[Pathfinder] [IC] Hall of the Dwarven Lord

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Thy wounds are healed!
"Lead the way Faw'al," Brawar says to the gnome. Looking at Cade in passing he asks, "Have a sour stomach this morning?"

[sblock=ooc] Marching order? [/sblock]


First Post
"I will go, and that means Rudan will follow..." Veran replies simply, smiling as the reptile chirped. He waited to see if anyone else wanted to 'take lead' descending the trap door before himself descending, the reptile leaping into his arms before being lowered to the floor.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
"Aye, I'll join up with you to investigate the state of the halls. Mayhap it was a quick strike and the hobgoblins have let themselves out the door they came in, wherever that was," Feldar says as he shoulders his pack that was previously laying on the ground off to the side.

Grumbling quietly those closest to him can hear dwarven words as he readies himself.
[sblock=in Dwarven]"I'll watch them, but I think if they were unfriendly, they would have attacked rather than talked."[/sblock]Looking around the group, Feldar smiles: "Anyone else see in the dark or just me?"


First Post
Cade mutters "No, jes' not feelin' very welcome" in Elven, though he's not sure who'll understand it. In Common, he says "I'll follow whoever's takin' point. If I say stop or stick this magic torch 'ere in front o' yer face, then hold up b'fore ya get'cher'self killed."

He takes out a torch from his pack, which looks to be burning normally but produces no smoke or heat. He pats the top of the smokeless torch with his hand, which is unburnt. Then Cade draws his morningstar and waits to follow someone inside.

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