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Phaeton's Falcon OOC

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
You have received a letter from your benefactor, a member of the royal family of Cormyr (well down the line of succession).

“Congratulations on the success of your first assignment. I am pleased to have been vindicated in choosing you. However, I now have a more pressing matter that requires a number of talents, yours among them. You performed well on your own, now you must do the same as part of a team. A team that will be in possession of a crown charter, I might add.

Finalize your situation in the next week and make your way to Arabel. Passage has been arranged. My courier will be able to direct you to the procured transport. The courier also has your pay. Once in Arabel, seek me out at the Falcon’s Rest. I have made arrangements for a private residence for the team as a semi-permanent base of operations, so bring all of your equipment.

Yours Truly,

Phaeton Obarskyr”

This will be an adventure for six second-level adventurers. No multiclassing those first two levels. After that, feel free. I will try and provide a healthy mix of combat, stealth, diplomacy and exploration. Probably 3-1 city to wilderness, so Druids beware. Familiarity with the Cormyr region of the Forgotten Realms is not required. I will not be particularly slavish in adhering to the published material beyond the physical locations and major personas (with whom 2nd level characters are unlikely to interact). You are welcome to pick another location of origin outside of Cormyr, just build in an eventual contact with Phaeton Obarskyr so he could have hired you. He has traveled most everywhere so there is no need for your character to have ever been to Cormyr before.

I want to be fairly aggressive with this adventure’s pace. I would prefer multiple posts per day, but I know that is not always feasible. Please make dice rolls via Invisible Castle. See below for character creation guidelines. I will select for a balanced group. However, if a particular character is very well written but duplicates another’s role, I would be happy to ask for an alternate character. I’m looking for good players as much as for good characters. The character template below has a spot to fill I alternate character thumbnails.

Recruitment will be open til at least midnight, Feb. 16.

Currently we have:
Icklebad Moffet, Gnome Rogue
Livingston Half-Priest, Halfling Divine Magician of Kelemvor
Vyleya Argnon, Human Fighter
Roland Hawkling, Human Cleric of Tymora
Gurv Bhegan, Human Urban Ranger
Derek Moonblade, Human Evoker
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Craw Hammerfist

First Post
Character Creation Guidelines

Character Creation Guidelines
Alignment: Non-evil only. Also, no chaotic neutral.

Ability Scores: 29 point buy

Races: Standard PHB, though Half-Orcs should strongly favor the human side in appearance.

Classes: Standard PHB classes plus Knight. I have one house rule that is of interest to specialist wizards. As a full round action, a specialist may make a DC15 spellcraft check to convert a memorized spell of his/her specialist school for another known spell of that school of equal or lesser level. The conversion may be attempted as a swift action but the DC goes up to 25. On a success, the spell must be cast at the next opportunity to do so or the attempt is considered a failure. On failure the spell is not lost, but the mage may not cast any spell that round.

Feats: Core and Forgotten Realms Campaign Sourcebook. Others by permission (liberally given).

Spells: PHB and Spell Compendium.

Multiclassing: Must take two levels in initial class. After that, it is up to you.

Prestige classes: By approval. If there is something you have in mind, let me know ASAP so you don’t waste time qualifying for a class I won’t allow.

Hit Points: All characters have 75% of their max HP per level (100% for 1st level), rounded down. So, d4=3, d6=(5 then 4), d8=6, d10-(8 then 7) and d12=9.

Starting Equipment: Characters start with 1000 gp. No single item over 500gp. Standard clothing (not noble garb, etc.) and blankets and other incidentals are free. If it cost less than 1gp, I don’t care to see it accounted for in money. Weight of items carried, on the other hand, needs to be tallied. I.e., I expect you can easily afford as many torches as you want, you just can’t carry as many as you can afford. Also, a light riding horse (or pony as appropriate) will be provided. If you want a heavier/warhorse/riding dog you pay only the difference. I am starting you out at 1000 instead of 900 to reflect a modicum of experience beyond level 2. Starting Exp. will be 1100. This allows those with item creation feats/skills to take advantage of them. Also, assume you have 8 weeks available for crafting and succeeded on the nose for every check (as long as the DC is within your capacity). Those 8 weeks could be used in a Profession as well. We’ll have periodic “downtimes” during the adventure for such things, as well. You want to blow some exp in lieu of spending gold on scrolls? Craft a Mwk Mace? Play the harp at the tavern for extra cash? Feel free; that’s why you get those feats/skills. Just show the math for the cost and time.

Wizards may assume they made successful spellcraft checks to copy 1st level scrolls to their spellbooks. Full price for those scrolls, though. If you have a second level or higher scroll that you want an early crack at getting into your spellbook, let me know. Indicate which spells you learned via starting/level-up and which you purchased.

Please use the following template for your completed character. Please don’t post incomplete characters. I will not be using a first come first served system to select characters, so don’t feel pressured to “get something down” in a rush. A complete character submitted five seconds before the deadline will get more consideration than an incomplete character. That said, feel free to ask questions about character concepts without posting the character.

Gender Race
Class First Class 2 level
Patron Deity (Forgotten realms pantheon)

Str ?? –(?? pts)<-- show pts
Dex ?? – (?? pts)
Con ?? -- (?? pts)
Int ?? -- (?? pts)
Wis ?? -- (?? pts)
Cha ?? -- (?? pts)

Hit Points ??
Action Points ??
AC ??, Touch ??, Flat ??
Init +??
BAB +??, Grap +??
Speed ?? (base ??, current load category, armor category)
Fort +??, Ref +??, Will +??

+?? Melee, weaponname, 1d6+??, 20/x2, Type
+??/+?? Melee, weaponname/weaponname, 1d6+??/1d6+??, 20/x2 10’, Type
+?? Ranged, weaponname, 1d6+??, 20/x2, 30'r , Type

Size category ??'??" tall, ?? wt, ?? yrs old
Color & type hair, color & type eyes, tone & type skin

Speaks language, language, and language

+?? Skillname (X Ranks + Y Attribute, +Z other)
+?? Skillname (4acp) add acp if susceptible to armor penalties
+?? Skillname (2cc) add cc if cross classed
+?? Skillname (4 + 2cc) show multiclass ranks separately
+0 Listen (0)
+0 Spot (0)

-featname (optional brief summary here)
-featname (optional brief summary here)

Racename Traits
-brief summary
-brief summary
-brief summary
Classname Abilities
-brief summary
-brief summary
-brief summary

--delete this section unless wizard, cleric, or druid—
Spells Prepared
0th- Spell1, Spell2
1st- Spell1, Spell2 (D) if domain spell
2nd- Spell1, Spell2 (S) if specialization spell

--delete this section unless wizard—
0th- All cantrips
1st- Spell1, Spell2, Spell3

--delete this section unless sorcerer or bard--
Spells Per Day ??|??/??/??
0th- Spell1, Spell2
1st- Spell1, Spell2

List any special abilities or miscellaneous information that doesn't fit anywhere else on this character sheet. You can include animal companion stats, familiar's benefits and stats, horse/steed statistics, etc.




Items Worn (Armor, Robe, Hat, etc.)

Items in Belt Pouches

Items in Backpack/Sack

Items Carried

Alternate Character 1: Race/Class/Flavor i.e. Human Cleric Diplomat or Halfling Rogue Stealth Specialist, etc.

Alternate Character 2:
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Icklebad Moffet - Gnome Rogue

OK I'll get things started. This guy is specializing in Alchemy. I allowed the additional Alchemical mixtures from Dragon Compendium, and Complete Scoundrel could make an appearence on an "as presented " basis.

Icklebad Moffet
Male Gnome
Rogue 2
Karl Glittergold

STR 10 (4)
DEX 16 (10)
CON 12 (2)
INT 14 (6)
WIS 11 (3)
CHA 12 (4)

HP 13
AP ?
AC 18/ 14/ 15
Init +3
BAB +1; Grap -3
Speed 20 / Light load / Light Armor
Fort +1, Ref +6, Wil +0

Melee: Rapier 1d4, 18-20 x2; 1H Piercing (+2 H)
Melee: Quarterstaff 1d4; x2; Dbl. Bludgeoning (+2 H)
Melee: Dagger 1d3, 19-20 x2; Lifht P/S (+2 H)
Missile: Dagger 1d3, 19-20 x2; 10' range; Piercing (+5 H)
Missile: Light Crossbow 1d6; 19-20 x2; 80' range Piercing (+5 H)

Small Creature, 3'3", 42 lbs, 44 years old
Thick Straight black hair, Big dark green eyes, pale smooth skin

Speaks Common; Gnome; Giant; and Orc

Appraise +5 (2/2) [Ranks, Ability, Special]
Balance +5 (0/3/2)
Bluff +3 (2/1)
Climb +3 (3/0)
Concentration +1 (0/1)
Craft:Alchemy +9 (5/2/2)
Diplomacy +1 (0/1)
Disable Device +7 (5/2)
Escape Artist +3 (0/3)
Forgery +4 (2/2)
Gather Information +3 (2/1)
Heal +0
Hide +8 (2/3/4)
Intimidate +1 (0/1)
Jump -2 (2/0/-4)
Listen +6 (4/0/2)
Move Silent +7 (4/3)
Open Lock +8 (5/3)
Ride +3 (0/3)
Search +6 (4/2)
Sense Motive +0
Spot +3 (3/0)
Survival +0
Swim -4 (0/0/-4)
Tumble +8 (5/3)
Use Rope +3 (0/3)

Point Blank Shot (+1 to Hit and damage with ranged attack within 30')

Gnome Traits-2 STR, +2 CON
Base land speed of 20'
Low light vision
+1 modifier to DC of all Illusion spells cast
+1 To attack vs. Kobalds and goblinoids
+2 Save vs. Illusions
+4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. Giants
Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitaion, Speak with Animals (Burrowing) 1/per day
+2 racial bonus on Craft (Alchemy) and listen checks
Favored Class (Bard)

Class Abilities
Proficient in Light Armor
Proficient with simple weapons, and thief weapons
Evasion - Sucessful Reflex save results in no damage instead of half
Sneak attack - +1d6 damage when opponent is denied DEX AC bonus
Trapfinding - Can find traps with DC of 20 or higher

- MW Chain Shirt (12.5)* [250]
- Acid (flask)x2 (2)* [20]
- Alchemist Fire (Flask) x2 (2)* [40]
- Antitoxin (vial) x2* [100]
- Backpack (1)* [2]
- Bedroll (2.5)**
- Crossbow bolts x20 (1)** [2]
- Caltrops (1)*
- Crossbow, light (2)** [35]
- Dagger (0.5) [2]
- Everburning torch (0.5)* [110]
- Flint & Steel
- magnifying glass [100]
- Money (1)
- Pouch, Belt x2 (0.5)
- Quarterstaff (2)
- Rapier (1)* [20]
- Rations, Trail, x4 (2/8)*
- Rope, silk 50' (2.5)* [10]
- Tanglefoot bag, x2 (4/8)* [100]
- MW Thieves Tools (1) [100]
- Thunderstone, x2 (2)* [60]
- Waterskin (2)
- Riding Pony [Free]
- Bit & Bridal [2]
- Riding Saddle [10]
- Saddlebags [4]

Total [967] gp spent

* Only carried when actively adventuring... going into a dungeon etc. Remainder of the time this is carried by Cletus. Usually one of each alchemy item is carried at this time, unless it is known something will be needed. Only (1) Trail rations pack carried at a time
**This is kept stored on the Pony unless need dictates

Normal load - 9lbs + clothing (Light)
Adventuring load - 36.5 lbs (Medium) [Note: Bedroll is tied quick release to backpack.
Full load - 47.5 lbs (Medium)

Has non descript riding pony named Cletus. Usually leads him as he prefers to walk down closer to the ground where he can see everything.

Icklebad (Ickle for short) always liked fixing, things and mixing things together. The number of times he evacuated the house with the fumes of a noxious mixture, or "modified" the family farm implements to work better were countless. And he had a real knack for that sort of thing.
His parents hoped he would grow up to be an honest craftsman, or apothecary, but no Ickle had other ideas. Sitting in a shop all day was just boring. He had an adventuresome spirit that could not be contained. He started to hang around with the "wrong crowd" and picked up some skills he probably shoudn't have as an honest Gnome merchant.
Finally his wits at an end his father Peekshoodle Moffet decided to take matters into his own hand. He would teach his wanderlusting son a lesson. Using contacts within the Apothecary guild he arranged for young Ickle to be assigned to run some errands for Phaeton Obarskyr, a member of the royal family. To his fathers surprise and his great delight he excelled at this assignment. Now its off to Arabel for the next exciting chapter.

Ickie is usually whistling, chattering or somehow making noise when he's not trying to be silent on purpose. He is prone to fits of ill temper however, and can be a real grouch when these spells hit.

He tries to dress very non descriptly so as to not draw attention to himself, or be noticed.

He normally only dones his fine chain shirt when expecting danger, and usually gets by with earthtone pants shirt, and hooded cloak. In his belt pouchs he carries his thieves tools, flint and steel, magnifying glass, caltrops, and a thunderstone. In a sack in his backpack he carries his various alchemical components, waterskin, and everburning torch. The remainder of his gear is usually stored on his pony. He only wears his rapier when in dangerous areas, and usually is armed with his Quarterstaff, and dagger. The crossbow stays on the pony till needed. When he gears up for an adventure, he usually complains till someone else carries some of his heavier gear, and dons his chain shirt, helmet, and rapier.

Alternate Character: Human Bard, and seeker of knowledge and adventure.
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I like the precision and thought that went into the originating post of this thread. Before I get too vested in a particular character concept, I'd like to know whether you would allow a PrC from WotC's The Book of Exalted Deeds. The concept that I have simmering is a female LG rogue, for whom I would eventually want to take the Slayer of Domiel PrC from said book. Would that PrC be acceptable?


First Post
I am very intrigued by this campaign, the aggressive speed you are pursuing is very appealing. I hope to have a submission for you relatively soon. I do have to admit, however, that my familiarity with FR ends with a few weeks of playing NWNights a few years back. I can easily obtain the sourcebooks though, if this is a huge issue.

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
ethandrew said:
[M]y familiarity with FR ends with a few weeks of playing NWNights a few years back. I can easily obtain the sourcebooks though, if this is a huge issue.

Familiarity with FR is not necessary. Don't bother buying anything. If you have a character who needs to select domains, please use the FR pantheon, though. If you are unfamiliar with it, pick something from the standard D&D pantheon and we can adjust from there. Most of them are the same anyway.


First Post
Craw Hammerfist said:
Familiarity with FR is not necessary. Don't bother buying anything. If you have a character who needs to select domains, please use the FR pantheon, though. If you are unfamiliar with it, pick something from the standard D&D pantheon and we can adjust from there. Most of them are the same anyway.

Are you a stickler for Material Components for spellcasting? I've not really played with that, so I'm not comfortable with it yet. If you do, I was leaning toward doing a martial character who specializes in Reached-Disarms.

Also, due to my lack of familiarity, any background would be noticably vague. But what might lack in FR lore will be made up for in sheer ingenuity :D

Blind Azathoth

Very interested in joining this. :) Right now, I'm thinking about creating a cleric; specifically, a cleric of Tymora. Would you allow the Luck feats and the Fortune's Friend prestige class from Complete Scoundrel? I feel they fit very well with a cleric of the Smiling Lady. It's not a big deal if you don't allow them, though; they're not an integral part of the character concept or anything.

Voidrunner's Codex

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