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Pathfinder. The New Adventuring Path. ( D&D 3.5 )


First Post
Title: Rise of the Runelords ~ Burnt Offerings
System: D&D 3.5
Players: 4 1st level characetrs.
Books: All non-region specific WotC books, excluding Psionics. All books that are core ( PHB, PHB2, all the completes books, DMG.. ) Will have to be passed through me.
What I'm looking for: Probably going to try and fill niches as there will be four, and only four of you accepted. Fighter, Divine Caster, Rogue, and Arcane Spell Caster. That being said, I am not excluding anything unusual.
Notes: Not on a first come first serve, I'll will pick and chose those of you that I think will work together the best.. and what characters fill the spots I need. Will be accepting rough draft character sheets along with a background and a description of your character.
Oh - and I will be posting info on the setting to those of you that are accepted. :)

All your lives you've grown up in Sandpoint, a small coastal town within the region of Varisia. Here you've made your first friends, bought your first set of armor, visited your first tavern.. and will now be presented with your frist adventure. If you fail, your friends and family may be doomed to a new age of slavery and horror, but if you succeed their triumphs shall be recorded by sages and kings, their immortality assured. Will you rise up and protect your home-town of Sandpoint? Or will you fall by the wayside, and find comfort within the shadows of those that are brave?
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First Post
Hey. I have a dread necromancer that never got accepted from another game. Can I run him, or are you a necro hater too?

Human Dread Necromancer 1
Alignment: Neutral

Str 12(+1)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 13 (+1)
Cha 16 (+3)

Init +1
HP: 8
AC: 14
XP: 0
BAB: +0

Attack: Charnel Touch +1 (1d8 negative energy, or 1 point of healing to undead or self),

Fort: +2
Ref: +1
Will +3

Skills: Concentration +6, Knowledge: Religion +4, Spellcraft +4
Feats: Tomb-Tainted Soul, Spell Focus (Necromancy)

Spells Known (4 1st level/day, DC 13+level, 14+level for necromancy spells)
1st- bane, bestow wound*, cause fear, chill touch, detect magic, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds
ray of enfeeblement, summon undead I*, undetectable alignment

Special: Rebuke Undead 6/day

Equipment: Studded leather, cool-looking black cloak with cowl (traveler's outfit), 3 agates worth 10 gp, component pouch, backpack, waterskin, tent, 3 days rations, 1 gp, 6 sp,

* these spells are from Heroes of Horror.

Languages: Common, Abyssal

Background: William was a young boy when he found a tome in his father's field. The tome was made of an odd cover that the boy later learned was human skin. As the boy delved deeper, he learned about necromancy and the dead from a long-forgotten necromancer who was buried in his father's field. He left home at the age of 16 to study more.

The class is from Heroes of Horror.

EDIT: Using IC to roll stats, I got: 4d6.takeHighest(3)=13, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=14, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=16, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=9, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=12, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=12, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=10

Dropping the 9. Looks like I pulled a bunch of skill points out of thin air. Got rid of them.
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Definitely interested. I am not firm on a concept. Maybe Dwarven Ranger?

edit: How are we doing stats?
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First Post
I've been dying to play a Radiant Servant of Pelor - in the Golarian pantheon, Saranrae seems a perfect fit -- if this adventure goes that far (to 6th lvl or so) would you allow a Radiant Servant of Saranrae?

Will start off as a male human, cleric of Saranrae, then work towards the PrC (if allowed).

Stats, skill points, etc, will be adjusted once the specifics for character generation are revealed.

4d6.takeHighest(3)=13, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=15, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=13, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=16, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=12, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=15, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=13

Delkat's starting gold (5d4*10=110)

[B]Delkat Kraylin[/B] 
[B]Class:[/B] Cleric 	
[B]Race:[/B] Human 
[B]Size:[/B] M
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] NG
[B]Deity:[/B] Saranrae ([B]Domains:[/B] Good, Sun)

[B]Str:[/B] 13 +1 (--p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 1	[B]XP[/B]: 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 13 +1 (--p.)	[B]BAB:[/B] +0		[B]HP:[/B] 9 (1d8+1)
[B]Con:[/B] 13 +1 (--p.)	[B]Grapple:[/B] +1	[B]Craft Points:[/B] n/a
[B]Int:[/B] 15 +2 (--p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 20'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b] 
[B]Wis:[/B] 16 +3 (--p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +1	[B]Spell Save:[/B] 
[B]Cha:[/B] 15 +2 (--p.)	[B]ACP:[/B] -6		[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+4	+2	+1	+0	+0	+0	17
[B]Touch:[/B]	11	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 16

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+3	+2	+1	+0
[B]Ref:[/B]	+1	+0	+1	+0
[B]Will:[/B]	+5	+2	+3	+0

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Morningstar           	+1	1d8+1	20/x2      	------
Dagger                  +1/+1	1d4(+1)	19-20/x2 	10 ft


[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Celestial, Draconic

[B]Abilities:[/B] Turn Undead (9x/day), Divine Spells, Spontaneous Cure Spells, Domain Powers & Spells

[B]Feats: [/B] 
1st - [B]Extra Turning[/B]
1st - (bonus) [B]Empowered Turning [/B]

[B]Spells prepared[/B] (Save DC 13 + spell level): 
[B]Domains:[/B] Good, Sun
[b]Domain Powers:[/b] Good: cast good spells at +1 caster level.  Sun: Once per day,
 you can perform a greater turning against undead
 in place of a regular turning. The greater turning is like a normal turning 
except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead. 

[B]Spells Prepared:[/B]
	0th - (4)     Light, Detect Magic, Resistance, Read Magic
	1st - (3+1)   Divine Favor, Bless, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil(D)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 20	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills		Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
Concentration	5	4	+1	--
Know (Religion) 6	4	+2	--
Know (Arcana)	3	1	+2	--
Know (History)	6	4	+2	--
Know (Planes)	5	3	+2	--
Heal        	7	4	+3	--


[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Morningstar           	8gp	6lb
Scale Mail            	50gp	30lb
Heavy Steel Shield 	20gp	15lb
Dagger                 	2gp	1lb
Backpack              	2gp	2lb
Explorer's Outfit     	10gp	8lb
Belt Pouch             	2gp	2lb
Wooden Holy Symbol	1gp	--lb
Bedroll                	5sp	5lb
Winter Blanket       	5sp	3lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]71 lb	[B]Money:[/B] 14gp 

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	50	100	150	300	750

[B]Age:[/B] 20
[B]Height:[/B] 5'11"
[b]Weight:[/b] 175 lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] Brown
[B]Hair:[/B] Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Tan

Appearance: Studious looking. Close cropped hair. Delkat's eyes flicker with insight and knowledge. Normally choosing to dress in something sensible and appropriate to the situation -- never flashy. He has a birthmark in the shape of the sun on his chest.

Personality: Dry, direct, logical -- always looking for the reason behind things, the cause and/or effect. Humor has been determined to be superfluous.

Background: Delkat was raised in a strict religious household on the outskirts of Sandpoint Harbor. He grew up in the home of poor farmers -- his father was a devout worshipper of Saranrae.

His youth was strenuous, several times, the family was at its ends, trying to feed all of the children, but he land was forgiving and they all pitched in on the farm. His father was not a learned man, but he did teach Delkat the value of a hard days work, and the sins of idle hands.

He was destined to serve the Sun God from birth. The birthmark on his chest was cause for some excitement and buzz around Sandpoint -- the local priest ordained that it was a sign from their god. Each day, when his chores were done, he was to be found in the small village temple to Saranrae, deep within an ancient text or tome. The town priest did his best to guide the boy in his thirst for knowledge on all topics -- even writing to his friend at a larger temple of Saranrae in Magnimar for additional books and scrolls. By the time the boy was 14, he had outgrown the humble temples resources. Word had reached the temple in Windsong Abbey about the boy's drive and capacity for learning, and he was welcomed to come learn at their temple - but his family could not bear the loss of him at the time.

L1 -> Cleric 1 HP: +9 SP: +20
Concentration +4, Know (Religion) +4, Know (History) +4, Know (Planes) +3, Heal +4, Know (Arcana) +1
Feat: Extra Turning, Empowered Turning
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First Post
I think I'd like to try a scout, either human or elf. What are the guidelines for character creation, specifically for ability scores?


I'd like to play an arcane trickster, a rogue/sorcerer with the Able Learner feat (so he can keep a couple roguish skills maxed without having to spend extra skill points). His primary role would be troubleshooter. He would have an array of useful skills for any occasion and spells for occasions that don't fall into "any" category (get it? ;)). He would be a vagabond and prankster; a wanderer at heart with a good soul but ill disposition towards authority and sedentary (or traditional) lifestyles. If possible, I'd like to use the Unearthed Arcana variant for sorcerers that gives them an animal companion (half druid-level) instead of a familiar and the Wilderness rogue variant. This would give him more of an outdoors feel. Here is the 25-point buy version.

Male human wilderness rogue 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Age 18
Height 6’ 2”
Weight 184 lbs.
Init +2; Senses Listen –1, Spot –1
Languages Common, Goblin
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
(+2 Dex, +2 leather armor)
hp 7 (1 HD)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will –1
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee short sword +0 (1d6/19-20) or
dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Atk Options sneak attack +1d6
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 15
SQ trapfinding
Feats Able Learner, Track
Skills Bluff +4, Concentration +3, Disable Device +5, Handle Animal +6, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (nature) +5, Open Lock +6, Ride +6, Search +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +3, Survival +3
Possessions backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations, bedroll, sack, flint and steel, thieves’ tools, hooded lantern, 3 pints of oil, 10 crossbow bolts, 10 gp

Zandrik is a loner with only a few friends from the town of Sandpoint. He has lived his life on the lamb ever since his family was killed by goblin raiders many years ago. He still harbors a bitter resentment towards the miserable creatures and yearns for vengeance.
He lives alone on the edge of town in a shanty he built himself. He is a hunter and wilderness guide by trade, but life as a poor orphan child has taught him a number of other less honorable skills. His life is a simple one, subsisting on what meager spoils his hunting brings him and crafting by hand everything else he needs. He has grown up in a world that taught him to rely on himself, so he is often very insular and introspective.
Though he is strong in spirit, he is not a sociable type so he has maintained few ties to society other than a regular group of friends with whom he meets in the tavern. To most he is an enigma, but to those few souls he is an open book. He would gladly die for them if it was required of him. They have been through a lot over the years and though they have had their fair share of disagreements, he sees them as his only true family.
He longs to become something more than the young recluse who keeps to himself. He wishes for something greater in his life, but he has never had the opportunity to do something great. However, he has the spark of magic about him. He sees a world that few people see and has already developed an eye for subtle powers invisible to most. It is his belief that embracing and expanding these perceptions might be the key to attaining that which he most desires.


Beta Sheet

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Lawful Neutral
Representing H4H

Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 17 (+3)
Constitution 17 (+3)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 10 (+0)
Size: Medium

Height: 4' 1"
Weight: 195 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde; Straight; Thick Beard / Hirsute

Total Hit Points: 11

Speed: 20 feet

Armor Class: 15 = 10 +2 [leather] +3 [dexterity]

Touch AC: 13
Flat-footed: 12
Initiative modifier: +3 = +3 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +5 = 2 [base] +3 [constitution]
Reflex save: +5 = 2 [base] +3 [dexterity]
Will save: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +4 = 1 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +4 = 1 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile): +4 = 1 [base] +3 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +4 = 1 [base] +3 [strength]

Light load: 76 lb. or less
Medium load:77-153 lb.
Heavy load:154-230 lb.
Lift over head:230 lb.
Lift off ground:460 lb.
Push or drag:1150 lb.

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Shoanti

Heavy Crossbow [1d10, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 120 ft., 8 lb., piercing]
Dwarven Urgrosh [1d8/1d6, crit x3, 12 lb., two-handed, slashing or piercing]

Track [free to rangers]
Big Game Hunter [You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against Large or larger creatures.]

Skills: Ranks (Total)
Appraise 0 (+2/+4 Metal or Stone)
Balance 0 (+3)
Bluff 0 (+0)
Climb 0 (+3)
Concentration 0 (+3)
Craft (Trapmaking) 4 (+6/+8 Metal or Stone)
Diplomacy 0 (+0)
Disguise 0 (+0)
Escape Artist 0 (+3)
Forgery 0 (+2)
Gather Information 0 (+0)
Handle Animal 4 (+4)
Heal 0 (+2)
Hide 4 (+7)
Intimidate 0 (+0)
Jump 0 (-3)
Listen 4 (+6)
Move Silently 4 (+7)
Perform 0 (+0)
Ride 0 (+3)
Search 4 (+6)
Sense Motive 0 (+2)
Spot 4 (+6)
Survival 4 (+6)
Swim 0 (+3)
Use Rope 0 (+3)

* = check penalty for wearing armor

+2 constitution / -2 charisma (already included)
Can move 20 feet even if in heavy armor
Darkvision (see 60 feet in pitch-dark)
Stonecunning (+2 on searching stone, intuit depth)
+4 to avoid being bullrushed while standing on ground
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. spells / spell-like abilities
+1 racial bonus to hit orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus on AC against giants
+4 stability bonus to avoid being tripped/bull rushed standing on ground
+2 racial bonus on appraise and craft checks if stone/metal

Favored enemies: Humanoids (goblinoid) +2
Track as bonus feat (already included)
Wild empathy (roll level + charisma bonus)

Dugan's Equipment:
Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x2
Blanket, winter x1
Block and tackle
Case (for map or scroll)
Fishing net
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Pouch x1
Rations (1 day) x1
Rope (50', hempen) x1
Sacks x1
Waterskins x1
Tools (Traps) x1

History: Born in the Iron-walled town of Janderhoff, Dugan showed little if any interest in Mining Copper. Instead his Parents sent him to live with his "crazy" Uncle Jasper, just outside of Sandpoint when he was a lad. Since then Dugan has made his way as a hunter and trapper and selling game in town. Some time ago his Uncle was killed in a Goblin Raid, Dugan still harbors a grudge against the creatures and thier kin.


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