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Peregrinations of the Shard


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"No one has an illusion spell? Or there could be a forest fire, but that too might give them the excuse they want." tells Rinaldo.

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Knight Otu

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(I'm kind of waiting on a yes or no on whether Hogarth has a sending spell. The utility depends, of course, on Vanitri being more than 10 minutes away.)

"Or maybe I could encase us in a wall of ice and then we dimension door out. Our onlookers might think we're preparing something inside."

(Did the elves seem to Ashnar like they would consider us staying inside the wall of ice as more likely than teleporting out?)

Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Velmont, does Hogarth have Sending prepped?

@KO2--Without many more details of how the situation unfolds, even I couldn't tell you that, so I think the Sense Motive DC on 'seeming like they're more likely to think you'll stay inside a Wall of Ice that appears' is too high to consider. I mean, you might be able to try to determine their positions on deforestation or religious proselytising or something like that from talking to them)


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"Hogarth, tell Vanitri about the situation." tells Rinaldo.

"What do I say? To come back or to be... cautious?" asks the elven priestess.

"Tell him to... good question. What do you think? I could also make the diversion. If I leave everything but my clothes with you and I advance with a white flag in hand to speak, I don't think they will do anything offensive, as they will be the offender. At worst, they will just not recognize me and ask me again to turn back."


"I agree with the meeting point and a retreat for now. Perhaps something outside the forest some 10-20 miles south of where we entered." says Tenebrynn.

Rystil Arden

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*The group sends a message to Vanitri to meet them somewhat south of where they entered the forest. He arrives some hours later, though the psicrystal resumes its connection first--this of course allowed Vanitri a 1-mile margin of error in finding the group, which was useful.*

"Well, the place is crawling with elves, but the individual elves probably aren't a match for us, or at least not one could see me. I found a secret trapdoor in the floor, though it was the Abyss in a handbasket waiting til there were no elves around to notice me opening it. I'm not sure that even the elves know that it's there, which is pretty weird considering that elves and secret doors go together like...well, you know. Anyway, down there is this really weird inscription that I can't read, some arcane squiggles, a--"

*Elektra sighs.*

"That's sigils, Vanitri. Don't you remember studying for the class on Runes?"

"Oh, right. Sorry Lex. Anyway, and this weird wall with tiles and stuff. But I didn't touch anything in case the sigils said 'If you touch this, you will die'. I couldn't figure it out. "

'It wasn't psionic. That's for sure. If I had even the slightest chance of deciphering it, I would never have given up. That's the Ironwolf way,' Ironwolf reports.


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"So, it would be easy to enter the place, but seems to be really hard to do so unoticed." tells Rinaldo who take back his hat and shoes. "The trap door, where does it lead?"

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