J. R. Scherer
First Post
I ordered mine online or else I'd go out hunting.
According to Google Language Tools, it's "Hello. To view the recommended products, please sign-in. For the first time." So yes. Totally about your mom. She's their recommended product!I say from now on, we ALL order from Amazon Japan. Now I just need to find out what " こんにちは。 おすすめ商品を見るにはサインインしてください。初めての方はこちら。" means. I bet it's something to do with my mother.
Well yes, most people have two nipples.Sadly, there's more than one.
Is this just another way that big chains screw the little guys?
I insist on buying my books from one of my FLGS's, not from the big guys. If a local FLGS would sell early, I might buy it early.
Is PHB2 officially due out Tuesday or Wednesday?