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(PCs) Dangerous Legacy - Rogues' Gallery


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Here is the Rogue gallery and character creation process for Dangerous Legacy. Should you have any questions, please post them in the OOC thread. Please only post your character for this game in this section.

Thank you.

Character Creation:
Only races from the PHB
Any base class from the PHB, Expanded Psionic Handbook, Complete Divine, Complete Warrior and Complete Arcane. Prestige classes can become available as characters level up.
Level: 1 . . . Current Level: 4
Point Buy: 35 points.
Max gold for class at first level. One Masterwork weapon of your choice, no cost.
Alignment: Characters SHOULD be of good alignment. While a character of another alignment could work out in the adventure, there will come a time down the adventure where it will be VERY advantageous to be good and you will wish you were of good align at that time.

All characters get an extra feat. This feat is limited to general feats and should be described as a feat that the character gained while growing up.

Additionally, all characters may choose 2 skills that will always be considered “Class skills”. These skills are considered to be something the character has always been, and always will be, interested in. However, if you chose something that is “Trained only” then you must be a class that has that skill on its skill list. ((This is a great way to add a couple extra skills to your character or to ensure that at least two skills can always be increased for those who chose to multi-class.

I’ll also be adding something to the game called Luck Dice. Luck dice are set by race and are rolled rarely, generally only when an Ability roll would be made but which ability to assign is not obvious. Luck can be both good and bad and some races are more subject to luck than others. When luck dice are rolled, the highest number possible for the die results in good luck while rolling a 1 on the die results in bad luck. The larger the die, the less likely luck will play into the situation.

For example. Dwarves are not often subject to luck or chance. Their luck die is 1d10 (Rolling a 10 means good luck, 1 bad luck and 2-9 means luck does not come into it) while a human is much more susceptible to the effects of luck, having a 2d6 Luck Dice.

In the case of multiple dice, rolling both a 1 and the highest number (a 6 in the case of humans) cancels each other out and there is no luck, good or bad. If two 1s are rolled, the luck is even worse and likewise, if both roll the highest number (two 6s in the case of humans) then the good luck is even better.

For your histories, you should note that ALL beginning this adventure will start in the city of Tev’El Rhoe. It is a small but tolerant town where many races live together in peace, which is rather rare in Enber. Your character has either come there recently, moved there some time ago or grew up there. (That choice is up to you… as well as the “Whys” and “Hows” of it)

Tev’El Rhoe is on the western side of Enber along the Tuskan River in the foothills beneath the massive mountains that make up the Enber Valley
(Map to come)

The Races
(All races are as shown in the PHB with the exception of the extra feat and the luck dice. A brief description is also given for how these races are within this campaign world.)

Luck Dice: 2d6 (The lives of humans are often swayed by luck)
(Yes, humans start with 3 feats)
Humans typically live around the shores of Lake Enber or along the rivers that feed it. They have several large cities on the lake and trade extensively. No race is as industrious as humans. They have vast farms and often produce in excess of what they need of a given item. They then trade what they have in excess for things they need. Most races see this as a rather foolish way to do things. Why grow corn and trade for tomatoes and rice when you could just grow tomatoes and rice as well? But their system has proven to be extremely effective. Humans worship a complex pantheon of gods in much the same way as ancient Greece did. The gods of the humans generally hold sway over areas, cities or groups of people. For simplicity sake, we’ll just use appropriate “human” gods found in the PHB.

Humans generally have some degree of prejudice against the other races due to an inherent distrust of all things they do not know. Humans are so varied that they do not have a typical alignment as most races do.

Luck Die: 1d10 (The lives of dwarves are rarely swayed by luck)
Dwarves in Enber generally come from Hammerforge, the dwarven capital city in the Kalmar Valley in north western Enber. Most dwarves live their entire lives underground, having a bad taste in their mouths from the “overland” races. However, trade is still done with the overlands. They follow a Norse like pantheon of gods led by Oberon, the Father of The Law, the code by which the Dwarves live, and one of the “Founder Gods.” Dwarves have a deep love for Hammerforge and will do anything to protect it.

Dwarves, like humans, have an inherent distrust. While humans distrust the unknown, dwarves distrust anything that is not dwarven; weapons, armor, furniture, other races, even caves not made by dwarves. Dwarves are also extremely loyal as well as grouchy (at least in the eyes of other races). Most dwarves will be Lawful Good, in accordance with The Law.

Luck Die: 1d8 (Elves are not swayed by luck as much as most races are. As well, elves do not believe in “luck” but rather “fate.”)
Elves in Enber generally hail from a thick woodland area in north eastern Enber called Thel’Luthia. They are a warm, friendly race that generally cares about Enber as a whole and especially nature and things natural. They have a kind of monotheistic religion that worships Thel’Lorean (Yes, the elven capital city was named for him), father of the Elves and son of Thorus Odara, one of the “Founder Gods.” In recent times, worship of Thorus Odara himself has grown. But even those elves that worship Odara still follow the path of Thel’Lorean; artist, scholar, teacher and romanticist.

Elves, being the longest lived of the races, remember more clearly, times when the races lived in harmony and do not hold the same grudges against each other that the other races do. Yet, despite their tolerance, they generally consider themselves the most superior race of all because of the beauty they create, the length of their lives and their natural grace.

Elves are generally Neutral Good in alignment, believing strongly in peace, love, and scholarly or artistic pursuits.

Half Elf
Luck Die: 1d6 (Half elves are not as swayed by luck as humans, but more so than elves, having a sort of “typical” level of luck.)
Half Elves are generally looked down upon by their heritage. Both elves and humans consider intermixing with other races rather inappropriate. But sometimes, elves and humans can fall deeply in love with each other and are physiologically compatible to create offspring. Consequently, half elves rarely ever feel part of either race and often lead lives of exiles and outsiders. But, they usually feel more pull to human lifestyles since humans are far more varied than elves, granting a tiny bit of social moment.

Half elves are like humans and have not typical racial alignment.

2d8 (Lucky; Rolling a 7 or an 8 results in good luck, thus having a greater chance at good luck than bad luck. Halflings are very lucky.)
Halflings hail from the Lomis Valley along the western shore of Lake Enber. The valley is dotted with many small Halfling villages, the main village being Bobbit, where their King lives. Halflings are happy-go-lucky and rarely leave their homes unless curiosity just gets the better of them. They all enjoy lives of leisure, fun and celebration.

Halflings generally worship a goddess similar to Yondalla from the PHB… so for simplicity sake, we’ll just use here. Halflings generally refer to her as “The Provider” and often credit their good fortunes to her intervention.

1d10 (Unlucky; Rolling a 1 or 2 often results in bad luck)
Half-Orcs are generally shunned by Humans. Most half-orcs fit well into Orc societies and are generally regarded as trophies by their fathers. Half-orcs have to work extra hard to prove themselves to their full orc brethren. Occasionally, a half-orc is born with a conscious and cannot live among the full blooded Orcs and exiles himself/herself from them. He/she is an outcast from both societies, though these generally strive to fit into human societies. Half-orcs can form some of the strongest, most loyal bonds of friendships known among any race when he’s exiled himself from the Orcs and found some who will accept him, despite his orcish heritage.

Half-orc exiles (not all half-orcs, just the exiles) receive a racial +1 to their Fort saves. They receive a +4 Will save bonus when mind altering effects attempt to force him/her to harm someone the Half-orc has formed a bond of friendship with. Half-orc Exiles tend to worship human gods, but can find solace in any non-evil god. Half-orcs tend to be of Chaotic Good alignment.

1d6 (Gnomes are swayed by luck as most races are)
Gnomes hail from a series of caves in the eastern mountain range surrounding Enber. They are very much like gnomes of the PHB except that they also worship Oberon, who they believe also created them. Though, unlike the Dwarves, the Gnomes do not have Oberon's Law. The sharing of Oberon as their god has brought Gnomes and Dwarves into sharp contrast as the Oberon of the Gnomes is not nearly as strict and much more forgiving than the Oberon of the Dwarves. Oberon is a builder and teacher in Gnome religion. Gnomes tend to build as elaborately as Dwarves do, but lack the harsh discipline. As well, more Gnomes tend to study the arts and magic, much in the way Elves do. This is due to Oberon's wife (in gnomish religion), Adella, the Entertainer.

OOC Thread
RP Thread
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Knight Otu

First Post
Sel'Tarien, Lawful Good Elf[/font]
Medium Humanoid (Elf), Swashbuckler 4 [XP: ?000/3000]
130 years
Height: 4'11 1/2''
Weight: 103 lb

Speed: 30 ft.
HD: 4d10+4 (Swashbuckler)
HP: 40hp

Str: 14 [5](+2) +1 at 4th level
Dex: 18 [10] (+4) +2 racial
Con: 13 [8](+1) –2 racial
Int: 14 [6](+2)
Wis: 8 [0] (-1)
Cha: 14 [6](+2)

Base Attack: +4 (+4 Swashbuckler)
Grapple: +6 (+4 BAB, +2 Str)

AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 armor)
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Fort +5 [+4 Swashbuckler, +1 Con]
Ref +6 [+1 Swashbuckler, +4 Dex, +1 competence]
Will +0[+1 Swashbuckler, -1 Wis]
Luck Dice: 1d8

Rapier +9 melee; 1d6+4/+2* piercing; 18-20/x2
Shortbow +8 ranged; 1d6 piercing; x3; Range Increment 60 ft.
Dagger +8 melee or ranged; 1d4+4/+2* piercing or slashing; 19-20/x2; Range Increment 10 ft.
*without Insightful Strike (against targets immune to sneak attack/critical hits)

Skills: 42[42Swashbuckler – Skills Sense Motive and Bluff]
Balance +11 [7 Swashbuckler, +4 Dex]
Bluff +9 [7 Swashbuckler, +2 Cha]
Jump +11 [7 Swashbuckler, +2 Str, +2 Acrobatic]
Listen +1 [-1 Wis, +2 elf]
Perform (Sing) +5 [3.5 [7] Swashbuckler, +2 Cha]
Search +4 [+2 Int, +2 elf]
Sense Motive +6 [7 Swashbuckler, -1 Wis]
Spot +1[-1 Wis, +2 elf]
Tumble +13 [7 Swashbuckler, +4 Dex, +2 Acrobatic]

Feats: Acrobatic, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse (B, Swashbuckler 1) Weapon Focus (Rapier) (B, Campaign)

Special Abilities: Elf Traits (immune to sleep, resistant to charm, find secret doors), Low-Light Vision, Grace (+1 Competence bonus to Ref saves), Insightful Strike

Equipment: Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb), bedroll (1 sp, 5 lb), rapier (20 gp, 2 lb.), dagger (2 gp, 1 lb.), shortbow (30 gp, 2 lb), 20 arrows (1 gp, 3 lb.), mw studded leather (175 gp, 20 lb.), waterskin (1 gp, 4 lb), trail rations x4 (2 gp, 4 lb), common lamp (1 sp, 1 lb), 1 pint of oil (1 sp, 1 lb), flinz and steel (1 gp), coins for timmy (7 sp)
Load: 46 lb.
Carrying Capacity: 50/100/150 lb.
5 gp, 0 sp in coins.

Languages known: Common, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
Description: Sel'Tarien is lean and agile. Blond hair flows down to shoulders, framing an oval face with green eyes. The face, despite being hard seems to be formed by decades of joy and laughter, and though the eyes are usually piercing, sometimes gleam with a forgotten friendlyness.

Background: Sel'Tarien has always enjoyed life, and looked upon the great heroes Kendrian and Tandra'var, especially the latter. Sel'Tarien understood that he lacked the insight and dedication to undergo the same training, but Tandra'var's swiftness nonetheless inspired him to learn using weapons that could be used swiftly, especially the rapier.
He eagerly learned reading his opponents and tricking them, and sought to hone his skills outside of combat as well. It became something of a sport for him to trick others into believing him, only to tell them they had been tricked.
Within a single day, much of this changed. After repelling another kobold attack against Tev'el Rhoe, Sel'Tarien was among the group chosen for the trip to Enberton. The group was about to embark as the news of the dragon attack was delivered.
Within a single day, Thel'Lorean was razed. Kendrian was killed. Tandra'var abducted, and likely to be killed as well. That day, the old Sel'Tarien died as well. While a glimmer of his old self remained, Sel'Tarien became dedicated to avenge the heroes, avenge the city. Outwardly, he now seems hard and sometimes cold, but he is not blind to the needs of others.
Realizing that he cannot take on the dragon alone, he hopes to find a way to find allies in this quest.
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Liam Wester
Human Male
Warlock 4
Chaotic Goood
6,000/10,000 xp

Str 10 (+0) [2 pts]
Dex 16 (+3) [8 pts + 1 level]
Con 10 (+0) [2 pts]
Int 16 (+3) [10 pts]
Wis 11 (+0) [3 pts]
Cha 16 (+3) [10 pts]

Size: Medium (6'0", 153 lbs)
HP: 20
BAB: +3
Init: +3
Move: 30'

AC: 16 (10 +3 dex +3 armor)
ff: 13
t: 13

Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +4
Will: +4


Eldritch Blast (+7 attack [touch], 2d6 dmg, 20/x2, 60' range)
Dagger (+3 attack, 1d4 dmg, 19-20/x2, piercing)


Magical Aptitude [Campaign Bonus]
Point Blank Shot [Racial Bonus]
Precise Shot [1st]
Weapon Focus (Ray) [3rd]

Skills (bonus/ranks):

Bluff +10/7
Diplomacy +5/0
Concentration +7/7
Hide^ +9/7
Move Silently^ +9/7
Spellcraft +12/7 (+14 to decipher scrolls)
Use Magic Device +12/7 (+14 to use scrolls)

^ includes acp (-1)

Languages Known:


Class Features:

Eldritch Blast (1d6 dmg/2 levels, 250' range)
Detect Magic (at will)
Damage Reduction (1/cold iron)
Deceive Item

Racial Features:

Bonus Feat
+1 skill point per level
2d6 luck dice

Campaign Bonuses:

Bonus Feat
Bonus Class Skills (Hide, Move Silently)

Invocations Known:

Entropic Warding (least, 2nd)
-20% miss chance vs. ranged attacks (as entropic shield)
-leave no tracks or scent (as pass without trace)
See the Unseen (least, 2nd)
-See invisible/ethereal objects or beings within visual range (as see invisibility)
-Darkvision 60'
Eldritch Spear (least, 2nd, blast shape)
-Increase Eldritch Blast Range to 250'


Dagger [1 lb]
Studded Leather Armor [20 lb]

Backpack [2lb]
Flint & Steel [-]
Belt Pouch [0.5 lb]
Trail Rations (2 days) [2 lb]
Water Skin [4 lb]
Whetstone [1 lb]

Potion of CLW [-]

35 gp 9sp 8 cp

30.5 lb / 33 lb (light load)[/sblock]
[sblock=Appearance]Liam is a fairly unremarkable looking young man. Shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, somewhat on the tall and skinny side, but nothing noteworthy. On first glance one might mistake him for one of hundreds of other young men, going about their business in their perfectly normal villages and cities. However, a closer inspection will reveal that his eyes are where one can find his true indentity. Those who meet his eyes will find a forceful personality staring back at them, with an intense and unwavering gaze.[/sblock]
[sblock=Personality]Liam is an intelligent, outgoing and personable kind of person, at least on the surface. He tends to keep his abilities secret from the general populace, and never lets on that he is anything more than just another guy. Those who get to know him and earn his trust will find him a loyal and steadfast friend even if he tends a bit towards acting out and impulsive behavior.[/sblock]
[sblock=History]Liam originally grew up in a small farming community near the outskirts of Tev’El Rhoe. He got along well with the other local children and seemed all set for a happy and simple life as a farmer. However, things began to change when his powers began to develop. Around his twelfth year, the incidents began. Strange lights and sounds were seen in his room at night, and sometimes he would black out and be found hours later with mysterious burn marks scattered around him. Rumors began to circulate around the community of an ancient family curse, whispers of deals with devils and demons. The neighbors and children who had adored young Liam as a normal child, began to mutter curses and throw stones.

On his thirteenth birthday, Liam decided to leave his village for good. He ran away into the night and decided to make his way to Enberton. He managed to fall in with a trade caravan traveling his direction and spun a tale about running away to be a soldier. They agreed to let him travel with them, and before to long he arrived at his destination. However, the city was not quite as welcoming as he would have hoped.

He tried to talk to various wizards and sages to get some answers, but they were all far too busy to talk to a scruffy young boy from the country. He found himself alone and unwanted in this town, but refused to return home. He lived on the streets and learned to steal food in order to eat. He hid in the alley ways and back streets and avoided the guards at all costs. However, he could not evade notice forever. A guard spotted him snatching a loaf of bread and cried out for him to stop. Liam ran, but the guard gave chase and with longer legs was quickly catching up. With fear of capture, Liam's powers surfaced once more and a bolt of green energy flew from the child towards the guard. The guard ducked and wasn't hurt, but he lost sight of the child in the crowds. However, the wizard Dain, who was out shopping that morning saw both the explosion and the child. Intrigued he eventually tracked Liam down and together they discussed magic. It turned out that Liam had no aptitude for wizardry, but the old man had heard stories of some people with Liam's talents before. Dain agreed to hire Liam as a servant and to teach him what he could.

Over the next few years Liam worked for the mage and spent his spare hours learning how to control and use his powers. He picked up much knowledge of the workings of magic and the like from Dain, but his unique abilities were his own to learn and master. Recently the news came of the attack on the elven city. Liam felt that he had learned as much as he could from the mage, and that the coming of the dragon was a sign for him to return to the world. He left Dain soon after and on a whim decided to return to his home to see what had changed. As he neared the village, his old memories grew stronger and he recalled why he had left in the first place. The bitter recollections came to a peak as he stood at the final crossroads that would take him to his old home. He stood there for a long while, staring down the road. Finally, he turned away, and lacking any better path, took the fork that would lead him to Tev’El Rhoe and the city proper.[/sblock]

"Liam's speech"


First Post
VICTOR WINSTONhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v434/ender_wiggin/PORTRAIT_Johnny_XP10drake2.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v434/ender_wiggin/PORTRAIT_Johnny_XP10drake2.jpg
Male Human Wizard 4
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: N/A
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185 lb.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Age: 23

Str: 10 [2 pts]
Dex: 12 [4 pts]
Con: 14 [6 pts]
Int: 18 [13 pts, L4]
Wis: 13 [5 pts]
Cha: 13 [5 pts]

Class and Racial Abilities: 1 bonus feat, 1 extra skill point / level, summon familiar, scribe scroll, wizard spells, favored class: any

Hit Dice: 4d4+8 (21)
Hit Points: 21
Armor Class: 11 (+1 dex)
Initiative: +5 (+1 dex, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 35 ft. (+5 familiar)

Fort: +3 (+2 con, +1 base)
Ref: +2 (+1 dex, +1 base)
Will: +5 (+1 will, +4 base)

BAB: +2
Melee: +2 (1d4, dagger)
Ranged: +4 (1d4+2, sling)

Skills (49/7)
Spellcraft +11 (6)
Knowledge (Arcana) +10 (6)
Concentration +8 (6)
Listen +8 (7)
Spot +8 (7)
Hide +4 (3)
Bluff +4 (3)
Diplomacy +4 (3)

Improved Initiative (campaign bonus)
Spell Focus (Enchantment) (human)
Spell Penetration (1st)
Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment) (3rd)

Common, 3 floating*


0th - all
1st - shield, obscuring mist, burning hands, grease, color spray, charm person, mage armor, shocking grasp
2nd - web, hideous laughter, invisibility, detect thoughts

Currently Memorized (4/4/3):
0th - daze, read magic, detect magic, mend
1st - charm person, color spray, burning hands
2nd - web, hideous laughter, invisibility


Spellbook (15 gp)
Spell Component Pouch (5 gp)
Scholar's Outfit (5 gp)
Traveller's Outfit (free)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2 (100 gp)
Scroll of Magic Missile x2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Chill Touch
Trail Rations
Bullets x15
8 gp, 29 sp, 8 cp


[sblock]Victor approached the mage's chamber slowly and cautiously. The door was slightly ajar, and a bright flickering glow lay beyond -- presumably from Galdorus's fireplace. Victor was not necessarily nervous, but he was an intelligent young man, and he had heard too many stories about Galdorus to not be on his alert. Victor reached the door without encountering any surprises, and peered through the crack.

Galdorous was at his desk, writing something. Victor tried to see as much of the chamber as he could without opening the door any further. Nothing he saw was out of the ordinary. At least for a popularly insane wizard. Various tomes, rods, and other arcane amenities littered the ground and shelves around the wizard. A few lanterns were lit in several places within the room, but the largest source of heat came from the small fireplace. After convincing himself that there was no danger, he straightened himself, took a deep breath, and pushed open the door.

The heavy wooden door creaked loudly as it swung open. Galdorous didn't seem to notice. He kept writing, slowly, deliberately. Victor stood absolutely still, pondering whether he should walk forth or open his mouth to get the man's attention. He eventually decided that it would be much safer to keep his distance.

"Excuse me, sir? I am Victor Wintson, a student here, and I ---"

Galdorous jumped, whirled around, and apparently frightened out of his wits, reflexively threw whatever was in his hands at Victor. A flutter of papers clouded Victor's vision for a moment. The mage's contingency spell triggered, and Galdorous began to glow with an eery yellow. Victor didn't have a chance to recognize the spell, and Galdorous, muttering something about dragons, stalked out of the room at a high speed before Victor's heart could decelerate to a normal pace.

What could he do? Victor was alone in a wizard's tower, and if he touched anything he could have his head blown off. He considered running, and only barely contained the instinct. He wasn't about to lose the opportunity to see what he could learn from the most powerful mage in Ember. He went through the papers the mage had thrown at him. They were all blank, except for the one the mage had been writing on.

It contained several words Victor didn't understand. In the center of page there was a single sentence written in common.

"Fate is the player, and Ember is the stage."

The cryptic message simultaneously baffled and terrified him, and before he knew what he was doing, he was already running at full speed away from the wizard's room, clutching tightly in his hand the parchment. He ran straight to his own dormitory, and curled up beside his bed, sweating madly and heart pounding. Victor didn't know what he was doing, and it terrified him because he didn't find himself in this situation often. He realized he still had the wizard's writing, and knew his possession of it was dangerous to the teachers, the students, but most of all to himself.

He got up slowly, his back cold from the sweat evaporating, with the intention of returning the parchment. It was a good effort, and he got halfway there before his both his concious and unconcious mind told him to stop. For one, he was far too nervous to return, lest the mage be there and punish him for his petty theft and rude intrusion. But more than the fear was the curiosity. Victor glanced at the parchment again, and the other words fascinated him. His lust for knowledge took over, and he turned around, and headed straight for the library.

Over the next several weeks, Victor skipped all of his classes and spent day and night researching the remaining words the wizard had written. Almost all of them led to dead ends, and Victor spent many frustrating hours poring through tomes of history and arcane lore. He skipped meals and lost weight. He didn't quit however, and finally, he was passively staring at an old atlas of Ember, when one of the names jogged his memory.

"It's now Taels," he said. "Taels is the modern name for...."

He glanced at the stolen paper, and sure enough, the two names matched. He had stifle a shout of victory. The parchment unmistakably mentioned a geographical location that Victor was familiar with. It had been two years since the school at Vend had done anything to intrigue Victor, and he had been searching for a reason to leave anyway. During Victor's time in the library, his grades had plummeted, his hygeine and health and deteriorated, and what friends he had had long since given up on his sanity. It was over. He was done here, and the one thing he knew he wanted to do was go to Taels.[/sblock]
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