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Parting Gifts: Ch 1 - Dusk - IC


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Haessellekh raises a hairless eyebrow, "You doubt my word? I would happily lay down my life for peace. But I will not bear false witness. If do not believe that justice is being done, there are further investigations I could conduct before bringing him to the authorities. But it is unlikely that you will find them pleasing."

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The man takes a deep breath. For a long moment he hesitates, then he pulls himself together and replies "With all due respect, my lady, I don't know you. I mean, I've heard of you, and I saw your incredible power, but I don't know what your goals are. I thank you again for your service to Bylan. I've heard it said that the Sasoguese lost because of all the defectors ... but also that most of them just wanted to be rulers in their own right. Not that I'm implying that you might have such motives, m'lady.

I've heard it said that no magic is always reliable, that there is always a slight chance that a charm could be resisted.

And I do know what I saw tonight. He was there. And ... I saw the bodies. Children, my lady. That is why I ask for further investigation. Perhaps a priest could get the truth out of him. Or you may probe me ... because if you are playing us false, we all know we could not stand against you, so you might as well just take charge now."


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Nodding solemnly Haessellekh replies, "I want no more blood on my hands if it can be avoided. And I fear that the price of a crown would be a river of it. I do think you are telling the truth. That you saw him in the vicinity and that murders were commited. But it is extremely unlikely that he decieved my probe. Perhaps one of the other looters commited the crime or the Sasoguese cleric needed sacrifices to create the thing. I will do everything I can to get to the bottom of it. To wit, I will take you up on the offer to allow a probe. As I mentioned there will be no pain, and it may uncover something that has been missed."

With a hand still on the half-orc looter, Haessellekh extends slow tentacles of colorless energy to delve into the accuser's mind. What are the circumstances in which you found the bodies?
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The man shudders, perhaps reluctant to think about it, but answers mentally I was in the street, keeping an eye out for looters. I heard screaming from a live-in shop and rushed there. I saw the half orc emerge with a bloody axe. I rushed inside and found the bodies. When I came out the perp was gone so I rounded up a search party.


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Haessellekh continues the questioning. Did you see anyone else in the vicinity. Did the blood on the axe appear fresh? What was the condition of the bodies?


The agitated man replies I saw no one else there at the time. I'm sure the blood was fresh, I saw red on the axe. The bodies were hacked open, as I'd expect from a sharp weapon. I don't know what more I can tell you.

The accused half-orc does carry an axe, but it is clean.


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And you are 100% certain that this is the orc you saw? By what facial characteristics did you recognize him?

(Assuming he's certain)
"Strange, the memories don't reconcile. Yet, deceiving a probe is nigh inconceivable. No matter. I shall take this one to the temple of Saint Cuthbert. The rest of you are welcome to come with us if you desire." Haessellekh begins walking towards the temple, one hand still firmly on the half-orc looter.

(OOC: Sorry for the delay. I kept trying to think up questions that might resolve the apparent conflict but couldn't come up with much.)


The man replies He looks the same to me. Big nose, big teeth, same hair, same eyes ... I know that doesn't sound like much to go on, but I'm familiar with half orcs. I know how to tell one from the other. And, well, the one I saw run must have joined the mob that this one was with. Everyplace was locked up. I guess he could have escaped with magic, but I don't think wizards carry axes.


Bron Hager and Usiah accompany Haessellekh and her charges to the temple of Cuthbert.

At the temple, they find that High Priest Porter has raised the Red Halfling from the dead.

Brother Allard

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In one moment, the once-jocular halfling is lying cold and gray on the marble slab, stretched out in a grim and pitiful tableau. In the next, he takes a sudden, shuddering breath. His blood perfusing, his color improves as his body is wracked by a terrible fit of coughing - dry and dusty. The cough of the dead.

When the fit passes, he tentatively opens his eyes and sees that he is in the temple. And alive.

Having passed through the gates of heaven and returned yet again, one might assume that the halfling would bring with him some piece of wisdom, some greater knowledge of the meaning of existence.

He merely screws up his face and mutters: "Ow."


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Releasing the half-orc for the moment, Heassellekh rushes to Yolo whilst shrinking to her normal size. She drops to her knees and hugs the hafling. But the gesture is awkward, as if its been a very long time since she's hugged anyone. "Yolo, I cannot say how much my heart is eased to see you. I ... I've seen so many friends die that I should be inured. But even over centuries, it gets no easier."

Voidrunner's Codex

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