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Paths of Legend: The Azgundi Tournaments


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Zander said:
Zander opens with grand sweeping gestures not only to the moderator but to the audience as well, "Can it be denied that dragons are the most powerful creatures on this world? Can it be denied that we are like insects to them, or worse, potential meals? Can it be denied that every single one of those beasts is a threat to our very existence? No, none of these facts can be denied. Wipe them out, use their hides to forge armor, provide their other parts to the Arcane Academy for study and use as spell components and destroy the rest, I say. Their moment of weakness can and should be our moment to assert our rightful place as sovereigns, pardon me, caretakers, of this land."
Alaric rebutts "A rather brutish and ignoble suggestion, and quite unnecessary as well. We of the Adventurers' Guild have already made progress on approaching a cure for the Dragon Plague, and one key component has already been found. Instead, the dragons may be eternally grateful to Azgund when the cure is complete, and may be a strong ally. We should be above such actions as my opponent suggests. It would be dishonorable to strike at the dragons now, a waste of our resources and people in fighting them, as many Azgundi would surely perish, and it would likely make some of our allies wary of dealing with us after such a ruthless and opportunistic move. We would be better served to be patient and work on the cure until it is ready and we can offer it to those dragons who pledge alliances with Azgund. Rather than take advantage of their weakness, we would be better served to gain their alliance and thus their strength for the defense of Azgund." Alaric can't help but glance at Zander and shoot him a smug look, even though Alaric isn't really sure how Shayuri is supposed to be a part of the Dragon Plague's cure. Details, details. They can wait.

OOC Diplomacy check 18. :D
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The young dragon narrows her eyes at Entan's suggestion that she and Shayuri remain alone with him. She hasn't been away from Odon since setting out from home. The one time I did get away from him, I was nearly skewered with a crossbow bolt! I won't make that mistake again.

Showing a maturity and shrewdness beyond her usual behavior, Pryzm says, "Odon has not said it will work." She snorts in the wizard's general direction. "And if he does, I won't agree unless he's with me." She sits regally at Odon's feet daring anyone to tell her she's wrong.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Ah say, that if you have problems with some bandits, to open a trade route between me dwarven brethren and this town, ye should first speak to me kin, and explain the problem, if there's commerce to be done, and bandits to be wiped out, dwarfs will take their axes and hammers and cleave some skulls. There be no pirate that dares to attack a caravan with a half dozen of dwarves armed 'till the teeth. Ye can also contact the elves. They use those bows 'n stuff, may come handy too, although their determination is to put in doubt. And that will save ye from dealing with pirates, and all that sort 'f scum." explains the dwarf, quite happy with his idea. Specially with his comment about the elves. He looks at the elven woman smiling comically.


First Post
The Arcane Academy

Entan sighs heavily, "You come seeking my help and then refuse to heed my requests. How very typical."

He retrieves a scroll from a locked desk nearby and unfurls it, "Neither of you will die during this process, unless I miscast the spell on the scroll, which is exceedingly unlikely unless I am interrupted. The casting will take a few minutes, so the rest of you will need to be quiet. Pryzm and Shayuri, you will only need to be present for the first few seconds, though you will be weakened afterward...if I'm interrupted the drain you experience will be far worse."

He moves up to Pryzm and Shayuri and begins chanting...

Pryzm and Shayuri feel something of themselves being drawn away.

OOC: Pryzm and Shayuri each suffer a negative level (-1 on d20 rolls and Shayuri loses one spell slot from her highest level of spells). They are, however, free to act normally.

Valen and Odon hear a commotion in the main foyer...

OOC: Going to assume William followed Aohdan out of the room to keep the pace going and to give the centaur some back up...

Meanwhile, Aohdan and William emerge in the main foyer once more and see one of the school's servants moving to open the door. A voice can be heard on the otherside.

"I bring an urgent message for the wizard, Entan. I was told I could find him here."

The servant responds, "Master Entan is currently occupied. If you give the message to me, I will make sure he gets it."

"That simply won't do." The voice becomes a growl at the end and the servant suddenly topples over, sliding off the end of a longsword. The door is flung open and a man the paladin and centaur do not recognize enters, blood still dripping from his blade. The man eyes the pair for a moment before rushing at them, his form twisting and warping as he does, becoming a humanoid wolf, still bearing the longsword, ready to strike.

OOC: Roll initiative! Valen, Shayuri, Pryzm, and Odon will need to take a move action to get to the foyer. William and Aohdan can attack this round.

The Debate


Anareesa watches Renaldo warily until he enters the tent, then speaks quietly to Estelle, "There was a man, a half-elf I think, with terribly dark eyes. He just...just looked at me and I couldn't look away. He told me to do things and I couldn't stop myself from doing them."


Renaldo enters the tent and sees four debate pairs at the other end of the tent. Lady Nineveh and Johen, Lady Devera and Muzdum, Alaric and some noble Renaldo has never seen before, and the Thayvian man who survived the crazed silver dragon's attack at the Adventurer's Guild tavern and another man Renaldo doesn't recognize.


OOC: Edit, looks like you got your post in while I was working on this one.

The moderator nods, "Point goes to Lady Devera. Muzdum, your turn."


The moderator turns to Nineveh, "You may now offer a rebuttal."

Nineveh nods graciously and begins, "If I may, master druid, does not your own land of Turen maintain a feudal system based on lineage? Turen has proven to be a nation of stalwart allies and utmost integrity. Indeed, were it not for the aid and noble sacrifice of Turen's brave warriors during the Shadow War, Azgund would surely have fallen."

She pauses to collect her thoughts, "Turen has prospered for centuries under a system that ultimately failed for Azgund. Why? Because Turen's nobles do not resort to the petty bickering and squabbles that plague Azgund's House of Lords to this day. Azgund would do well to learn from its allies, I think."

Nineveh's Diplomacy check (rebuttal vs Johen) (1d20+10=22)

The moderator nods to Nineveh then states, "Point goes to Lady Nineveh. My Lady, your turn."

"Thank you. The tournaments promote a meritocracy, or at least they should. But, it also keeps our government dangerously unstable. With Lords and Ladies changing every four years, it is nearly impossible to achieve long term goals. With no central ruler, each Lord and Lady moves only to promote their own duchy or barony, caring little for the well being of their neighbors. I would put forth that we are not, in fact, a cohesive nation but rather a collection of petty provinces, barely able to maintain a tenuous alliance. We need a strong central authority to maintain stability and we need the Lords and Ladies to maintain longevity in their positions which the tournaments do not afford."

Nineveh's Diplomacy check (2nd round) (1d20+10=29)

The moderator turns to Johen, "You may now offer a rebuttal."


Zander is clearly irate and starts speaking before the moderator can intervene, "How dare you accuse me of being brutish! You would leave the fate of this nation in the hands of the Adventurer's Guild? Rootlesss ruffians and thugs with no care for rank or station?"

The moderator interrupts, "Zander, speak out of turn again and you will be penalized in the next round. Point goes to Alaric. Master Alaric, it is your turn."
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Renaldo stands and listens to the words of Lady Ninavah, dwelling on the wise and respectful way she delivers her speach and finds himself very impressed with his charge's responses.


First Post
ooc: well.. :erm:

Johen listens to the Lady and bows slightly to her intelligent speech. He simply replies: "Well, you build a good argument mylady, however, whatever works for one people or civilization may not work for another. Turen and Azgund are two very different societies.
Regarding stability, it is obtained through laws for the wellbeing of azungi people. And maybe the strength of Azgund is by adding its differences amongst its provinces, each bringing a part to the overall construction and wellbeing of Azgund."

He bows as he concludes his speech, saluting both the jury and the Lady.


"Wretched Dog, you'll pay for your murder!" William's reaches for his sword, hardly realizing the unintend pun in his words. He shouts over his shoulder "ASSASSIN in the foyer!" before moving to engage the beast.

[sblock=ooc]Initiative (1d20+1=7)
*Not sure if you want actual actions yet, so I'll wait, as I'm likely near the end of the initiative order*[/sblock]

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