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D&D General PETITION: Acknowledge Hasbro's hurtful content (Black orcs, Asian yellow orcs, Native American red orcs)—through an Amendatory Bundle [+ thread]

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Uh, can you state where the censorship in this is coming from? Just curious.
'Mostly because it's way, way easier to call censorship and pretending there's no problem instead of reexamining our culture.'

Just commenting on your comment, not the thread. Yes, I realise the thread is not advocating censorship per se. The comment I was initially responding to, though, ventures into '1984' territory.

@Justice and Rule In other words (purposely not editing my comment...), some of the worst moments in history arose from the idea that 'censorship is okay because X'. Editing thoughts is not okay, as disagreeable as thoughts we oppose are. There are cleaner ways of dealing with unacceptable behaviours.

I'm not sure I agree, but also please don't change your posting style because of me. I'll try to be less-online and enjoy finally playing this Spider-Man game on my inadvertent day off.

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