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Path of Enlightenment: Chapter 2


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Leng is happy and well rested in his new bed, even though he stayed up quite late talking with the baker's daughter. Another day and more hard work in the smithshop. By now Leng is getting quite used to that kind of work. He even thinks he might learn something by the end of the week if he helps the big lady.

[sblock=OCC]Endurance (1d20+9=27)[/sblock]

Today he even resists the hottest fires without sweating too much.

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Voda Vosa

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The reconstruction of the school brought renewed hope to the warriors, even to those for which the school didn't mean anything. Ban Lu, Wang, Ziang and Koryo felt moved by this act of charity, and happy for their brothers in arms.
Leng and Koryo made another astonish job at Wei Dan's forge, even getting ahead of the weaponmaster. After the sun has reached the highest point in the sky, the hulky woman threw water to the fire "Lads, we have finished, all the needed pieces are done." she concluded with a broad smile. "Lets go down to the beach with those, and see who's the others doing"
The three took the sacks with the metal parts and descended the path to the sand beach.

As they went down the road, they noticed Ban Lu, in a strange stance over a sand pile. He seemed to be meditating or something. "Lazy monks..." the woman cursed.
But the bald man was watching the signs of the weather, communicating with the spirits to hear what they had to say. And thanks to Kaoru he could. The young hero had wake up early, and organized the weary and tired men to their respective tasks. It was not easy after the incidents of the past night, but Kaoru always kept trying. His persistence and humility proved right, and the workers got to their tasks with no inconvenient nor shouts of noises. The monk descended from the pile, and offered his help carring the stuff around. He stated that the nature spirits had told him something important he'll share with the rest.
Leng and Koryo kept walking, leaving Wei Dan behind, delivering some pieces to Kaoru's men. After the pieces were delivered, Kaoru leaved his workers with them, and joined the trio. They came across Shen and Wang, who were returning from the shipwreck with another sack of planks and other useful parts. Both men were tired but had managed to get everything of use back to shore. After some talking, the five warriors distributed the pieces of metal, the planks and the ship pieces, and made their way to the building site.
They met Ziang there. He, the alchemist and a few workers had built some kind of huge wooden tube with all kind of strange devices and artefacts attached to it. For the alchemist all had a perfect meaning and function, for everybody else, it was a fancy trunk. Among the things that the warriors were carrying, there were the parts of the shield for the gunman Ziang had ask Wei Dan for.

The day was almost over, as the sun began it's inexorable way to the sea, but before our heroes, was the almost finished ship. Several men armed with buckets and paintbrush closed to the group. "So..." one of the said. "How woulye like to have it painted ah?"

[sblock=OOC] The day is a complete success! And so is the skill challenge! Decide on the looks of the ship, and propose some trainings for your characters, we'll be sailing shortly!
Ban Lu Forecast nature roll: 25
Shen's Aid: Roll[/sblock]


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Leng is somewhat excited about the colour of the ship. He believes it should be painted red, green and gold, and with the figure of a dragon. Though he doesn't know if the painter can handle painting a dragon.


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Wang nods pensively at Leng's words. "You are correct, my friend. It is fitting that a dragon-spirit carries us to save the Empire. A dragon it must be."

Walking Dad

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"And it can even breath fire!" Ziang comments as he strokes the wooden tube he installed.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Ziang Yu
Perception: 17 Insight: 14 Normal Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 16 Will 14
Hit Points: 36 / 36 Bloodied: 18
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 9 Surges per day: 9 / 9
At-Will: Aggravating Force, Magic weapon, Static Shock
Encounter Powers: Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula / Healing Infusion 2/2, Curative Admixture, Burning Weapons, Lightning Sphere
Daily Powers: Icebound Sigil, Restorative Infusion


I aim to misbehave
Kaoru walked up to the ship, running his hand along her side, getting a feel for the wood, the ship itself. He had worked so hard on organizing everything that he hadn't taken a moment to just enjoy the ship . . . their community effort . . . but mostly just the ship. The young man laughed as he glanced along the sides, a joyful laugh. Then, Kaoru was silent, listening to the ship itself . . . seeing if there was anything the ship wanted . . .

If not, then after the long process, Kaoru merely nodded his agreement, and moved off with the others.


Ban Lu

"A dragon would be most fitting." Ban Lu moves about the ship waving a pungent incense and banging a small drum banishing troublesome spirits and calling blessings on their fine vessel.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The motif is decided by general consensus and the painters get their hands to the task.
For today, the warriors retry to the village to dinner, enjoying the pleasures of some peace, before the troubled times ahead.
During the dinner, Master Jien addressed them all
"The ship will be ready tomorrow morning, we shall sail early and prepare our bodies and minds to the battle ahead. I have decided to give you some special trainings, and teach you some of the secret techniques and stances I know. There are more of them, but perhaps you'll not be preprepared to learn them now. Make up your mind tonight, as you sneak in the world of dreams, and think what you would wish to learn. Tomorrow, the training begins."
With this words still sounding in their minds, the heroes of singing spring went to seek rest in the school. Kaoru dreamed with the back master, and his phantasmal attack. Somehow he knew he could do the same... somehow.
The other warriors also had some dreams, omens perhaps, of what was to come.

The sun raises between the twin peaks again, and the birds already sang when the warriors arose. They took everything they considered useful. For Ziang and Wang, this was jet another trip, andother journey. They didn't linger too long in any place. For Ban Lu, this was a significant move, almost a philosophical step into the fray: Today was a day of great transitions. Koryo faced this morning with renewed youth: the last events of the past weeks worked wonders in the lone warrior. He seemed more alive than ever, the blood was running fast through his veins again. For Kaoru, Leng and Shen, this was the first time they were going to venture out of the island, and probably, the three thought, it might be the last time they saw their home.
With the mixture of emotions in their heads, the heroes departed to the beach, led by Master Jien.
The ship was ready and in the water. A glorious golden and red dragon emerged from the waters after each wave, product of the expert craftsmanship of the artists. The villigers were gathered there, and already giving provisions to the sailors, who were already getting on the ship. As the last things were carried over to the vessel, the warriors bid goodbye to Wei Dan, the baker and his daughter, the old fireworks artisan and the rest of the villagers.
A small row boat drove the group to the ship, and once they were on deck, the sails unfold, and the journey began!

OOC: Sorry for the delay guys. Well, feel free to role play, and go on picking 4 trainings in the OOC thread. I'll be adding more tomorrow perhaps. If you have come up with more, list them. We'll get to the training itself once you have make your list.

Voidrunner's Codex

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