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Pathfinder 2E Paizo's Stephen Radney-MacFarland Previews The Rogue Class For Pathfinder 2nd Edition!

We saw the fighter last week; today it's the turn of the rogue! Paizo's Stephen Radney-MacFarland gives the inside scoop on rogue features, and feats.

We saw the fighter last week; today it's the turn of the rogue! Paizo's Stephen Radney-MacFarland gives the inside scoop on rogue features, and feats.


Rogue by Wayne Reynolds

What do we know from this latest blog entry? Here's some class features:

  • Sneak Attack (1st level) -- Rogues get Sneak Attack as their first class feature. Extra d6s of damage vs. flat-footed foes (such as flanked enemies, or those who fall victim to the Surprise Attack feature).
  • Surprise Attack (1st level) -- "during the first round of combat, the rogue treats any creature that has not taken its turn yet as if it were flat-footed."
  • Debilitating Strike (9th level) -- entangle or enfeeble targets in addition to damage. Higher levels add more conditions.
  • Master Strike (19th level) -- ... culminating in Master Strike, which is an insta-kill at 19th level.
  • More skill ranks, proficiencies, and skill feats than any other class. One skill feat per level rather than every other level.
And here's some class feats a rogue can take:

  • Nimble Dodge -- +2 AC at a whim.
  • Mobility (2nd level) -- move half speed and ignore reactions like attacks of opportunity.
  • Reactive Pursuit (4th level) -- a sticky ability which allows the rogue to chase after foes who try to disengage.
  • Dead Striker (4th level) -- treat frightened creatures as flat-footed.
  • Gang Up (6th level) -- treat enemies within melee range of of your an ally as flat-footed.
  • Twist the Knife (6th level) -- if you do sneak attack damage, do ongoing bleeding damage equal to half your sneak attack dice.
  • Instant Opening (14th level) -- make a creature within 30' flat-footed until the end of your next turn.
  • Cognitive Loophole -- ignore a mental effect for a round before it takes hold.
  • Blank Slate (16th level) -- immune to detection, revelation, and scrying effects.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I'm not a Pathfinder guy, what does "flat-footed" mean in PF?
It’s a situational debuff that gives enemies +2 to hit a creature that has it (or gives the creature -2 AC? I’m not sure which way they apply the modifier, but either way, flat-footed creatures are 10% easier to hit.) A creature is considered flat-footed under a number of circumstances, including when it is being flanked and when it can’t perceive its attacker. Basically combat advantage from 4e, only a debuff that applies to the victim instead of a buff that applies to the attacker.

It's WotC and 4e/5e all over again. I'm sick of RPG companies doing this. Stick with one edition and just enhance it or clean it up in a new edition, quit overhauling entire systems!

I like 1E a lot and publish for it, but still get comments from folks saying that I should stick with 0D&D. ;)

joe b.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I think a few things are happening here.

First, Paizo got ripped for going pretty far with the fighter. I think they consciously showed components of the Rogue that are familiar to appease the players that were freaking out about the fighter.
I hope you’re right about this being the reason they didn’t show anything particularly interesting for the rogue, and not just that all the rogue has is Sneak Attack and skills.

Second, one method of making higher level play work is to expand the feel of low level to higher level. This means powers that were traditionally given out earlier in PF1 now show up later. Assuming all classes do this, then the rogue won't suffer.

I think some of the learnings that both WotC and Paizo have learned is that too many features that cause cognitive overload at lower levels is an issue. If you can create new options without cognitive overload at low levels, then slide cognitive overload features to higher levels, you expand the game play range that most people use. I feel this is the path that PF is taking but I have no actual proof yet.
But that only fixes the math of high level. It doesn’t fix the fact that it can easily take a year of real-life time to get there. I don’t want to have to spend 8 months doing nothing more engaging in combat than maneuvering to the right position to make my damage output not suck before I can actually start applying some interesting debuffs. I’m all for the general idea of spreading the cognitive load of a class out over a few levels so new players don’t get overwhelmed, but Debilitating Strikes seem to be the one thing they’ve shown that gives Rogues actual choices to make in combat. Otherwise it’s just auto-pilot: can you get Sneak Attack? If yes, Attack. If no, attempt to move to a flanking position (or whatever circumstance your Feats allow you to Sneak Attack under.) Repeat until you’ve earned enough experience to actually start getting choices to make. The amount of time Rogues should be forced to spend playing that way should be as small as possible. If the Fighter is getting to choose between Power Attack, that Attack that lets them frighten the target on a hit for two actions, or that attack that lets you slow an enemy with a bow attack by 6th level, a rogue should be choosing which Debilitating Strike to apply at around the same time.

If they want to put boring Feats like Shield bonus to Reflex at 14th level, I don’t really care because I’ll probably never play one campaign for that long. But I shouldn’t have to wait until my character is already half way to 20 before getting the first Feat that gives me something cool to do.

On a different not, I think there are some interesting choices for rogue players with what they have chosen to show. You can go the mobility route moving around without provoking. You can go the sticky route and move with enemies that try to move away from you. You can make it easier to get off your sneak attack with some of the new feats (no longer needing flank, etc). And all of this is before you take Ancestry and Skill feats into the equation. I think there are plenty of options and things to do.
Those are interesting build choices, but they don’t give you interesting choices to make from turn to turn. Ancestry and Skill Feats might provide some interesting in-the-moment choices, but it sucks that the Class has to rely on those alone when other classes can get the same Feats and get interesting choices from their Class Feats.

Edit: Also, don't forget the rogue has 3 actions a round as well like the fighter. This could mean multiple attacks, or setting up a sneak attack and attempting that twice (at least I don't think SA is limited to once a round...). At any rate. The 3 action system I think heavily impacts the rogue at lower levels.
Sure, but the Fighter gets choices of what to do with those actions. Charge and attack a second time, or move regularly and Power Attack? Or charge and raise shield? Raise shield and Power Attack, or Power Attack and regular attack? In place of that, the Rogue seems to get a simple heuristic: Use the smallest number of actions as necessary to enable you to use Sneak Attack. Spend all remaining actions attacking as many times as possible.


First Post
Charlaquin, you could very well be right. For the moment, I'm of the opinion that the more interesting things for the rogue are still to come. I also think the 3 action system will make things more interesting for the rogue than at first glance.


First Post
I didn't see anything too substantial on them being ripped for going with the fighter. The fighter reveal told us one thing we already knew (only fighters getting AoO by default) and then gave us like 5 feats and a couple class features. All were received pretty well other than perhaps the level 14 shield vs dragonfire thing. There was really nothing in the fighter reveal that was really shocking. I read through the Paizo thread and that got way less pushback then proficiency or resonance and the the pathfinder reddit thread was almost 100% in support of it.


I'm not a Pathfinder guy, what does "flat-footed" mean in PF?
It’s a situational debuff that gives enemies +2 to hit a creature that has it (or gives the creature -2 AC? I’m not sure which way they apply the modifier, but either way, flat-footed creatures are 10% easier to hit.) A creature is considered flat-footed under a number of circumstances, including when it is being flanked and when it can’t perceive its attacker. Basically combat advantage from 4e, only a debuff that applies to the victim instead of a buff that applies to the attacker.

Flanking your target gets you a +2 to hit, but being flanked and being flat-footed are orthoganal.

Flat-Footed: At the start of a battle, before you have had a chance to act (specifically, before your first regular turn in the initiative order), you are flat-footed. You can't use your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) while flat-footed. Barbarians and rogues of high enough level have the uncanny dodge extraordinary ability, which means that they cannot be caught flat-footed. Characters with uncanny dodge retain their Dexterity bonus to their AC and can make attacks of opportunity before they have acted in the first round of combat. A flat-footed character can't make attacks of opportunity, unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Flanking your target gets you a +2 to hit, but being flanked and being flat-footed are orthoganal.

Flat-Footed: At the start of a battle, before you have had a chance to act (specifically, before your first regular turn in the initiative order), you are flat-footed. You can't use your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) while flat-footed. Barbarians and rogues of high enough level have the uncanny dodge extraordinary ability, which means that they cannot be caught flat-footed. Characters with uncanny dodge retain their Dexterity bonus to their AC and can make attacks of opportunity before they have acted in the first round of combat. A flat-footed character can't make attacks of opportunity, unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat.
That’s in PF1. This thread is discussing PF2, in which there is no separate Flat-Footed AC, attacking a Flat-Footed creature gives you +2 to hit it (or the creature has -2 AC? Again, I’m not 100% clear which side they add the modifier to),flanking a creature allows you to treat it as flat-footed, and creatures are not automatically flat-footed before they have acted on the first round of combat, though there is a 1st level rogue feature that allows rogues specifically to treat creatures that haven’t acted on the first round as flat-footed.


That’s in PF1. This thread is discussing PF2, in which there is no separate Flat-Footed AC, attacking a Flat-Footed creature gives you +2 to hit it (or the creature has -2 AC? Again, I’m not 100% clear which side they add the modifier to),flanking a creature allows you to treat it as flat-footed, and creatures are not automatically flat-footed before they have acted on the first round of combat, though there is a 1st level rogue feature that allows rogues specifically to treat creatures that haven’t acted on the first round as flat-footed.

Ok, I wasn't aware they had revealed this kind of detail yet, so I assumed JRedmond was referring to PF1.


First Post
It's a debuff on the creature, so its a -2 penalty.

The point with these blogs is they're just going and giving some class feats that a character can take. There is a lot we don't know. Are we for example sure that all "feats" revealed so far are rogue or fighter only? For example it would be odd if Power Attack was a fighter only feat. It is quite possible that some of these feats shown so far are general feats that synergize with what the class does, hence they revealed them here. Also they haven't written a blog on the skill system. We know some of how it works from proficiency, but we don't know how many skills have been condensed (we know there is Deception, Thievery and that Athletics has absorbed swim/climb) and what they're capable of. So with that we have 2 class blogs which basically both revealed 5-10 feats as well as some class features that are locked. (weapon training, sneak attack)

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