[Pathfinder] [IC] Hall of the Dwarven Lord


Rayverim "Ray" Thanderghast hp=18/18

Ray, as usual, is more than ready to lead onward, his trusty greataxe held at the ready. "Good! Glad you're finally through poking stuff for a little while! My axe is hungry."

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Walking Dad

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Your search reveal no magic or trap, but between the piles of smashed equipment you can recover functional items: a (light) crossbow, a longsword and a key!

ooc: Where next. The map at the thumbnail has the searched areas darkened.


  • Explored map.JPG
    Explored map.JPG
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[sblock=ooc]Refer to my previous post as far as Cade's intent goes. Heading to the room marked Air Vent on the map, checking that as indicated above. Then heading down/south from there if we find nothing in that room. Assuming nobody objects or goes a different way.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
You all move to the door of the air vent, but this door isn't really a door, but a hinged grate. You can feel a slight breeze offresh air coming through the grate. The room is actually a 10-foot-wide shaft leading straight up for 10 feet, after which it narrows to only 3 feet wide. After another 30 feet, it opens to the outside.


Rayverim "Ray" Thanderghast hp=18/18

Before he follows along, Ray will grab the key and stash it in his pouch. Then he hustles to the front beside Cade and continues on with the others.


Thy wounds are healed!
Brawar takes his customary place in the center of the group, and looks up the shaft as they pass by the air vent.


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Cade the rogue

Cade decides that the grated chamber doesn't need to be searched, so he passes it by and heads for the next door. Then he proceeds to check it over and work on it with the tools of his trade as he would've done for the last door, had it been a real door leading to potential treasure. "Eh, nothin' there, let's check the next one....." he mutters along the way.
[sblock=ooc]Wouldn't have bothered with the usual search and all when he found the grate and more-or-less empty chamber beyond it, so my search and Disable Device stuff will be used for the next door instead. Looks like the door to the room marked 'Shrine' on the map.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Cade opens the door without further problems. A quick glence without entering reveals a large, T-shaped room, dimly lit by a pair of flickering black candle sitting on a stone platform at the far end of the room. Lying on the ground in front of the platform is a golden chalice. A motionless dwarf stands on each side of the platform.


  • Shrine.JPG
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