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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The cups soon pile high on the table as the dwarf and the Shoanti continue to down drink after drink. Some say the contest shall never end, claiming dwarves are immune to the effects of alcohol (an obvious falsehood) and Shoanti tribes have made pacts with their wild gods to remove the alcohol from their stomachs whenever they drink. That gets a laugh, but soon they are both deep in their cups and staring at each other through what are clearly hazy eyes. The Shoanti lifts his glass for the next swallow of one finger. His hand wavers in the air for a moment... and he downs it in one fell swallow! The crowd cheers. The dwarf smashes the table with his fist when he sees the Shoanti succeed, causing the cups to rattle. Cracktooth pours the dwarf another finger of grain alcohol. The dwarf gazes down at it, his head bobbling from side to side, heavy with drink. He shakes his head to try and regain his composure and gives the cup a great swallow. The crowd watches the dwarf carefully as he puts both hands on the table and cries, "Thas ha wuh do da dwinnin in muh..." but he wavers on the last word. After what seems like the longest second of the contest, the dwarf seems to shift to one side. Soon it becomes a full topple and the dwarf has fallen completely off his stool onto the ground, snoring loudly. The Shoanti stands, his hide-skin mantle of elk and fox tail flourishing behind as he tosses his hands up in triumph. The crowd cheers!

"Looks like your silver is mine," Jaimen winks. It seems impossible. How could this man have known?

OOC: @Morrus;, Jekyll notices a diminutive broken vial on the floor under the Shoanti's chair. It appears to have a skull on the label, but it is too far away to make out more detail. What this odd clue means (if it means anything at all) is completely up to you. I'll let you take Jaimen from here and narrate the rest of the events at Cracktooth's during lunch however you wish. I just thought that would be an interesting little tidbit to add for Jaimen to spice up the scene. If you do not have time, do not sweat it. Jekyll could just excuse himself from the tavern quietly before anything else happens. You have total narrative control for now.

"Hmmmm", says the alchemist as he hands over the 7 silver. "meet you back at the table, my friend." He pauses to act like he is looking around with a 120 degree arc so as not to lose sight of the skull headed vial. He wanders over to the area of the vial, then when he sees Jaimen turn he will do his best to quickly and sneakily grab and hide the vial on his person, then return to his table. He is in luck as his table guest turns soon enough to return to the table. He will examine it later, but for now, he will tslk more to his guest to get a better feel o him. Maybe he will want to gamble on the tug of war game finals later on.

ooc: will post more on this later

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Guest 11456

Thrindar: Dwarf Cleric of Sarenrae

As the tug of war is at last over, the dwarven cleric nods an approving nod to his fellow winners. He smiles to them. "I would like to get to the Consecration early so that I may speak with Father Zantus before hand. I hope to see you then." With that the dwarf turns and heads to the Catherdral square. As he walks he again sees the two young dwarves nearby. They see him and one whispers to the other. Thrindar greets them with a hardy wave but they just pull on their beards and turn away from him. Thrindar just shrugs and continues on his way.

Upon arriving at the Catherdral square he looks around for Father Zantus. He sees that already a number of people have begun to gather so he is not sure if he will be able to find him. If not he decides to stick around after the festivities and speak with him then.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
After chatting up the stranger, Dr, Jekyll smiles and says, "Let's go see what else is going on?" He wanders about listening to chatter going on, making small talk. if there are a couple of young ladies unaccompanied, he will try and get their attention and walk around with them too.


Thrindar finds Father Zantus near a makeshift wooden platform set up out in front of the entrance to the Cathedral, no doubt there to allow speakers to be seen and heard by everyone in the Cathedral Square more easily. Zantus is speaking with a few of the acolytes about preparations for a cart and something about swallowtails. He notices Thrindar and smiles. "Ah, friend dwarf! Thrindar was it? I overheard the Mayor introducing you to the crowd at one of the games. You must have made a fine showing of yourself. I was just discussing preparations for the Swallowtail Release and the Consecration. But I have a moment. What can do for you?"

OOC: I am assuming Thrindar has the trappings of a priest of Sarenrae displayed somewhere on his person. Thrindar recognizes that Zantus has the symbol of Desna, an ornate butterfly, embroidered on the front of his frock. Desna is CG and the goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, and luck. Her church is friendly to that of Sarenrae. And Thrindar will have noticed by now that Sarenrae is one of the deities to which the Cathedral is devoted.

A pair of young lasses smile coyly at Jekyll as he introduces himself, asks for their reasons for being at the festival, and invites them to accompany him for a while. They say they are here with their brother, who is a traveling cobbler. They help him with his business by sewing and patching, but they claim they are no true cobblers themselves. "In fact, we are far more skilled in assisting handsome men as escorts," one admits. Their names are Piousa and Viousa, and they agree to join Jekyll as he goes about the festival.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
A pair of young lasses smile coyly at Jekyll as he introduces himself, asks for their reasons for being at the festival, and invites them to accompany him for a while. They say they are here with their brother, who is a traveling cobbler. They help him with his business by sewing and patching, but they claim they are no true cobblers themselves. "In fact, we are far more skilled in assisting handsome men as escorts," one admits. Their names are Piousa and Viousa, and they agree to join Jekyll as he goes about the festival.

"Behold, Jaimen, We have guides on this day of the festival of the swallows! Mi ladies, I am Jekyll, scientist. This gentleman is Jaimen, whom I fear I know nothing more about. I have recently taken up residence here." He continues to walk with Piousa on his arm, Viousa on Jaimaen's arm leading every one about the grounds of the fair. He is not sure of the chain of events for the day so he inquires of the two sisters, getting an itinerary of events.

He gets a twinkle of playful mischief in his eye as they are all walking. "I hear there is to be a stage magician with a fun act in between the acts during intermission I would like to ensure I get to watch. I hope you will be interested in the play as well." then a 'slight change in subject gives him an idea, "You said you are seamstresses and your brother is a cobbler? I might need some nice clothing in the near future. Where is your shop?"



"That was fun, and we won! Well, I'll look around a bit and see you at the ceremony."

Nuko walks around a bit. He talks to a friendly old man named George. The man is a local, so Nuko asks him if there are any wizards in town.

Then he sees the Varisian man - Antonio - he spoke to at lunch. The two of them flirt with a pair of young women while heading to the cathedral square.


Jamir Rolande


Jamir had not been paying close enough attention to what was going on during the contests, mainly because his left arm was around the frisky farm-girl Melanie's waist. He might have upped the ante once his team was looking to make it into the top 4.

However, it was probably for the best as he might also have decided to bet more on Sabyl and lost the gold after that shyster sandbagged the competition. All in all he was only out 3 gold after the latest events and he still was considered victor by being supportive of Spirit of Unity.

He briefly let go of Melanie to congratulate the half-orc and dwarf before they took off to do other things. After giving the big keleshite a slap on the back as well, he grinned.

“Jolly good show it was at that,”
“You yanked them into the mud to splat,”
“Now a man your size,”
“Needs a squeezable prize,”
“Perhaps those are ones to pay call at.”

He nodded towards the female team that was suspected of being from the Pixie’s Kitten.

Returning his arm around her waist, Jamir whispered a raunchy suggestion into Melanie’s ear and sneaked a pinch of her bottom to boot. She faux-squealed, but it was laced with flirtatious pleasure and not serious.

He turned back to Kelvyn and asked, “What are you planning to do next?” He did not want to just abandon his new champion so quickly if he was going to be alone. He did still owe him an ale.

[sblock=Rolls] Knowledge Local - Brodert Quink (1d20+6=7)
Knowledge Local - Pixie's Kitten (1d20+6=19)
Knowledge Nobility - Tsuko Kaijitsu (1d20+2=14) [/sblock]
[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: 30ft ranged Aid Another (+1 only) for 24 hours

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

"Har! I told you to bet on Jubrayl, my friend, though he likely would not appreciate my spoiling his fun . . . did you take my advice, or did you lose your shirt?" His usual affable expression darkens momentarily and he glances at something behind the dandy poet, but he pulls himself back to the conversation so quickly his lapse is almost unnoticeable and laughs loud and long at Jamir's quip. "Oh, I know the Kittens well, and they've come to know me too. I may make the acquaintance of another little kitty this evening, but for now I'm heading over to the chapel for the dedication. These kind folk have given me a home, and the rebuilding of the chapel has been a long time coming; it's important to them."

[sblock=Aside]Kelvyn's expression darkens as he spies the Kelesh sailors from the bar gliding easily through the crowd; their gait has that swaying rhythm peculiar to those recently off ship from a long sail. Now what are they doing here, I wonder . . . two Kells showing up in this little backwater? Bah! Get a grip, Damonder; it's sure they're just here for the festival, an' it's got nothing to do with that nasty business in Osirion . . .[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]KS (Local): Brodert Quink (1d20+5=12)
KS (Local): Risa (1d20+5=12)
KS (Local): Pixie's Kitten (1d20+5=22)
[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

Defense: 14, Critical Defense: +08, Armor DR: 5/Magic or Large, CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Perception: +0, Sense Motive: +0

Weapon in Hand: None

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None


OOC: Names like George and Melanie are fine if you guys do not mind them. But if you want a little more immersion, most of the town's inhabitants are Varisian or Shoanti, though other human ethnicities are represented as well. The original Player's Guide for the RotR campaign (but not the Anniversary Ed.), which is a free download, as well as the Inner Sea World Guide has some examples of common Varisian and Shoanti names if you would like to use those for some of the average NPCs you encounter. I do tend to give bonus points for little things like that if you want them. Incidentally, I think you guys are taking advantage of the narrative style quite well otherwise. Absolutely brilliant. :)

"Well Viorec doesn't have a shop in town per se," Piousa explains. "But he's set up a cart in Cathedral Square to attract customers. We can stop by if you like. I'd really like to see that magician though...

Viousa nods in assent.

"Wizards? Well I don't associate with their sort much. Just a woodsman myself. Thought I might try to see if I could make connections with the Carpenter's Guild while I'm here to sell my wares. But I admit I like to do a little readin' from time to time, and I hear that librarian at The Way North knows an illusion or two. A gnomish fellow. Veznutt is what I calls him," George explains. (Knowledge: arcana and/or local)

Nuko finds a part-Shoanti woman named Ren who takes a liking to his brawny figure, commenting on how she likes men with muscles, and makes his way to the Cathedral Square to meet up with his new friends for the Swallowtail Release.

Jamir does not seem to have heard of Brodert. On the other hand, he has heard all too much about the scandalous reputation of the Pixie's Kitten. Although prostitution is not illegal in the town, the Scarnetti family has lobbied for years to close the place, citing it as a den of corruption and vice. Many of Sandpoint's crasser locals have a much more colorful name for this establishment, but the madame, one Kaye Tesrani, runs the town brothel with class and distinguished grace. As for Tsuto, it is obvious due to his half-elf heritage that he is a bastard son of the Kaijitsu family, legitimized by the family patron Lonjiku, even though it is widely known in the noble circles that the child was the issue of Lonjiku's wife, not his mistress. The identity of the Tsuto's father is not publicly known and rumor is that his very existence causes some discord in the Kaijitsu family, but the Tienese are far too proud a people to allow this discord to disseminate into public displays. Ameiko is said to have a fairly amicable relationship with her half-brother, although they had a recent disagreement of some kind of which Jamir recalls no details.

Kelvyn knows of Brodert. He is a local sage, historian and windbag who generally talks far too much about ancient Thassilon for anyone in the room to keep their attention. But he is widely respected for his scholarly knowledge, apparently having spent his youth studying many fascinating things abroad. He is now retired from professional scholarly pursuits. If there is sagely advice, wisdom, or knowledge you seek, chances are, he is the one in town to ask. He lives in a house near the Old Light.

Risa's Place is a fairly old local tavern. Known as much for Risa's tales of ancient legends and myths as for its spiced potatoes and cider, this tavern is a favorite of the locals if only because its out-of-he-way location ensures strangers rarely come by. Risa herself has gone blind and her teenage and young adult children help her run the place now.

[sblock=private information for Kelvyn]In addition to what Jamir knows of the Pixie's Kitten, Kelvyn knows Jubrayl has tried for the last several years to get in on the brothel business himself but Kaye's not-so-secret friendship (and romance) with the town's sheriff make this a delicate, long-term goal for the Sczarni at best. Jubrayl has been hinting he has a "job" planned for Kelvyn, which he suspects has something to do with this matter sometime in the near future. While Kelvyn is in the Cathedral Square, Jubrayl brushes past him, but stops just long enough to grab his arm and whisper in his ear, "Tomorrow night. The Feedbag." After that Jubrayl quickly blends into the crowd, giving Kelvyn no time to respond. Being a "made man" among the Sczarni, he does not need to ask whether or not this is a request; it is an order.[/sblock]
The Cathedral Square
You have all gathered in the Cathedral Square for the Swallowtail Release. It seems the whole town has turned out for the event! At Three Bells, Father Zantus and his acolytes wheel a large covered wagon into the square, and after recounting the short parable of how Desna first fell to earth and was nursed back to health by a blind child whom she transformed into an immortal butterfly as a reward for her aid, they pull aside the wagon's cover, releasing the thousand children of Desna--a furious storm of swallowtail butterfles that swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd. Throughout the rest of the day, children futilely chase butterfles, never quite quick enough to catch them. The rest of the daylight hours are filled with fun and frivolity. Everyone mingles about the Cathedral square, taking part in more games and contests. Vendors have stalls set up along the sides of streets and alleyways to ply their wares. The priests prepare for ritual of Consecration, lighting candles around the Cathedral, burning incense, and offering sermons. Many of the locals join in the services.

A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun's setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman's scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The mad bomber strikes! mua ha ha ha ha KABOOM!

"Well Viorec doesn't have a shop in town per se," Piousa explains. "But he's set up a cart in Cathedral Square to attract customers. We can stop by if you like. I'd really like to see that magician though...

Viousa nods in assent.

The Cathedral Square
You have all gathered in the Cathedral Square for the Swallowtail Release. It seems the whole town has turned out for the event! At Three Bells, Father Zantus and his acolytes wheel a large covered wagon into the square, and after recounting the short parable of how Desna first fell to earth and was nursed back to health by a blind child whom she transformed into an immortal butterfly as a reward for her aid, they pull aside the wagon's cover, releasing the thousand children of Desna--a furious storm of swallowtail butterfles that swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd. Throughout the rest of the day, children futilely chase butterfles, never quite quick enough to catch them. The rest of the daylight hours are filled with fun and frivolity. Everyone mingles about the Cathedral square, taking part in more games and contests. Vendors have stalls set up along the sides of streets and alleyways to ply their wares. The priests prepare for ritual of Consecration, lighting candles around the Cathedral, burning incense, and offering sermons. Many of the locals join in the services.

A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun's setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman's scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.

Notorious goblin song
Goblins chew and goblins bite.
Goblins cut and goblins fight.
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!
Goblins race and goblins jump.
Goblins slash and goblins bump.
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!
Chase the baby, catch the pup.
Bonk the head to shut it up.
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We be goblins! You be food!

Jekyll looks about, "Huh? Wha?" He then gathers his miniscule courage and looks about. Come ladies, where is your brother's stall?" getting directions, he takes them to him, gives orders to their brother to get them to a safe place, where ever the priest is.

he takes out some chemicals to mix them, a look of determination in his eyes as he looks for a large concentration of goblins. the chemicals he has he mixes, the colors not mixing throughly at first , but as they do the color turns to a darkened opaque color with gold crystals as flakes suspended in the mixture.
(preparing mage armor)

Voidrunner's Codex

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