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Paridon: The Dark Metropolis (Ravenloft)

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First Post
Ru Brike, barbaric human monk

"If I live through this, I'm going to throttle that gnome with my bare hands," Ru growls, trying to focus past his growing anger to find a path through Ada's limbs to use his brass weapon.

[sblock=OOC]Here goes nothing. Close and attack with the brass sword. Thank goodness for that barbarian level, at least, so he's proficient with the bloody thing. :)[/sblock]


Perrin, Fr. Berman, and Calahan crouch at the top of the broken stairwell and fire. The bullets fly through the air, yet ricochet off the pseudoarachnid form of the creature.

Darian flicks his card out at the monstrosity. A long whip materializes in front of Ada, and lashes out at her. The tip of the whip skitters harmlessly over her metal form, but it wraps itself around her closest limbs and holds fast. Ada struggles, but the magic of the whip holds it in place for the moment...

...long enough for Ru to charge straight at the boiler and plunge the sword into Ada. The spray of scalding blood strikes Ru (-4 hp) but the sword cuts through the armor in a way that everything else tried so far has not. Ru can feel the heat and see the infernal light from inside Ada.


First Post
Ru Brike, barbaric human monk

...long enough for Ru to charge straight at the boiler and plunge the sword into Ada. The spray of scalding blood strikes Ru (-4 hp) but the sword cuts through the armor in a way that everything else tried so far has not. Ru can feel the heat and see the infernal light from inside Ada.

Ru cries out as the boiling fluids scald him. He finds himself wishing his training allowed him to attack with this blade with the speed he can his own fists.

"Wishing never makes it so," he says grimly to himself. "Not for speed, not for lives lost."

Face set against the pain he expects to follow, Ru takes the bronze sword in both hands and plunges it toward the glowing heart of the monster bearing Ada's name.


First Post
Seeing Ru's brave stand in the face of the automaton, Perrin lets his pistol drop to the floor as he brandishes his battleaxe. Leaping down the stairs to aid his companion, the ranger swings the axe powerfully, with both hands, in a deadly overhead strike.

AC: 17, HP 42/42

Charge Action (+2 attack, -2 AC), 2 point power-attack
Battleaxe +8, damage 1d8+8/x3


Father Berman says "We are in the right. May Ezra bless our cause!" as he casts a spell. Maybe it's just his natural charm, but those attacking the construct do feel a bit more confident after this.

[sblock=ooc]bless; +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 5 min; affects all allies within 50' at casting[/sblock]


Fr. Berman completes his incantation, and the police can feel the blessing of Ezra course through them, emboldened by the cause of justice.

Perrin charges in to strike at the fell mechanism, yet his axe is turned away by its metallic form. Ru, however, strikes true with brass upon brass, slicing through a conduit. Through the searing pain of the resultant spray (-4hp) he notes that one of the legs of the monster fails and falls limply beneath Ada.

Darian starts intoning calls of justice to the time of the clock, focusing his energy on the dancing whip. Ada tears at the bonds of the whip, and Darian sweats and grimaces in response, but the whip continues to wrap itself around the beast.

Calahan reloads and fires his weapon. Flames burst forth, dousing Ada in burning oils. They appear to do nothing more than singe her dress, but the enchanted whip holding her catches fire...

Cursing, Calahan will reload and fire one last time, before throwing his gun against the arachnoid and drawing his Kukri...

The woodsman will keep his last vial of fire, though... In Calahan's twisted mind, a new idea is formed...


Seeing that Ru's brass sword is the only attack having any real effect on the monstrosity, Father Berman heads down towards the warrior, intending to fortify him.

[sblock=ooc]swap command for CLW on Ru if the geometry allows; 1d8+5[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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