• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Parting Gifts: Ch 1 - Dusk - IC


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OOC: H. is Hasted. So her fly speed is actually 90 and the double move of a charge should give her enough range, even at half speed for ascent and a 60% angle. But if the vectors don't work out, she'll get as close as she can.

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Haessellekh soars upward and around in a curved arc, in order to reach the glittering spellcaster without overshooting, and snaps out her tail.

The tail strikes and reels in the target, allowing her to squeeze the foe and bring a shout of pain. From what she can tell, the enemy feels to be an armored humanoid.

Zach wings past and slashes the outlined and grappled foe with his scimitar, appearing to draw blood with a mighty strike.

The grappled spellcaster utters ... nothing, but ... Haessellekh tries to prevent him from getting off any spells, but to no avail ... and the foe vanishes. She suspects a silent word of recall.

The crowds murmur in horror and anger, the humans most agast as Fred Foster dropped to the ground.


First Post
Haessellekh swoops down the block, landing between the humans and half-orcs. To both groups she announces in a voice pitched for command, "Go home! There has been more than enough blood this day."


One of the human men runs to the body of Fred Foster. Finding the worst, he cradles the body and tries to close the eyes. "He will be raised, right!?"

Another brave man steps up to answer Haessellekh. "Go home? What of the monster to the north?

Too much spilled blood, you are quite right, but what of justice? When we saw these half-orc monsters were looting our evacuated homes, that was bad enough. But humans have been slain, human children. There were witnesses, and they say it was the work of half-orcs!"

The Hager brothers step up and Bron presents his own case. "These are rumors! I don't doubt that low-lives of all races have done some looting, but you can't blame an entire race for the actions of a few. And there's obviously been a lot of power thrown about here. It would be easy for the Sasoguese or whoever to stir up racial trouble and I bet that they framed us. But if the humans want to start something, we are ready to finish it!"


"The next person to start a fight will find an arrow in teach of their eyes. I've allready lost friends to this attack, I intend to loose no more to your infighting!"
Kurina's strong voice is carried down with her on the wind, reaching the ears of all as she appears between the groups, mouth tight and eyes hiding sorrow.
"The Hager's speak truth. You cannot prejudice an entire people for the actions of a few. For Many of you, I am likely the only Elf you've ever had contact with, but I would hope you do not hold the rest of my race by whatever views I happen to inspire, be they good or bad. I have known Elves who would look down on you as no more than bugs, and kill you merely for standing in their path when they are walking. Likewise I have known those who LOOK UP to humans and the other short-lived races, for your spontaneity and how much some of you can accomplish within your life span."
She takes a breather and looks at the Half-orcs. "ON the other hand, YOU must realize the great pains these people have been going through lately.. no greater than your own, but no less either. Peace requires BOTH sides to be amicable."
THe elven woman looks back and forth.

(OOC: I believe that was true, about Elves being rare here? If not, disregard this post and inform me, and I'll retype)


(ooc: Most people in town would know some elves, though they are a small minority. In smaller, isolated villages, it is more likely that people may not have met any.)

The human man replies to Kurina "You know little of the situation here, it seems. When the half-orcs commit crimes, their fellows hide the perpetrators among them. The City Watch finds no cooperation when they try to investigate, and are basically helpless. I say that if they protect criminals on racial grounds, then as a group they share the guilt!"

Bron says "The humans of the Watch are just as racist as that fool. They arrest half-orcs at random. Of course many of my people are reluctant to speak to them."

One of the other humans, an unarmored man in a brown robe, points to a large male half-orc clad in studded leather and bearing a large axe. "That one, there! He was one of the ones fleeing the scene. There is no doubt, I got a good look at his face. He's a murderer!"

The accused half-orc shouts "It's a lie! You probably think we all look the same. If I fled anything, it was a mob of crazed humans!"

Other half-orcs close ranks around the accused man, while some humans shout "Don't let him get away!"
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First Post
Haessellekh spreads her wings to shade the front ranks of both groups. "Rest assured that the one who has just been accused can in no wise escape me. Once you have all dispersed, I will look into his mind and determine just who is lying. If he has murdered, I promise you he will be brought before a magistrate. And if his accuser has lied I shall likewise make it known. As well, I offer my services in tracking down anyone who has commited atrocity during this crisis. But for now, go home! The crisis is over. The great beast stand without, mastered by magic. Go home! See to your loved ones. And do not be so foolish as to force me to take stern measures."


There are murmors among both groups as people discuss the suggestion.

The accused half-orc steps forward. "If need be, I am willing to submit to the witch's magics."

One of the humans says "Of course he is! She's likely on their side. Not exactly human herself, for sure! Who knows what her infernal witchcraft would do to ya!"

The human accuser holds up his hand. "Listen, folks. I know what I saw. I would prefer the holy magics of a priest, but we just saw the witch fight alongside Fred Foster. The half-orc may just be trying to intimidate us by accepting. I am willing to try this."

There are more murmurs among the humans, but with the accuser determined to try it, they seem to have little choice. "Why should we leave first? Let us witness this!"

Bron speaks. "It is best we disperse to insure that there will be no more violence. Each side will leave one other man here to bear witness. It that all right?"

Reluctantly, most people agree.

If Haessellekh agrees, the human man who spoke earlier to Kurina and Haessellekh - he gives his name as Usiah - is chosen as the human witness, while Bron will be the half-orc witness.

In the meantime, some of the humans intend to carry the body of Fred Foster to the temple. They offer to do the same for Yolo and Grandfather.


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Addressing those who are preparing to take Fred Foster to the temple Haessellekh says, "Thank you, yes. I would appreciate it if you would take our fallen friends to the temple. I will join you there once matters here are resolved."

Turning to Usiah and Bron, the ancient seeress' tone remain grave. "You are both a credit to your peoples. Perhaps now there is a chance for both justice and peace. I will require several minutes to prepare, but I believe all that needs be done to get to the bottom of this matter can be done right here."

Haessellekh stands still as a statue, a look of concentration on her face as strange lights play over her form. After about ten minutes, she wakes from her trance and fixes her gaze raptor-like upon the accused half-orc. "There will be no pain, but you feel an invasive pressure upon your mind. I ask you to remain in place and not resist. It will not take long."

With that, tendrils of colorless energy arise from behind Haessellekh's eyes. Langorously, they flow towards the halforc and slide into his temples. The first question of the probe is what did you do during the evacuation?

OOC - Sorry for the long delay Kinem. I saw your post when I didn't have time to reply, then forgot that the message was pending.

The ten minute period of concentration is used to manifest Psychic Reformation. She'll use it to switch out her Craft Wonderous feat for Expanded Knowledge: Mind Probe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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