Party Treasure Sheets?

I'm looking for a Party Treasure sheet template that I can give to my players to use for recording treasure.

Does anyone have any nifty, thematic-looking treasure record sheets?

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One of the players in my group uses a steno pad to record all the party treasure. Every once in awhile that is transferred to an Excel spreadsheet. That sheet has columns for all the different coin types, columns for gems and their value, other treasure and its value, and if it is magical. We also have columns for each character showing who got what item. Saves arguments over splitting the treasure evenly.

If I really was I'd be responding to more pointless posts like this. Really, Mark, I think by now you'd now me better. :angel:

It's kinda sad, really, and I refuse to encourage it. However, how exactly would you utilize a blank sheet of paper to best affect if you were to engage it as a party treasure sheet? Are we talking about simple columns in portrait configuration or some other means?


First Post
We just list the treasure that is considered party treasure. If someone claims it for themsleves we cross it off the list, asme as if we sell or trade it or give it away. If we needed to know where the treasure was located then I would section off different parts of the paper and write label them like "Walk in closet" or "hidden hatch under the reactor" and then just place them in a list under those headers.

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