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Pathfinder. The New Adventuring Path. ( D&D 3.5 )

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First Post
First off - thanks for the link. I meant to put it up for everyone. Really appreciate it!
Secondly - Stats will be done via www.invisiblecastle.com. Don't go to the stat section, go to the roll dice section. For the amount of times, put in 7. For the dice section put in 4d6.takeHighest(3). That way you get a 'junk' roll. Which basically just gives you a seventh stat that you can switch out with your lowest roll.


TwistedMindInc said:
First off - thanks for the link. I meant to put it up for everyone. Really appreciate it!
Secondly - Stats will be done via www.invisiblecastle.com. Don't go to the stat section, go to the roll dice section. For the amount of times, put in 7. For the dice section put in 4d6.takeHighest(3). That way you get a 'junk' roll. Which basically just gives you a seventh stat that you can switch out with your lowest roll.

Kewl! I thought as much. Use our enworld handle correct?

Isida Kep'Tukari

I have interest in playing a fighter, a woman with a strong desire to do right. Though never quite feeling that she had a vocation, her devotion to law was such that some mistook her for a paladin. Kay Islane works with both the local temples and the town guard, and her devotion to perfection in her craft of war would make her a fine addition to any party. She has strong convictions about obeying proper authority, as well as a powerful sense of duty to right wrongs and protect the innocent.

She's basically your typical sword and board fighter with a strong relgious bent. One of her feats would be the Law Devotion feat from Complete Champion. I'd probably be shooting for the Pious Templar PrC (Complete Divine) later, if we get that far and if her character seems to be developing role-playing-wise adequately in that direction.

One curious thing about her is that though she is extremely pious and devout, she has never taken vows and always changes the subject when it's brought up. For some reason she seems to find something in herself that's unworthy, despite the fact her devotion has brought her a tiny measure of divine power in the form of her Law Devotion feat. What this reason for personal inadequacy is, no one knows yet, but perhaps seeking something outside Sandpoint will help.

Kay is a woman of medium height and stocky build, heavily muscled for a woman. Her hair is brown and worn long, pulled back in a tail at the nape of her neck. Her skin is tanned from hours drilling outdoors, and she bears a few faint scars from accidents in her profession. She always dresses neatly, even perhaps a little fancy, and keeps her armor in weapons in impeccable repair (almost to a fault). She would have the Weapon Focus (longsword), Sheild Specialization (heavy) [PHB II], and Law Devotion [ComCha] feats. Her skills would emphasize Intimidation (to get people to back down peaceably) along with a few cross-class ranks in Knowledge (relgion) to represent her devotion. She would also carry non-lethal weapons with her in order to take foes alive if she had to.

Rolls: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1305938

Let me know if you need to know more or anything. :)


First Post
I would love to take part in this one. My character concept follows:

KOSAN HEMLOCK, Son of Sheriff Belor Hemlock (I haven't read the adventure, so if this doesn't work as a character concept - sorry!)
Human, Male, 18, LG
Fighter, Level 1

Gruff like his father, only with a full head of jet black dread-locked hair. Kosan is the son of the sheriff, and while he would love to one day follow his father into his chosen profession, he does not have the natural charisma his father commands. He is still young, though, and works hard and honestly as a guard, believing firmly that it is his role to protect those weaker than himself.

He is no fool, but his honesty and straight-forward mind make him easy to read as an individual. If the world were a peaceful place and life were to continue on for Kosan without incident, it is expected that he would make a loyal husband and a strict but kind father.

He sounds a little dull, and in truth he is, but then his life has been dull and honest until now. There is, however, a strength to him, a deep well of courage, and a fearless loyalty to friends. Sometimes ordinary people just need extra-ordinary events to awaken their potential.

Kosan suffered from bad dice: 15,15,12,10,10,10 (invisible castle)

Probably go for:
STR: 15
DEX: 15
CON: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10
Although I may move the DEX and CON around?

I will flesh him out if you decide he is a suitable fighter for the adventure.


First Post
Jek Stormsol is the second son of five in a family from one of the many Cheliax city-states, a third generation citizen of Varisia. The Stormsols are fairly well off, a merchant family who deal in exotic goods in Magnimar. Being the second son, however, he is not to inherit the business and thus was apprenticed to a wizard just outside of Sandpoint at a young age, a fairly affluent profession according to his parents. Having recently completed his journeymanship, he's decided to take up the life of adventuring, however, to his parents' dismay, instead of working for Mayor Deverin's small but well established court or a minor lord of Magnimar.

Jek is a forthright individual, having led a very strict lifestyle. He is a devout follower of Abadar, mostly because of his upbringing, and pays respect to Nethys like his master, an kind but often eccentric man. His desire to see the world and discover what's out there is due to a strong curiosity cultivated from years of research. After knowing the theoretical, he believes it is important to gain real world experience, and he still has every intention to join a court when he feels he is ready, probably the fact that has kept him on speaking terms with his parents.

Secretly, even to Jek, his aptitude for magic began at a very young age - young enough to give his parents pause. Fearing that he was somehow tainted by some unknown fiendish source - wrongly or rightly - they apprenticed him as a wizard immediately so that he would gain control of these abilities, and to hide his innate abilities with magic. While his wizardly training has honed his magical abilities, his parents still fear their origins, and this is the overriding reason that they do not wish him to explore these abilities and to take up the quiet life of a court mage.

Jek is of average height and build with dark black hair and eyes and pale skin, giving away his Chelaxian heritage. He is 21 years old, just emerging from his master's tower into the real world. He wears practical outfits, those made for walking the terrain outside the town, as he plans on taking up the life of the adventurer. He does miss the finer things in life, but he is determined to live a new life - for now.

His general demeanor is guarded due to his unfamiliarity with his current living conditions and those around him, often crossing and uncrossing his arms and rarely looking anyone in the eye unless speaking directly to them. He is thoughtful, possessing less in the way of common sense and more careful contemplation. At the same time, he is helpful to those around him who need aid and wishes only the best for his fellows of Sandpoint.

Jek Stormsol
Human Wizard (Enchanter) 1
Medium Humanoid (Human) LG
Init +2; Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common, Draconic, Thassilonian, Chelaxian
AC 12 (flat footed 10, touch 12)
HP 5 (1 HD)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
Spd 30
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8 / 19-20 x2) [80']
Base Atk +0, Grapple: +0
Spells Prepared (CL 1; +2 ranged touch)
1st - hypnotism (DC 15), whelm*, (DC 15), Empty
0th - daze (DC 14), detect magic, light, mage hand
Spells Known
1st - distract assailant**, feather fall, hypnotism, identify, shield, whelm*
0th - All (PHB)
Barred Schools Necromancy, Conjuration
Abilities Str 11 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 11 Cha 13
SQ Instant Daze (enchantment)* (DC 13) 3/day
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Alacritous Cogitation***
Skills Concentration (4) +5, Knowledge (Arcana) (4) +7, Knowledge (Nature) (2) +5, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) (2) +5, Knowledge (Religion) (2) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) (2) +5, Spellcraft (4) +7
Possessions Spell Book (3lb), Spell Component Pouch (2lb), Bedroll (5lb), Winter Blanket (3lb), Hooded Lantern (2lb) & 2 pints Oil (2lb), Parchment Ink & Quill (-), Sealing Wax & Signet Ring (1lb), 50' Silk Rope (5lb), Waterskin (4lb), Backpack (2lb), 2 Belt Pouches (1lb), Abadar's Holy Symbol (-), Sunrod (1lb), Crossbow & 10 Bolts (5lb), 3 gp & 21 sp [36lb: Light Encumbrance]

** Spell Compendium
*** Complete Mage

Ability Score Rolls
Starting Gold
I've used some things from various books, if you don't like them, they're easily changed, or you want full descriptions I can give them to you.
I'd like to take him into the Master Specialist Prestige Class from Complete Mage.
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First Post
Heres Rat, a male Whisper Gnome Rogue. Whisper Gnomes are from Races of Stone.

[SBLOCK=Rat]Stats: made a whoops. Rolled just 1 die, here it is, rolling 6 more now :) 1114, 15, 10, 11, 11, 10

Effram Tidechaser was born in the coastal town of Sandpoint. Even as a child, Effram displayed far too much curiosity about his surroundings, and the concept of "property". In time, as he slowly matured, he understood 2 things: first, neighbors didnt like having someone riffling through their affairs, and second, seeing as he wasn't the only curious youth in town, not getting caught meant not being blamed. He developed stealth quite rapidly and although his parents were occasionally embarrassed by his skylarkings, they were also quite proud of his growing prowess. His mother, Raven, had been a pickpocket in her youth, and his father, Tar, was the best scout in the sandpoint militia.

He made a game out of training his stealth skills. He often snuck up on people and listenned in on their conversations. He found the gossip of his peers to be fascinating when they thought they were secluded from curious ears. He often used this knowledge for great pranks, but his victims never thought it was funny. People often suspected him of spying on them, and became rather paranoid of him. Some began calling him "Rat". Few had been spared what they considered to be cruel and humiliating pranks and so the new name stuck. Now no one in Sandpoint, other than his parents, will acknowledge him by any other name.

Name: Rat
Race: Whisper Gnome
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 1
HPs: 9
Init: +4, Listen/Spot +8
Languages Spoken: Gnome, Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Kobold.

STR: 12 (14 -2 Racial)
DEX: 17 (15 +2 Racial)
CON: 13 (11 +2 Racial)
INT: 11
WIS: 11
CHA: 8 (18 -2 Racial)

Skills:..............................Ranks........Ability Mod......Misc.......Total

Disable Device.....................4................+0..............+0............+4
Move Silently......................4................+3..............+4.............+11
Open Locks.........................4................+3..............+0............+7

Sneak Attack +1d6
Two Weapon Fighting

Equipment to follow.[/SBLOCK]


***EDIT: corrected some mispelling.***
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WarShrike said:
Heres Rat, a male Whisper Gnome Rogue. Whisper Gnomes are from Races of Stone.

Stats: (Rolled) 16, 15, 16, 10, 15, 12, 14

Interesting that there are like a half dozen similiar rolls (4d6 take the highest 7 times) withing 5 minutes of your particular link with names like Ferret, Weasel and Raven of course the one under Rat has the best set even though some of the others are pretty good.

Of course that is why we roll under our enworld handles to avoid this type of "confusion."


Rolfe - Half Orc Rogue

Ability Scores (4d6.takeHighest(3)=15, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=12, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=8, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=14, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=15, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=15, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=11)

Rolfe didnt know who his mother was. He was raised among the other children by the communal females of the tribe. But he knew he was ugly. He was smaller, weaker, and not as tough as most of his playmates, but he was smarter, and more cunning, and more importantly persuasive. he was able to make Arauck his best friend. And Arauck was big, and mean and nasty. Time passed and both he and Aracuk were assigned to a raiding party to support a group from the Hold of Belkzen. Rolfe knew there must be more to life than simply raiding and killing. He just didn't know how to acheive these things. But the raid provided a perfect opportunity. He had nothing against the Shoanti they raided, but maybe during the confusion of the raid he could make his escape; and he did. He found a cellar to hide in after the raid.

When he emerged hours after things had calmed down, he was in even more danger. He was stoned and chased from the village. He couldn't go back to his tribe, because he would be accused of cowardice, and he couldn't fit in human society because of his orc blood. Finally he ended up in Sandpoint. He wasn't really accepted there but his skills and strong back were at least in demand. Working as a cargo handler, and making some side money by strongarming for hire weren't what he wanted but at least he could survive until he could see his way to wealth and power.

1/2 Orc, Male Rogue lvl 1
True Neutral
16 years old, 6'5", 283 lbs.
Brown hair, Dark Grey eyes, Ruddy complexion
Speed 30'

STR 14, +2 (12)
DEX 15, +2 (15)
CON 14, +2 (14)
INT 13, +1 (15)
WIS 11, +0 (11)
CHA 13, +1 (15)

Fort +2, Reflex +4, Will +0
HP 8, Init +2
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat Footed 13 (+3 Studded Leather / +2 Dex)

Short Sword +2 / 1d6+2, 19-20/x2 (Piercing)
Dagger +2 / 1d4+2, 10-20/x3, 10' Range (Piercing/Slashing)
Shortbow +2 / 1d6, x3, 60' Range (Piercing)
Club +2 / 1d6+2, x2 (Bludgeoning)
(+1d6 Sneak attack damage)

Skills W/ Ranks
Bluff +5 (4)
Disable Device +7 (4)
Disguise +4 (3)
Gather Information +3 (2)
Hide +3 (2) -1
Knowledge/Local +3 (2)
Listen +2 (2)
Move Silent +3 (2) -1
Open Lock +8 (4)
Search +5 (4)
Sense Motive +2 (2)
Sleight of Hand +2 (1) -1
Tumble +5 (4) -1

Nimble Fingers

Languages Common, Orc, Goblin

Darkvision 60'
Orc Blood
Sneak Attack +1d6

Arrows (x20)
Grappling Hook
Rope, Hemp (50')
Belt Pouch
Flint & Steel
Thieves Tools
4 gp, 9 sp
Studded Leather
Short Sword
Travelers Outfit

Voidrunner's Codex

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