Pathfinder 1E Paizo no longer publishing Dungeon and Dragon


First Post
Friadoc said:
Well, it is their message board and you're a guest there, just like we're a guest here.

My suggestion, if you truly wish to organize such a thing, start a website or blog to organize it and remove the stuff from your sig so you don't get nailed.

Sure. I am fully aware of the fact, that I am a guest (and customer). I did not start the thing though. I have just join. But anyway, I refused to remove it. They can ban me for sure, but they will just make me boycotting them - which is paradoxly the essence of boycott.

This is my anwer to them...

Dear moderators of this forums, I am fully aware of the consequences of using this signature. Although I respect you, your work and the message boards etiquette, I can not do otherwise but to leave the message, where it is.

I feel, that my rights of a citizen and customer to express my anger and hate of the decision are overshadowing anything else. I firmly believe the only right thing to do here and now is to stand and fight. It is nothing personal, I am just not ready to be gagged so easily.

The right for civil disobedience is the fundamental part of the democracy. So with all due respect, I can not bow and shut my mouth.

I am ready to face the consequences and any disciplinary actions you are ready to apply. Still this is nothing personal. This is matter of principle.

Politely yours


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Nightfall said:
See that's my advantage. Dad likes me enough to spread his will across the planes. So yeah I feel for you, but hey that's the way these things go.

Like I said, I don't want Mormons around my dark dreary castles. :p ;)

Well, that ain't too hard, just enthrall some hari krisnas, mine them, and use them like fire and forget torpedos.

Problem solved and, come the rains, you've got some new fish ponds.


Alnag said:
Sure. I am fully aware of the fact, that I am a guest (and customer). I did not start the thing though. I have just join. But anyway, I refused to remove it. They can ban me for sure, but they will just make me boycotting them - which is paradoxly the essence of boycott.

This is my anwer to them...

Nice answer, however freedom of speech protects you from the government infringing upon it, not a company whose boards you're a member of, at their leisure.

Don't let me talk you out of fighting the good fight, but self-martyring yourself by thinking that you're in the right, when you're not, is sort of a waste.

It is WotC's board, you agree to a EULA when you signed up, or at least guidelines that you agreed to, and it gives them all the power.

In the end, truly, no one has any ability to force the owner of a message board to let them post content that they do not agree with.

You're, by far, on a lot more stable ground if you setup your own blog, organize from there, and direct people to it.

It's about as close to real free speech, on-line at least, as you're bound to get. Either that, or setting up your own web space or presence.


Dannyalcatraz said:
Man, you get some people a taste of freedom and they actually want to exercise it?

Well said, Alnag.

Oh, he's making an excellent point, but the problem is that he's making it from WotC's lobby, not the sidewalk in front of the company.

They can't do much to you if you do it all from outside their resources, but when you do it from inside, not only could they ban you from the site, but they could go and remove any and all of your posts, if they find them questionable.

My recommendation, fight the good fight, but do it from your own resources.

Heck, there are TONS of free bloggers out there. LiveJournal. Blogger, which I think Google is part of now, or vice versus.

Go for it.

Digital sit-in and, unlike the real do, you can do stuff while doing it. ;)

Like go bathroom, eat, take a shower, and so on. :D


First Post
I've just reactivated my dormant Wizards boards account to state my displeasure (I basically stopped going there once I doscovered EnWorld), and to insert that line into my sig.

They can take whatever punitive action they deem necessary.


Staff member
Actually, I like that he and others are making their point in WotC's lobby.

If someone's giving you a message to your face, you can't ignore it.

And obviously, they aren't. They intend to crack down on the message.

It would be interesting to see just how many people get "disciplined" over this.


Thurbane said:
I've just reactivated my dormant Wizards boards account to state my displeasure (I basically stopped going there once I doscovered EnWorld), and to insert that line into my sig.

They can take whatever punitive action they deem necessary.


Now that's funny.

That's hilarious.

I like it.

Alnag, this is how you have to approuch it, knowing that they'll probably disable your account, but do it anyway.



Dannyalcatraz said:
Actually, I like that he and others are making their point in WotC's lobby.

If someone's giving you a message to your face, you can't ignore it.

And obviously, they aren't. They intend to crack down on the message.

It would be interesting to see just how many people get "disciplined" over this.

True, they can't ignore it, but they can also throw you right out on your butt for doing it.

Also, as many union folk will tell you, they can't really ignore you outfront either AND they can't, legally at least, kick you out on your butt. ;)

I wonder, too, how many will get serious about the idea, I think the key factor will be a combination of age and passion.

Odds are, if most the people involved are in their mid to late twenties and passionate about it, then I could see a big organization. But, if they're more passionate than older, it'll be a lot of talk and planning without any real substance.

I know that sounds cold, but I've grown use seeing all the flash of youth and little substance when it comes to movements.

Now there are exceptions and those gems, in their mid to late teens and early twenties, are well on their way to being socially active people of thought and substance.

Unfortunately, as of late, they're the exception, not the rule.

We'll see, though.

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