D&D 5E Out of the Abyss OOC


Excellent! Then tomorrow morning when I am less tired and theoretically less prone to making mistakes I'll put pen to paper and get Raza, halfling druid worked out in full.

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Great! So we currently have a monk, cleric, druid and rogue or barbarian. That helps me decide on Kamael, in order for us to have an arcane caster in the party:)

[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], does this help you choose?

Kago is vetted and I've supplied comments via PM [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION]. Please post his sheet in Community >> Characters. Link's in the OP of this thread, under "RG," but I'll post it again here for everyone's ease of reference:


If the link doesn't work, I'll want to know. It works for me but maybe that's because I was the community creator and am logged in.

Anything I post in the Community is absolutely fair game for you to look at. I ask that you not disseminate the maps, however. I paid for those, they're the player versions (I have the DM versions, and will not be posting those), they were somewhat expensive, and Jared Blando (the OotA cartographer) sells them on his website. If you're interested in supporting his work, here is a link to his site: http://theredepic.bigcartel.com/. I checked with Jared, and he let me know that I could use them for PbP so long as our use was limited to our game, not for profit, not for distribution, and credited both Wizards of the Coast as the owner and Jared Blando as the cartographer. [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION] knows there's more to IP law than that, but that's a bare-bones gloss that, if we're careful to observe, should help. I've credited the map of Velkynvelve I posted in the Community. If ever you see me post a map (or any other image) without such a credit, I'd appreciate an immediate head's up so I can fix my error.

The maps really are nicely done. I hope you enjoy them. Jared does good work.


Kago is vetted and I've supplied comments via PM [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION]. Please post his sheet in Community >> Characters. Link's in the OP of this thread, under "RG," but I'll post it again here for everyone's ease of reference:


If the link doesn't work, I'll want to know. It works for me but maybe that's because I was the community creator and am logged in.

The link works fine. I'll get Kago situated and settled into the RG sometime today. I did have a question about his background story... is that kind of what you were looking for? I didn't go into detail on his past really.. not much to tell about a raiding band of orcs, but I figure I could try to give some insight as to how he got where he is and his current mindset. Hope that works.


Background's great. Did I miss saying that? If so, it was pure oversight as I likely couldn't squeeze it into my already overlong PM.

What I intended to say was, "Holla! Background works really well. It's short, gives me a potential plot hook in that I can, if I choose, torment Kago with an NPC who he recognizes as a drow marauder on his tribe, and delicately bluntly provides a motivation and a goal for Kago (he will attempt to slaughter any drow he sees)."

I particularly admire the spartanness of the word choice. Takes real skill to say much in few words.
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