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Outcasts Forever: Issue #1 - Red America

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Rogue Warrior
Captain America (HP 5/6, 3 lethal, 2 stun)

Inside Avengers Mansion
Early afternoon
Iron Man said:
The look of surprise quickly changes over to anger at Cap. "And how are you going to 'handle' this assignment? You're just gonna pop up and kill a guy that really has committed no crime? He's the only one that didn't try to kill us or doesn't that matter?
Tony's voice is quickly rising in volume as he gets going. I guess beer guts are good for something.
Jack stopped in his tracks. His mask was on and he knew it had an effect on people. It wasn't scary like Spider-Man or Black Panther or DareDevil but, people respected the mask. His eyes glared at Tony like he had the power to vaporize him with his vision alone. His voice was stern and commanding. There was no doubt that this man was indeed Captain America.

"I don't know exactly how Bucky will be stopped. But he will. And he will not die. Don't worry about the plan. You can have another drink and polish your chest plate. I'm Captain America. I'll come up with a plan."

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Gideon said:
The look of surprise quickly changes over to anger at Cap. "And how are you going to 'handle' this assignment? You're just gonna pop up and kill a guy that really has committed no crime? He's the only one that didn't try to kill us or doesn't that matter?

Tony's voice is quickly rising in volume as he gets going. I guess beer guts are good for something.

Carol still feels like she's been runover by every truck in the states. She doesn't get angry or heated up like Tony but almost unconsciously takes a step closer to him as she agrees.
"He's right we can't kill him."

CaptainAmerica said:
"I don't know exactly how Bucky will be stopped. But he will. And he will not die. Don't worry about the plan. You can have another drink and polish your chest plate. I'm Captain America. I'll come up with a plan."

Looks like they had just one more truck left for me. Of course he won't kill him.
Still the outburtst is real shoking, and she's not enterily sure if she likes all that determination to succeed.
"You seem to hate that reality a lot but is it realy right to just unmake it? I've seen some people who don't even exist in our reality. What will happen to them?"



Radiant said:
"You seem to hate that reality a lot but is it realy right to just unmake it? I've seen some people who don't even exist in our reality. What will happen to them?"

"It's hard to say. If we succeed, we will have corrected this reality, but that doesn't mean it will conform exactly to any of ours. Yes, it is possible that by changing the past, we will erase their Carol's daughter from history, but it's also possible that we will enable her to grow up in a free country, raised by loving parents. If we still had access to the Soviets' biographical records, we could . . ."

Hank paused, and set his coffee cup down. "Vision IV. He downloaded the files before we left."


First Post
Iron Man, 4/6 HP, 1S/2 L, -3 Armor

Swallowing hard and keeping his gaze on those eyes, Tony's voice has lost most of it's fury but holds something like resolve

"Comrade Russia used to be Captain America too. That mask doesn't make you infallible."

You are fighting with Captain America, dumbass. Self-doubt starts it's inevitable crawl through the haze that anger had brought. A smoldering resolve found itself forming from the one thought Tony's alcholic mind grasped onto Never be bullied. Never let others be bullied.


Rogue Warrior
Captain America (HP 5/6, 3 lethal, 2 stun)

Inside Avengers Mansion
Early afternoon

Captain America stared at Tony and changed his stare to Carol when she spoke. Then back to Tony. Whatever defenses he had up, whatever emotions he had turned off, their words somehow got through to him. He walked back to the table, propping his shield next to his chair. He pulled off his mask and then his gloves. Finally, he looked up at each of them. "You're right."

He looked around the room as he spoke, setting his gaze on each of them at some point. He had learned long ago that it made the people feel like he was speaking only to them. He did not do that intentionally. He was speaking to them as some of his most trusted friends.

"I forgot who I am. And more importantly, I forgot who you are. You may not be my Avengers, the Tony Stark who built me a custom bike to let me know I didn't need to prove myself, the Carol Danvers who has been a great friend and more to me, the Hank McCoy who coached me on my speeches when I needed it, the Janet Van Dyne who nominated me as Chairperson when the others voted for her, the Edwin Jarvis who dug up my birth date and baked me a cake, the Vision who asked to have my brainwaves added to Simon's so he could feel like a brother to me as well. You are not any of those people."

Jack's voice did not tremble however, it was a much calmer, more everyday tone. "You are the Avengers. You are my teammates and you are my friends. I earned the trust and respect of the Avengers on my world and having to battle their counterparts here made me stop being Captain America and drop into soldier mode. That's not who I am. I'm Jack Monroe and I am a friend to anyone and everyone in this room." With his last words, Jack smiled at Sandman and reached over and shook his hand with both of his.

"Now let's do what the Avengers (or Ultimates) do and figure out how to save this boy's life."

kid A

First Post

Flint listened in awe as Captain America spoke. The man was downright inspiring. Flint had led a somewhat questionable life before joining the Ultimates, but it was men like this whom he aspired to be like. It seemed that in almost any timeline, in almost any dimension, in almost any universe, Captain America was one of the most inspiring men you could find.

Flint gladly accepted Cap's hand and shook it vigorously. Despite his lack of grace in public speaking, he replied, "S**t, Cap, you KNOW we're gonna help you figger this one out." Looking around the room, Flint asked, "Well? Am I right?"


First Post
Keia said:
Vision IV took a closer to Vision as well, "Yes, brother?"

This was a risk of course, but this other Vision had not yet decived him or the others yet and Wanda probably wouldn't be to happy with him if she found out but when else would he have a chance like this.

"Your ability to communicate and infiltrate computers at a distance is an interesting... ability. One that I could use to great benifit in any further missions that I am part of, would you show me how you accomplish this?"


First Post

White fire burns in Binary's eyes for a split second, she still has trouble accepting the Sandman as an Avenger. Maybe it's just her mood.
He deserves a chance, others have changed and he's not even from my world.
"I'm with you Cap. I'm just not happy about this whole thing."
She turns and leaves the room looking more tired than anything else. Sometimes fate just dishes out more than she can take.
The next few hours go by as she wanders aimlessly through the mansion and fighting the urge to shred her human form and worries right here. Turning into Binary would wreak havoc on the mansion but she's sure she could not control herself if she didn't know that this might cause them all to die while they travel between dimensions. As it is she just curses her luck for the millionth time in her life.
I could realy use one of Tony's drinks right now.


I aim to misbehave
Inside Avengers Mansion - Foyer Area (Main Floor)
Early afternoon


Vision said:
"Your ability to communicate and infiltrate computers at a distance is an interesting... ability. One that I could use to great benifit in any further missions that I am part of, would you show me how you accomplish this?"
“Of course, brother,” Vision IV replied. “As the elder brother, I feel it is my responsibility to help you in any way I can. Allow me to give you a greater glimpse into the world of machines . . . .”

Vision felt the gentle flow of new data entering his matrix - gone was the sudden jolts he had felt previously. Almost immediately the data became coding and the coding inserted into permanently into Vision’s ‘mind.’ He could feel the nearness of it all . . . the life of everything that had a computer or computer chip . . . the lines of life flowing through the mansion itself.

“Do you feel it, brother?” Vision IV inquired. “The life of everything non-organic and capable of thought. It will take some time to become accustomed to . . . I have coded your ability to access this world by tactile sensation initially – at least until this environment becomes more stable for you. You should be able to recode the data to allow yourself to access this at range . . . should I no longer be around.”


First Post
Keia said:
“Do you feel it, brother?” Vision IV inquired. “The life of everything non-organic and capable of thought. It will take some time to become accustomed to . . . I have coded your ability to access this world by tactile sensation initially – at least until this environment becomes more stable for you. You should be able to recode the data to allow yourself to access this at range . . . should I no longer be around.”

"Indeed brother," he says as he scans the area around him. "It almost calls out to me, as you state caution is required though, it would be almost too easy to get lost in it. Thank you for this gift."

"You spoke of not being around, have you come to a decision on how you are going to proceed?"

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