create bonfire on the shrine when someone gets spotted or the attack starts.

CB, similar question arises with respect to create bonfire- do i have to maintain line of sight as well as concentration, or can I cast it and then move back behind the huts? Can't remember what we decided and it's slightly different to earthen grasp since there is no secondary action.

[sblock=status]Kamael hp 22/22
AC 15

Inspiration no, Tides of Chaos yes, Concentrating no

Slots 3/4 3/3
SP: 3/4
HD: 4/4


Credit: WotC . . . Cartographer: Jared Blando
Google Draw map

Crab-Raza scuttled forward, enormous mottled blue claws clacking and waving with menace. At her approach, all the kuo-toa by the totem--save one--hurriedly dropped their baskets of kelp and fish, and darted to safety behind the altar. One kuo-toa, larger and more assertive than the others, slowly shuffled forward. It croaked at crab-Raza, "Back to the lake with you! You'll get your meal when we're done!" The kuo-toa sported a trident and wore the same sort of emblem about its neck--a twisted bit of dull metal on a cord--that the lightning-wielding priests wore.

----- . . . ------

No one seemed to notice Kamael or Solace, both of whom stalked silently 'round the backside of a reed hut across the open area, north of the altar. Similarly, Ce'rek and two of Plooploopeen's kuo-toa flunkies darted from the wharf everyone initially hid beneath to the next wharf to the south; there, the trio waited, watching Kago, Brinn, and Plooploopeen's lightning warrior.

OOC: Tongues is still in effect, so anyone within hearing distance can hear and understand (probably only Raza, since we're using ten-foot squares).

[sblock=Create Bonfire]
Elemental Evil Player's Guide said:
Create Bonfire
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a bonfire on ground that you can see within range. Until the spells ends, the bonfire fills a 5-foot cube. Any creature in the bonfire’s space when you cast the spell must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 fire damage. A creature must also make the saving throw when it enters the bonfire’s space for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.

The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
I don't remember what we decided, or if I hadn't decided this issue yet. I need to re-read the threads (and hope it was a discussion that occurred prior to May 6, else it was eaten in the database crash) before I can answer definitively. For now, let's keep the game moving and agree the wording of create bonfire requires line of sight to cast and set the initial bonfire, then does not require line of sight to maintain during the Concentration phase of the spell. If, after reading, I find I've previously ruled otherwise (or if I hadn't ruled yet but think it through and decide to go the other way), I'll say so in the OOC.


Kago knows that a fully-armored orc has little chance of stealth once he leaves the water, so he remains hidden until the others get into their preferred positions. At that point, he targets the lightning-wielder and lets loose with a spell of his own. Gruumsh has seen fit to test him this day, however, and the Guiding Boltgoes wide of its intended target.

[B]AC:[/B] 18; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]31[/COLOR]/31
[B]Initiative:[/B] -1
[B]Saves:[/B] WIS +5, CHA +2
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 13
[B]Languages:[/B] Orc, Common, Goblin
Darkvision 60 ft.
[B]Skills:[/B] Athletics +5, Insight +5, Medicine +5, Survival +5
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 16 (+3), Dex 8 (-1) , Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 10 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No
-[B]Channel Divinity (2 uses per short or long rest)[/B]? 1.[ ] 2.[ ]
-[B]War Priest[/B] (bonus action, 3 uses per long rest): 1.[ ] 2.[ ] 3.[ ]

[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B]  1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (5) [URL="http://ephe.github.io/grimoire/"](Grimoire)[/URL]
[*][B]Cantrips:[/B] Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy
[*][B]Domain Spells:[/B] Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
[*][B]1st Level:[/B] Create or Destroy Water (*), Cure Wounds (*), Guiding Bolt (*), Healing Word (*), Inflict Wounds (*)
[*][B]2nd Level:[/B] Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing (*)
(*) can be cast at higher levels

OOC: Awesome. Let's do this.

Roll initiative, all of you. [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION], [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION], [MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION], [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION]. Yavathol, will you please roll init for Solace?


I'm not sure, thinking about it now, whether you can ready an action before combat starts - when would it take place? Probably better just to cast the create bonfire on my initiative turn:)


Voidrunner's Codex

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