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Paths of the Damned, Pt. 2: Rats in the Walls


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Ottokar's face turns white upon hearing this news.

"What? How is this possible? We were with him just moments before we came here. He gave us a reward and this pendant for a job well done?"

His expressions shifts from disbelief to anger.

"We carried it all this way just to have it be stolen when it should have been safest. First Dietrich had to die, now Morten? This will not stand! I swear it!"

Ottokar's face has started to turn light red, his eyes bulging, and his mouth nearly frothing. Suddenly, he appears to grow calm. His eyes then narrow on Ulrich.

"You said you wanted our weapons, if I recall. Are we suspected of involvement? Are you saying I could have anything to do with this? Me, an initiate of the Order of the Silver Hammer? Winifred, who has bled to see this mission carried out? Just what are you trying to say?"

Ottokar looks like he is about continue, but he pauses. His eyes soften from anger to a tired sadness.

"Forgive me. I am tired and frustrated. Of course, we respect the laws of the Empire and want to help however we can."

Ottokar draws his hammer and places it in on Ulrich's desk.

"What can we do for you?"

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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Schutzmann looks exhausted himself. "I'm not trying to say anything. You two were the last people to see Father Morten alive. Admittedly, it's unlikely that you would have given him your delivery if you were intent on keeping it yourselves. This is standard procedure for the City Watch. If you truly want to help, however..." He trails off and looks at Winifred to see her reaction to the situation at hand.


Winifred is non-plussed at the news of Father Morten's death, but recovers quickly, "We might have been the last outsiders to see him alive, but we spoke to him in the public area of the temple, not in private. An initate was there towards the end of the conversation and we talked for a few minutes more. Then we walked out straight into the arms of the watchmen you sent to bring us here. We would barely have had time to do anything."

she steps back and begins to slowly unbuckle her swords, "I understand that you have your duty to do; and if it is your judgement that I can best serve the Empire by kicking my heels in your custody then I can only submit to your authority. I would request however, that you arrange for my horse to be looked after during my incarceration. I shall of course pay."

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Schutzmann purses his lips as Winifred finishes speaking, clearly deep in thought. "A moment," he says and stands up, walking over to the door and opening it a crack. He says something to the guards outside and then returns to his attention to the two of you. "We're stretched thin enough as it is, and I'm willing to give the two of you the benefit of the doubt. If you want to help, then here's your chance. I'm going to write up a warrant allowing you to investigate the murder. Find the party or parties responsible. The only catch — I want one of my operatives, Ragnar Foulbreath, to go with you. He's a little...unconventional in both demeanor and style, but he's a good worker and handy in trouble. I've just sent someone out to fetch him."

As he finishes this sentence, there's a knock at the door, it opens, and...[sblock=OOC for Insight]Cue Ragnar Foulbreath.[/sblock]

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
...an Elf kithband warrior in full regalia strides into the room, accompanied by a member of the city watch. Schutzmann is clearly surprised. "Torillan." He turns to the watchman, who smirks slightly before muttering something about Ragnar being indisposed.

Schutzmann regains his equanimity and turns to Ottokar and Winifred. "Apparently, I was mistaken. You will be accompanied by Torillan Ellandilas, one of our scouts. He's more than capable." Schutzmann then explains the situation to Torillan, detailing the events of your meeting thus far. He stands up when he finishes. "I'll leave the three of you to decide on your course of action. Good luck, gentlemen."


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Ottokar, expecting to see a dwarf, is surprised when the elf appears. A slight look of disappointment crosses his face, but he conceals it quickly.

"Master Ellandilas, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ottokar," he says in his slow Ostland accent.

He wipes his hand on his robe and extends it to shake.


A scraggly Dwarf dressed half in leather armor, carrying a flail at his side, a shield at his back, walks through the door. The distinct scent of dried blood wafts through the air as the Dwarf approaches.

"Aw right, Schutzmann," the Dwarf says. "I'm here already. Call off yer dogs."

The Dwarf approaches, then stops, looking around at the room's other occupants. "Who're these?" he asks of Capt. Schutzmann.


First Post
Lot said:
Ottokar, expecting to see a dwarf, is surprised when the elf appears. A slight look of disappointment crosses his face, but he conceals it quickly.

"Master Ellandilas, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ottokar," he says in his slow Ostland accent.

He wipes his hand on his robe and extends it to shake.

Torillan eyes the initiate curiously for a moment, then smiles and shakes the offered hand.

"The pleasure is mine, sir. And please forgive my appearance, as I have only just returned from a patrol outside the walls when I was summoned here."

His smile quickly fades, however, as he hears a distinct shuffling coming down the hall. His eyes narrow as he turns to see whoever is coming through the doorway.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Schutzmann's eyes pop open. He's clearly frustrated with the disorder, but manages to smile and shake his head. "Ragnar, nice of you to join us. I need you to accompany these men as they investigate a murder — Father Morten of the Cult of Sigmar. I'll leave it to the four of you to decide how you'd like to proceed with the investigation. If you'll excuse me now, I have some other business to attend to. Report to me back here once your investigation is finished."


Ragnar turns towards the elf, whom he barely knows. "Seems easy enough, Captain," the Dwarf replies. "Tho I'm not much fer investigatin'. I s'pose there's not much to it. But, ah, when we find the killer, I knows how to deal with his type." The former gladiator smirks at the last comment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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