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Paladin of Wee Jas


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There is a thread in the General Forum that discussed the plausibility of this. I found it interesting and would like to know how you would approach generating such a PC. Lets go with ECL 10 all WotC books allowed. Id like the PC to exemplify (right word?) Wee Jas while still being all paladin-y. I think that because Wee Jas allows evil followers their will be interesting RP possibilities in game and that sounds fun. I realize this is rather open-ended but thanks for the help anyway.

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How about a human paladin 6/cursader 4? He or she wears black armor with a ruby colored cloak. They wield a greatsword made of adamantine with a ruby set in the pommel. Lots of ranks in diplomacy, knowledge (religion), and sense motive with some cross-class ranks in knowledge (arcana). The character has a healthy respect for order, and magic and despises non-Wee-jasian undead. Feats would include power attack, true believer, extra turning, sacred vengenance, and the TOB feat that lets you heal when you recover a manuever.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'd make a paladin with an anti-undead PrC and probably some feats from Libris Mortis and be a mace-swinging bane of intelligent undead, myself. For flavor, I might grab the Necropolis-Born feat from Complete Arcane, giving the paladin some low level undead-friendly spells from level one.


I've done this concept before an enjoyed it immensely. 'Lemme let you about my character' ;):
1) The paladin was quite gullible and believed everything that religions teach... fervently concluding that death was a blessing (i.e. it freed creatures to continue into an after-life). Given the cosmology of D&D (and absolute proof of an after-life) this actually wasn't all that incorrect.
2) His single level in sorcerer allowed him to readily use true strike in conjunction with power-attack, spirited charge and smite (in order to better bestow "blessings")
3) He enjoyed frequent use of 1st level wands (or 0-level ones, like prestidigitation to allow him to always look his best).
4) In addition to his lance, he also used a scythe
5) He frequently rode a pale horse.
6) He later started riding a skeletal horse which he animated himself (good sorcerers can actually cast this, it is just good clerics that cannot).
7) He acquired a (Wee Jas) clerical cohort that could animate dead (his party later told him that good clerics could not do this, so he gave her up).
8) His over-riding desire was to die (although, to take his own life would be against doctrine), and he would often be upset when his party kept stabilizing and healing him whenever he was dieing.
9) Since he viewed dying as a blessing, he would ensure that particularly hated enemies were not slain.
10) He would sometimes slay (as a reward) small animals that had rendered him aid (the party quickly discouraged that).
11) He went by the name "Petite Mort"
12) After he finally (and happily) died, his former cohort raised him as a ghost.

The (detailed) character background is available on request.
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In the spirit of the other thread: Paladin 4/Crusader 1/Ruby Knight Vindicator 5, for a 10th level character. After maxing out KoWJ, take more in Crusader!

Or, for the "Fallen into Darkness" option, Ex-Paladin 1/Crusader 5/Blackguard 3/RKV 1 (continue with RKV).

Or, for the "Born into Darkness" option, Crusader 6/Blackguard 3/RKV 1 (Continue with RKV)


First Post
Thanks for the great ideas guys. I have a working concept now that I could use a bit of a critique for...
[B]Detlev Zecklin
Male Human Crusader 1/Paladin 4/ Bone Knight 4/ Ruby Knight Vindicator 1
LG Medium Humanoid
[B]Init[/B] +4;[B]Senses[/B] Listen, Spot 
[B]Aura[/B] Courage (10 ft., allies +4 vs fear)
[B]Languages[/B] Common, Draconic, empathic link
[b]AC[/b] 22, touch 12, flat-footed 22
[b]hp[/b] 90 (10 HD); [b]DR[/b] 3/bludgeoning
[b]Immune[/b] disease, fear, nonlethal damage, stunning, detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern alignment
[b]Fort[/b] +15, [b]Ref[/b] +9, [b]Will[/b] +9
[b]Speed[/b] 20 ft. (4 squares) in [i]+2 bonecraft full plate[/i]; base 30 ft.
[b]Melee[/b] [i]holy ghost touch heavy flail[/i] +18/+13 melee (1d10+4/19-20/x2 +2d6 vs evil)
[b]Ranged[/b] [i]mwk heavy crossbow[/i] +10/+5 ranged (1d10/19-20/x2)
[b]Base Atk[/b] +9; [b]Grp[/b] +13
[b]Atk Options[/b]
[b]Special Actions[/b] Rebuke Undead, Stances, Manuevers
[b]Paladin Spells Prepared[/b] (CL 4th)
1st-Divine Favor
[b]Abilities[/b]Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 20
[b]SQ[/b] bone march, lay on hands, master of the white banner, share spells, summon skeletal steed
[b]Feats[/b] Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (heavy flail), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
[b]Possessions[/b] [i]+2 bonecraft full plate[/i], [i]holy ghost touch heavy flail[/i], [i]mwk heavy crossbow[/i] with 10 silver bolts and 20 bolts, [i]gauntlets of ogre power[/i], [i]cloak of charisma +1[/i], [i]ring of sustenence[/i], [i]ring of mind shield[/i], [i]amulet of natural armor +2[/i], [i]heward's handy haversack[/i], pouch containing 112 gp
bone march
lay on hands
master of the white banner
share spells
summon skeletal steed
[/sblock] The DM had us roll stats and hp...I did pretty well I suppose.
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Li Shenron

mvincent said:
I've done this concept before an enjoyed it immensely. 'Lemme let you about my character' ;):
1) The paladin was quite gullible and believed everything that religions teach... fervently concluding that death was a blessing (i.e. it freed creatures to continue into an after-life). Given the cosmology of D&D (and absolute proof of an after-life) this actually wasn't all that incorrect.
2) His single level in sorcerer allowed him to readily use true strike in conjunction with power-attack, spirited charge and smite (in order to better bestow "blessings")
3) He enjoyed frequent use of 1st level wands (or 0-level ones, like prestidigitation to allow him to always look his best).
4) In addition to his lance, he also used a scythe
5) He frequently rode a pale horse.
6) He later started riding a skeletal horse which he animated himself (good sorcerers can actually cast this, it is just good clerics that cannot).
7) He acquired a (Wee Jas) clerical cohort that could animate dead (his party later told him that good clerics could not do this, so he gave her up).
8) His over-riding desire was to die (although, to take his own life would be against doctrine), and he would often be upset when his party kept stabilizing and healing him whenever he was dieing.
9) Since he viewed dying as a blessing, he would ensure that particularly hated enemies were not slain.
10) He would sometimes slay (as a reward) small animals that had rendered him aid (the party quickly discouraged that).
11) He went by the name "Petite Mort"
12) After he finally (and happily) died, his former cohort raised him as a ghost.

The (detailed) character background is available on request.

Your character concept is GREAT, but it actually has nothing to do with a Paladin.

Also, you seem to have based the choice of paladin class around the character's idea that death is a blessing, hence he's giving them a favour, for their own good.

Then why does he raise dead? If it's a blessing, why disturbing them after death, why is he bringing them back?

Li Shenron

Whizbang Dustyboots said:
I'd make a paladin with an anti-undead PrC and probably some feats from Libris Mortis and be a mace-swinging bane of intelligent undead, myself. For flavor, I might grab the Necropolis-Born feat from Complete Arcane, giving the paladin some low level undead-friendly spells from level one.

Hang on, a zealot servant of Wee Jas who... focuses against undead ??

Isn't that a bit like a Forsaker priest of Boccob, a servant of Ehlonna/Mielikki who chops down forests or a follower of Pelor who wants to turn off the sun? :confused:


Li Shenron said:
Hang on, a zealot servant of Wee Jas who... focuses against undead ??

Isn't that a bit like a Forsaker priest of Boccob, a servant of Ehlonna/Mielikki who chops down forests or a follower of Pelor who wants to turn off the sun? :confused:

You could focus on destroying *unliscened* undead (undead whose "existence" was not given the go ahead by Wee Jas, often consisting of all chaotic undead, for starters). Think of it as the equivalent of the Marvel Comics Super-Hero Registration Act in the forgettable series "Civil War", except that this time public sympathy would likely not be for the undead "freedom fighters" trying to get from under The Man, in the form of Wee Jas's Paladins. :)

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