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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

"Here, friend . . . since you're going to visit the priest, would you mind returning this club to him as well? As I said, I'll be gathering my things from the inn and won't be without them again." He hands the mace to Thrindar with a hearty thanks, then nods to Jamir and kneels beside the near-dead goblin, slipping a dagger from its sheath in his boot and slipping it between the ribs of the suffering creature. After helping the dandy strip the bodies of anything worth salvaging, he stands. "And that is that. We just need to find someone to take this off our hands and give us a bit of coin in return, I suppose. I think I know just the fellow."


[sblock=Actions/Rolls]I suspect Jubrayl will take the stuff off our hands. Kelvyn will deliver it to him, get the cash, collect his kit and head to the Rusty Dragon to meet the others.[/sblock]
[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

Defense: 14, Critical Defense: +08, Armor DR: 5/Magic or Large, CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Initiative: +3, Perception: +0, Sense Motive: +0

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Mace

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None

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Jamir Rolande


Jamir nodded at Kelvyn’s decision to keep his gear with him. “Tis a good policy to have; the one about seven Ps. Something about proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.”

With the gear collected, they had a pile and one unconscious goblin leader. “Very well, then if you know the guy with the best prices. Can you carry all of it? I think I can handle the goblin prisoner and carry him. Maybe Nuko will come back so we can charm the lil’ bastard to get him talking when we wake him up.”

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: 30ft ranged Aid Another (+1 only) for 24 hours

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 1/2
Javelins Remaining: 5/5

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


OOC: I will just move things along here a bit. You can drop the goblin off at the garrison (location 10 on the map), a stone fortress that serves double duty as Sandpoint's militia barracks and its jail, where the guards promise to keep him as a captive with a very small number of other goblins that were taken alive for questioning. The guards tell you Sheriff Hemlock is pre-occupied with securing the town's defenses but that you should stop by tomorrow or the day after to interrogate the goblins if you wish. Some of you may meet up at the Rusty Dragon later that evening. If arrive in time for dinner, you find Aldern unaccounted for at the time, but he eventually shows up late in the evening, buys you a round, shares a quick story with the whole bar about your heroics at the White Deer Inn, then says he is bushed and heads up to his room for the evening, promising to speak with your party again later. If you have other business you want to attend to, feel free to do so. You have some downtime now.

Fencing the gear with Jubrayl is a simple enough task, though it takes an hour or two to track him down. When Kelvyn does find him, it is at the home of a mutual "friend of ours." He manages to get half the market value for the loot he brings.
[sblock=Private information for Kelvyn]"I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon," Jubrayl says, cleaning goblin blood from his armor and sword. "But since you're here anyway, you should know that this business with the goblins changes nothing. The job tomorrow is still on. The Feedbag, remember? I expect you there."

Aside from spending a short amount of time appraising the loot taken from the goblins, Jubrayl doesn't say much more than that. He orders a lackey to pay Kelvyn after the appraisal and departs[/sblock]
Entire Party
In the shadow of the goblin attack, Sandpoint is hardly interested in finishing up the Swallowtail Festival--citizens retreat to their homes to hide and recover from the day's horrors, yet as they go, they take the time to thank your party for saving them. When you do eventually arrive at the Rusty Dragon (either to meet with Aldern or for another purpose) you are approached by Ameiko Kaijitsu. The innkeeper has been quite impressed with your actions and offers you free rooms at the Rusty Dragon for a week as a way to thank you for helping to defeat the goblins.

As Sandpoint recovers from the attack and buries its (thankfully few) dead, the citizens do their best to get on with their lives. The Cathedral is consecrated the next day, during a much more subdued and indoor ceremony. But by the end of the week, the goblin attack is remembered mostly with chuckles. Now that the terror of the raid is over, images of goblins accidentally lighting themselves on fire, getting stepped on by horses, or drowning in half-full rain barrels color memories of the raid in an almost comical light. But one thing the locals haven't forgotten is their new heroes.
OOC: As I said you have some downtime, about a week to be more precise. You can feel free to pursue whatever interests you at this time: interrogating the goblins, investigating the reason behind the attack, having a chat with Aldern, going shopping, or whatever strikes your fancy. You do not need to stay together as a group the whole time, nor do I expect it. But please bear in mind that running multiple plots at a time is difficult for me to do. If you are not interested in joining the party in a particular pursuit for whatever reason and have your own plans, please try to keep the side trek as simple as possible (something that can be tied up within two or three posts at the most). Likewise, everyone be courteous to your teammates and make sure to give all players a chance to speak up and do something their characters are interested in.

Let us resume on the morning after the attack...

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[the alchemist]

Dr. Jekyll is exhausted after working with the defenses, but he is still a bit edgy. This could not have been a single attack and he mentions it to the town's captain of the guard. When dismissed he returns to the rusty dragon and takes a single mug of ale and slowly nurses it all night long.

If any one looks, he is greatly wounded, ut he is also covered in green goblin blood

1d100=5 hp and abilities left by %
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Upon returning from the gate, Nuko shakes his head in disapproval as he sees what's been done to the goblin.

At the Rusty Dragon, he runs into Ren, the young half-Shoanti woman with whom he'd flirted earlier. He tells her the story of the fights with the goblins. She seems to like that and hints at something but he's not really sure what it is. Finally he guesses that she might want to share his room for the night. He does so with misgivings, feeling that it is not truly a good match, but soon forgets to worry about that ...

The next day he prepares a couple of charm person spells (Will DC 15) and heads to the garrison to help interrogate the goblin commando. In the goblin language he begins by noting "I tried to get the humans to spare as many goblins as possible."

Nuko also seeks out the librarian Veznutt who he'd heard knew an illusion or two, hoping to find a way to learn more magic. He also looks for a way to earn some coin on a regular basis.


Jamir Rolande

~ The next morning in the Rusty Dragon ~


Since the room was free at the Rusty Dragon, Jamir was happy to stay there and was quick to retire to the privacy of the room with his farm girl. The tales repeated by Aldern of what happened continued to impress the pretty young woman who thought she was bedding a true hero. As it was, she was probably hoping to get pregnant to corner him into marriage or other paternal obligations. But Jamir was careful and made sure to use his handy magical tricks of prestidigitation to clean up and provide contraception.

The following morning the bard looked for Kelvyn to see how he made out on liquidating the looted weapons and gear from the goblin attack. Ordering a plate of breakfast he brought up the subject as they sat in the common area.

“How’d it go, Kelvyn?” The bard’s voice was a bit hoarse yet from the previous night. “What about the potion vials, how many of them do we have? Are there enough for one each or should we have one person hang onto them in case someone needs it?”

~ Interrogating the prisoners ~


Jamir was not about to let Nuko deal with the goblin prisoners alone and made sure he was there whether the gruff half-orc wanted his company or not.

He kept silent though until he was sure the Charm Spell worked or not. He did arch an eyebrow at the claim of trying to save goblins. That was hardly how he remembered the situation, but lying was good technique for interrogation.

Jamir looked over to the Sheriff’s Guard and asked in low voice, “Did you all learn anything yet about where the lil’ blighters came from or how they got into town? Even if they do tell us, they could be lying.”

“But in dealing with all the invaders yesterday, was there an obvious location where they got into town so easily?”

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: 30ft ranged Aid Another (+1 only) for 24 hours

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 1/2
Javelins Remaining: 5/5

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


OOC: Just putting this out here now so I do not forget because I did not include it earlier.
Jamir has heard of the Foxgloves. They were old money from Magnimar. They were known for having occasional mercantile interests in Sandpoint. Jamir had heard they had gone broke at some point and that their line had ended. It seemed odd to him until he recalled a recent bit of news. One of the sons of the last Foxglove was said to have returned to Magnimar with a legitimate claim.


OOC: For future reference, prestidigitation does NOT provide contraception. :lol: But I did say the NPC was under your narrative control, [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION], so whether she gets pregnant or not is up to you anyway. If you want, Jamir can choose to believe the prestidigitation did the trick, just as some people ignorantly believe other methods of inneffective birth control work.

I will leave you to decide the division of treasure on a sidebar.

[MENTION=24234]kinem[/MENTION], remind me to take care or Nuko's visit to Veznutt if I do not remember it in the next post.

I'm going to start with the goblin interrogation since two characters have already posted interest in this. I will assume you go to the garrison to question the goblins as a group unless you say otherwise.
As you leave the Rusty Dragon and head up Market Street towards the Garrison, you cannot help but notice the locals look at you in a different way. A woman smiles at you and curtsies as she walks past you in the market with her little girl. A halfling at the Grocer's Hall cheerfully tosses you each a fresh pear as you stroll by. A clothier in the Sandpoint Market offers to make each of you a cloak out of your choice of fabric for half price. A local family approaches you to ask your names and personally thank you for saving them from the goblins during the attack at the Cathedral Square. You are welcome everywhere you go.

You arrive at the Garrison, a stone fortress which serves double duty as Sandpoint's militia barracks and its jail. Sheriff Hemlock is there to meet you in the courtyard near the above-ground barracks. Without his coif, he looks a bit different. You cannot help but notice he is bald. Without anything covering his head, his Shoanti heritage is much more apparent. (Knowledge: history) But he is still wearing his chainmail and arm crops along with his badge of office. He nods at you and is curt. "The goblins won't talk. And we lost our translator in the fight. Just four captured, including yours, and two are still unconscious. All of them in irons down below. Make them talk. Do what is needed. I want to know why this happened."

It is clear the Sheriff has no time for questions, but says, "Ask my guard," to any directed at him. Before heading off, the Sheriff gestures towards a small stone house behind him. At this a nearby guard takes up a torch and asks you to follow him into the stone house which appears to hold only the entrance to a stairwell going below.


The jail is located in an underground wing. It is dank and cold and full of empty cells, save for the last four, where four goblins lie clapped in irons. The guard hands you the keys to the cells, indicating which key goes to which and what goblins lie where.

There are four goblins in all. Each is chained in irons which are secured to the wall. The commando you brought in is conscious, although barely (Heal). There is one other conscious goblin, hardly injured (if at all) who sneers angrily at you and charges out to the extent his chains allow. The other two goblins look like they have been beaten to hell. One of them lies barely breathing, crusted green goblin blood spattered about his cell. "I don't look forward to cleaning that up," the guard mentions with disdain.

When Jamir asks about how the goblins got into town, the guard shakes his head. "These little brats haven't said a word. Sergeant Vayan did report that someone apparently 'forgot' to close the North Gate. Who it is she hasn't figured, but that canna' explain how damn near a hundred goblins managed to make it inside the city walls. We been investigatin' all through the night, and so far that's the only odd thing that's turned up." (Knowledge: engineering)

The goblins do not respond positively to Nuko's attempt at reassurance. In fact, the commando seems to take it as an affront, (in Goblin) "Spare goblin? So you torture and kill goblin in dirty cells! Me know how longshanks be. Love to kill goblin with horse and dog. Take fire from goblin and kill on sight." (Knowledge: local)

OOC: The goblins are obviously hostile and are not responding to questioning. Nuko did not really worsen the situation though. From all indications, they were hostile from the start. Charisma-based skill checks or those charm spells may be the only way to get any information out of them.

There are a total of twelve cells in a row, six to each side. The goblins occupy the back four. There is also an interrogation room near the stairs which includes a chair anchored to the floor with iron restraints (for both Medium and Small characters) and a number of clubs. There is a small bit of dried goblin blood in the interrogation room. It is unclear whether the blood was from previous injuries or inflicted after the goblins were brought here. The clubs appear clean of goblin blood, however. The guard claims not to have been present for any interrogations and states he has spent the last eight to ten hours (he only knows it was dark when he started) scouring the town for clues about how the goblins might have gotten past the walls.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kelvyn nods curtly at Jubrayl, plainly not looking forward to whatever it is that the Szarni has in mind for him but holding his reservations behind his teeth. We shall see, my friend . . . we shall see. He exits the inn and makes his way to the Rusty Dragon, where he wiles away the evening nursing a few drinks - just a few - and listening to the tales told of the goblin wars. The big man is uncharacteristically quiet throughout the evening, and brushes off any accolades tossed his way by deflecting the praise to others who were in the fight. He eventually calls it a night and makes his way to his bed.

The next day he's in somewhat better spirits as he returns to his new friends at the Dragon. After a light breakfast he nods amiably to Ameiko and heads out to the garrison with the others. On the way to the garrison, he responds to Jamir's question. "Aye, it went fine. But Jubrayl's price for buying the goods may be more than what he paid for them. Might be we split the potions; if we're in dire need there may not be time to ask the holder nicely if he could pass the wine, eh?" Once there, he again subdues his usual boisterous nature and lets those who know a bit more about interrogation - and goblins - do their thing.


[sblock=Actions/Rolls]airwalkrr, I can't remember - and can't find the post - what time is Kelvyn supposed to meet Jubrayl?[/sblock]
[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

Defense: 14, Critical Defense: +08, Armor DR: 5/Magic or Large, CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Initiative: +3, Perception: +0, Sense Motive: +0

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Mace

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None
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[sblock=Kelvyn only]Jubrayl wants Kelvyn to meet him at the Hagfish at dusk this evening. So at some point during the day, he should probably find an excuse to have some alone time.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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