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Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E's reception?


Anecdotal evidence is problematic as different areas form pockets of preference. A store in one town might have PF sitting on shelves collecting dust, and be selling like hotcakes in another.

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I think PF2e needs a beginner box post haste...
That's a good point. As far as I know,they don't have one on there schedule yet. I think the first one for PF1 came 2 years in? I think they should improve on that for PF2e. It is completely different game and PF1 had a huge base of knowledge coming from 3e.
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Anecdotal evidence is problematic as different areas form pockets of preference. A store in one town might have PF sitting on shelves collecting dust, and be selling like hotcakes in another.
Totally agree, that was why I liked @The-Magic-Sword 's 2nd post as it shared information from beyond his/her personal group (if not beyond his/her experience). Someone else also posted about seeing PF2e doing well at cons which is a broader perspective as well. @JeffB also gave his (I'm assuming here) interpretation based on exploring other pathfinder forums. I think all that together tells a story.
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That is definitely a mischaracterization.

I single him out because he is the most blatant.
Absolutely not a mischaracterization of CapnZap.
He said he was offended that anyone would like talismans.
This thread: "For me it is utterly bafflingly incomprehensible that Paizo went with a highly locked-down 4E style ruleset."
Rate Pathfinder 2 "I agree. I remain utterly clueless as to why Paizo completely missed the writing on the wall here (that 5E represents the way most people want to play) and created such a throw-back game to the pre-5E era."
Do you try PF2: "On the other, the game unfortunately went in a locked-down direction which does share a certain resemblance to D&D 4."
Hell Morrus even called him out "We know. You've made that abundantly clear, over and over again, in so very many threads. You wanted them to made Advanced 5E. They made Pathfinder 2E. We know."

Now I will admit he posts that he seems to enjoy the game though I cannot fathom why what with how much is wrong with the game that is utterly useless.
I also admit that at this point of been through too many derailed threads that I am jaded. The community seems to enjoy those posts so he should definitely continue.

There is one thread about that (and it sometimes bleeds into others), with many posters commenting about how well it is doing as well. I personally comment about my concern because I am interested in PF2e and don't want to see it go away
its the bleeding into others that is the problem. People try to talk about what they like about PF2 Nope cant do that look at the amazon charts. Its dropping! We need to get concerned that pazio is going to cancel PF2.
If you want to talk about PF2 then talk about PF2. But you created a PF3 discussion thread and ask what is worth stealing from PF2 for your 5ed game.
And what is the topic of this thread? How is PF2 doing. This community seems more concerned with how the game is selling than actually discussing the game itself.

like I said my view is in the minority here. But you are asking where have all the supporters and champions gone. My guess is somewhere they can share their appreciation for a game they like without having to justify themselves. I'm sharing the reason why I am rarely here and maybe is the reason why others have left too.


First, thanks for sharing
I single him out because he is the most blatant.
Absolutely not a mischaracterization of CapnZap.
He said he was offended that anyone would like talismans.
This thread: "For me it is utterly bafflingly incomprehensible that Paizo went with a highly locked-down 4E style ruleset."
Rate Pathfinder 2 "I agree. I remain utterly clueless as to why Paizo completely missed the writing on the wall here (that 5E represents the way most people want to play) and created such a throw-back game to the pre-5E era."
Do you try PF2: "On the other, the game unfortunately went in a locked-down direction which does share a certain resemblance to D&D 4."
Hell Morrus even called him out "We know. You've made that abundantly clear, over and over again, in so very many threads. You wanted them to made Advanced 5E. They made Pathfinder 2E. We know."

Now I will admit he posts that he seems to enjoy the game though I cannot fathom why what with how much is wrong with the game that is utterly useless.
I also admit that at this point of been through too many derailed threads that I am jaded. The community seems to enjoy those posts so he should definitely continue.
Yes, he tend to point out the things he doesn't like or doesn't understand; but he does (or did) the same thing on the 5e forums. I guess I take it has constructive criticism more than bashing. And I know from his posts in the 5e forum that there are a lot of things he likes about PF2e.

its the bleeding into others that is the problem. People try to talk about what they like about PF2 Nope cant do that look at the amazon charts. Its dropping! We need to get concerned that pazio is going to cancel PF2.
I just think that is natural. I don't think I have seen a thread of anything that hasn't gotten derailed to some extent. I also think you are overstating the negativity. Though I can understand that as a defensive reaction to a game you enjoy.

If you want to talk about PF2 then talk about PF2. But you created a PF3 discussion thread and ask what is worth stealing from PF2 for your 5ed game.
Yes, because as I have said I haven't convinced my group to play PF2e or found a group to give it a try. All I can really do is discuss rules, alternate rules, and speculate. I've even stated before that I am trying to be active on this forum to help keep it alive. This is a game I don't even play and I feel I'm doing more to promote it than those who do sometimes!

And what is the topic of this thread? How is PF2 doing. This community seems more concerned with how the game is selling than actually discussing the game itself.
Disagree, but we see what we want to see I guess. I don't feel like checking each post.

like I said my view is in the minority here. But you are asking where have all the supporters and champions gone. My guess is somewhere they can share their appreciation for a game they like without having to justify themselves. I'm sharing the reason why I am rarely here and maybe is the reason why others have left too.
Understood, though I am not sure what your view is. I really miss the PF2e champion @Campbell . He/she used to have some great PF2e posts, but has mostly gone silent. Maybe for similar reasons. I guess when it comes down to it, I don't want EnWorld become just a D&D forum. I understand the disire to swim in a school of likeminded fish, I just like to go cage-diving with sharks I guess ;)

Green Onceler

To be fair, the Paizo forums aren't an incredibly positive place to discuss PF2

I agree with you here. But, worryingly, they're not particularly positive re: P1 either. It seems to me, each faction takes every opportunity to dump on the other's game preference. I think this situation must be a real worry for Paizo.

Gamers in general really need to relax and let people enjoy what they enjoy without feeling the need to make snide comments. I see this all the time in RPG and board game discussions. It's one of the things I like least about our hobby.


I will admit that many of the supporters seem to have left, but this very thread and others I have been participating in have several posters discussing trying out PF2e for the first time. If the supporters leave, you are left mostly with detractors, but I think it is pretty even if not more supports still.
I’d consider myself a PF2 supporter. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I still drop by regularly. It’s just the most active thread is the Amazon one, and I’m not interested in participating in that one. It’s a shame the actual play thread sort of died, but I assume the intent wasn’t for people to post session recaps but just to post their impressions of the game. Once I get a chance to try out some (currently vague) ideas for incorporating MMO-style boss mechanics into PF2, I want to post those (probably) in the GM thread.


To be fair, the Paizo forums aren't an incredibly positive place to discuss PF2 - since I also post on there.
I post there some, but I keep my contributions limited. I agree it’s not a particularly positive place. There’s stuff I’ve shared on reddit (like my post on running hexcrawls or my custom character sheet) that I’ve never shared there in the homebrew section because it (the forum in general) doesn’t feel all that welcoming if you’re not running APs or official adventures.

Philip Benz

A Dragontooth Grognard
PF2 isn't like DD4. No healing surges or per encounter powers.
The Paizo boards aren't knocking PF2. Far from it. It's true that there are at times heated discussions there - people don't agree on how many hands you need for the Battle Medicine feat (the rules are unclear) and many don't like the crafting system (which is not unclear). But participation is strong, and there are clearly a lot of folks becoming invested in PF2.

There are so many great things about this game. The 3-action system. The 4 levels of success and failure. The cool things you can inside and out of combat with skills. The varied options of character creation and advancement. The cool things you can do with multiclass dedications.

I know people don't all agree on how wonderful PF2 is. No problem. I don't want to disparage other game systems, be it DD5, PF1, Runequest or Tunnels & Trolls. Any RPG can give a fulfilling, rewarding game experience to DMs and players. But I do enjoy PF2. So do my players, who have all played PF1 and DD3.5 for years. I wrote about our first session in my blog, if anyone is interested. And the French RPG community is slowly coming round to PF2. Black Book Editions published the Core Rulebook in French just before Christmas, and will soon give us the Bestiary, and some crazy bloke has even published a 3pp adventure for PF2 in French. More and more 3pp are putting out material for PF2 in English and although it isn't an avalanche, I think any prophecies of Paizo's demise are wildly exaggerated.

We don't agree, but we can have civilized discussions about aspects of these games that we like or don't like without resorting to ad hominem attacks. There may be some 12-year-olds on these boards, but that doesn't mean we have to post like one.

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