[Pathfinder] [IC] Hall of the Dwarven Lord

Walking Dad

First Post
ooc: I will just go with Fabhal's suggestion to speed things up.

After some tries Cade opens the locked door silently. Six bunks are scattered about this room. Three are dwarf-sized, and three are human-sized. An unlit torch sits in a sconce in the center of each wail.

Your search doesn't unearth anything unusual, so you proceed to the other room...

ooc: Perception checks everyone please. I normally roll this, but I want you to have your fate in your own hands. Please also post your marching order.

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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=what's this??] WD posting on the weekend very very kool LOL :p

Welcome to the world where we never stop playing.
Ok Perception = 21 Not maxed but only one off!!!

Suggested marching order:

Fabhal- unless changing classes really hurt his AC/HP
Cade- with a distance weapon he could fire over the gnomes head
Veran and his pet dino
Brawar- who will keep an eye on our backs and down alternate corridors

Is that everyone could we get one more warrior type, dwarf who knows what's going on down here prefered, :heh:[/sblock]

Brawar waits for the others to start marching down the new corridor keeping an eye out for trouble.

Walking Dad

First Post
Fabhals keen exes stop the group as he spots some of the strangest hazards in dungeons: a gelantinous cube!

On the other side, Brawar spots some more dire rats. Following the group after woken by the noise, they just waited for a chance to attack!


Round 1
Cade springs back and dashes around Veran and Brawar, swinging his morningstar down upon the nearest rat with a "Yar! Die, rodent!", driving his spiked bludgeon into the unfortunate rat!
"Move to the East! Back and to the East . . . let's get some room to work!"
Suiting action to words, Fabhal moves quickly back around the corner, grasping his holy symbol and muttering a quick prayer that Cayden Cailean keep him free from the monster's slimy embrace!
"Behind us!" Brawar yells moving across the hallway quickly. When he gets to the otherside of the corridor he turns and starts chanting words to a spell and waving his hands about in the air.
The other rats spring and bite the rogue.

Movement see map

Brawar starts casting spell
Fabhal casts Shield of Faith on himself
Cade kills Rat3.

R1&2 attack Cade. Both hit for 6 dam total.

19 Cade (+2)
15 Fabhal (+3)
12 Brawar (+3)
10 Dire Rats & Cube
2 Veran (& Rudan) (+1)


[sblock=HP and Conditions]

Cade 9/15 disease?
Fabhal 22/22 ?
Brawar 15/15
Veran 16/16
Rudan 27/27

R1 -
R2 -
R3 - Dead
G Cube -

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Thy wounds are healed!
"Behind us!" Brawar yells moving across the hallway quickly. When he gets to the otherside of the corridor he turns and starts chanting words to a spell and waving his hands about in the air.

Move: About 20' straight across to tother hallway.
Standard: Casting Sleep (not sure if casting time is one round in PF), will be targeting rats after they move.

FORT:+1 REF:+3 WILL:+3
Perception: +2
Hand of the Apprentice: 5/6
Scroll: Sleep(cstlvl1) and Magic Missile(cstlvl1)
Scroll: Detect Magic(cstlvl1), Tenser's Floating Disc(cstlvl1), and Invisibility(cstlvl3)

0- Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1- Sleep, True Strike, Enlarge Person [/sblock][/QUOTE]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
"Move to the East! Back and to the East . . . let's get some room to work!"

Suiting action to words, Fabhal moves quickly back around the corner, grasping his holy symbol and muttering a quick prayer that Cayden Cailean keep him free from the monster's slimy embrace!

[sblock=Actions]Move to S12, cast Shield of Faith on self.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]
   HP: 15/20     AC: 22*  AC(T): 15*  AC(FF): 20*
 Init: +02    ST(F):+06   ST(R):+02    ST(W):+03

   *+4 vs. Giant Type

  BAB: 01       CMB:+01     CMD: 13

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Hooked Hammer (MW)      +2*       1d6+1          20/x3     Double, Trip
                        +2*       1d4+1          20/x4     Double, Trip
Longbow (Comp; 14 STR)  +4        1d6+1          20/x3

                        *w/ Two-Weapon Attack (+4 used Either/Or)

Channel Energy: 1d6 (3/3 Daily)

Domain Powers:
 * Touch of Chaos (4/4)     * Agile Feet (4/4)

 * Level 00          * Level 01
   * Create Water      * Command
   * Guidance          * Protection from Law
   * Resistance        * [s]Shield of Faith[/s]


First Post
Cade the rogue

Cade silently nods along and follows Fabhal when the gnome takes the lead, morningstar in hand and watching out for traps or other threats along the way. Then Fabhal points out something wierd off to the side as they go, and Cade instinctively hops back, then notices the rats coming up from behind the group, and he decides it's better to face the vermin he knows than the wierd translucent thing he doesn't. Though, as he backs away, he thinks back to his earlier subterranean treasure-hunts and tales shared 'round the table with other drunken adventurers before....maybe he had seen or heard of a big see-through mass o' goo before....

Regardless, he springs back and dashes around Veran and Brawar, swinging his morningstar down upon the nearest rat with a "Yar! Die, rodent!", driving his spiked bludgeon into the unfortunate rat!

[sblock=OOC]Woah! Didn't expect so much activity on a Friday, let alone the rest of the weekend! So I hadn't checked sooner. :( For reference, Cade always takes the second rank, letting someone tougher or braver lead the way, since he can spot traps from 10 feet away.

Perception check of 19, for what it's worth (20 if trapfinding) 1d20+9=19

Move to N-12, looks like I can get there with 20 feet of movement without provoking AoOs, taking just one diagonal at the end. Then attack the nearest rat with my morningstar. Attack roll of 17, for 6 damage, and another 5 damage if I get Sneak Attack (since it seems that I go before the rats and thus, hopefully, they're still flat-footed......).
1d20+5=17, 1d8+4=6, 1d6=5

Also, I rolled Knowledge (Dungeoneering) since Cade has it, and got a 16, if that's enough to identify the gelatinous cube and some of its special qualities or attacks.
1d20+6=16 [/sblock]
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First Post
To avoid slowing things down too much, Veran and Rudan will make reflex saves. I don't have the numbers on hand, so if you don't roll by the time I get a chance to find them and post, I will post up the reflex save[/sblock]
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First Post
Cade the rogue, round 2

Cade grins as the first rat turns into an ugly smear on the floor under his morningstar, but then the other two rats gang up on him and tear into his legs with their nasty, filthy teeth..... The rogue hisses in pain, but more in annoyance. To retaliate, he brings his morningstar smashing down again, this time on the rat the moved up next to the corpse of Cade's previous target.

That done, Cade flips forward, somersaulting over the rats he's smashed, and follows through with another somersault, then a cartwheel over to the side, skirting past and behind the remaining ankle-biter. "Hey, thanks for all the help, guys!" the rogue spits out sarcastically as he goes.

[sblock=ooc]To avoid slowing things down since I'm rather busy on Wednesdays, here's Cade's next action just a bit in advance. However, did Cade learn anything from his Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check in the first round?

Cade attacks dire rat #2 now with his morningstar, a 23 to-hit for 10 damage. Booyah! Soon Cade will add "Rat-Slayer" or "the Doom of Rats" or "Verminbane" to his so-far-empty list of titles. :p Or, y'know, avoid humiliating himself with such a lowly distinction. Whatever.
1d20+5=23, 1d8+4=10

Follow up with a move-action at half-speed to tumble around the remaining dire rat (DC = dire rat's Combat Maneuver Defense) without suffering AoOs from it. Moving to space L-10 (avoiding rat 3's space), Acrobatics check of 16.

Oh, and my Fortitude save against the first dire rat's disease was a 20 total.
Forgot to roll both saves together, so here's the save against the other rat, a 21. GLEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! InvisibleCastle likes me today!
1d20+1=21 [/sblock]
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