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Picard Season 3


Well, that was fun
Staff member
They were going after loved ones for Picard and Riker, makes sense she'd be at the top of the list. For all we know, they may have Laris behind door number 2.
Possibly they have Laris, Worf's son, Troi... I've run out already! The Star Trek crew aren't big on family connections. Geordie's is safe, we know. Beverley's son is safe. Unless they somehow captured Wesley, but he's a superbeing now. I'm thinking they probably only have Troi though.

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I think it probably helps that Kirk's refit featured in some good films, while the E not so much! Then again, maybe it's just nostaglia talking. Probably there are those who grew up on TNG to whom the E is totally iconic.
The refit featured in some good films, but the -A replacement was only in Star Trek V and VI. I know I don't rate The Undiscovered Country very highly compared to most, but even if you think it was great, the ship barely did anything in that movie except be a target for photon torpedoes.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The refit featured in some good films, but the -A replacement was only in Star Trek V and VI. I know I don't rate The Undiscovered Country very highly compared to most, but even if you think it was great, the ship barely did anything in that movie except be a target for photon torpedoes.
I personally pretty much consider the refit and the A the same ship. I know technically they're not, but they're basically the same in my head.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
One thing I notice about Trek starships is that they seem to become more 'streamlined' over the decades, from the original TOS enterprise through the refit, the D, the E, etc. I definitely prefer the more tall 'naval' silhouette of the earlier ships; they have more presence to me. But that's just a me thing. That said, I'm not clear why they would become more streamlined, as they operate in space. It's not like the evolution of cars and planes, which have to worry about air resistance. And the Borg certainly prove that streamlining in space is completely unneccesary. I guess it's just starship fashion trends?

The Kirk refit (ST1-3, and I guess the A in 5-6) is still the best looking Enterprise to me, though I love whatt hey've done with the earlier TOS Constitution class in Strange New Worlds. I'm such a starship nerd!


One thing I notice about Trek starships is that they seem to become more 'streamlined' over the decades, from the original TOS enterprise through the refit, the D, the E, etc. I definitely prefer the more tall 'naval' silhouette of the earlier ships; they have more presence to me. But that's just a me thing. That said, I'm not clear why they would become more streamlined, as they operate in space. It's not like the evolution of cars and planes, which have to worry about air resistance. And the Borg certainly prove that streamlining in space is completely unneccesary. I guess it's just starship fashion trends?
The in-universe explanation/excuse is that it's for warp travel - the more streamlined shape allows the warp bubble to flow more smoothly around the ship.
The Kirk refit (ST1-3, and I guess the A in 5-6) is still the best looking Enterprise to me, though I love whatt hey've done with the earlier TOS Constitution class in Strange New Worlds. I'm such a starship nerd!
For me it's between the refit original Enterprise and the D, though I really like the Ambassador-class C, which manages to capture a lot of the best from both styles. I wish it had had more screen time.


The Kirk refit (ST1-3, and I guess the A in 5-6) is still the best looking Enterprise to me, though I love whatt hey've done with the earlier TOS Constitution class in Strange New Worlds. I'm such a starship nerd!
I'm trying not to fall for recency bias, but Pike's Enterprise from Discovery and Strange New Worlds might be my favourite implementation of the Enterprise.


Snotling Herder
But it has to tie into the fact that they also desperately need Picard's son. That can't be a coincidence. Maybe the Irumodic syndrome they both suffer isn't what it appears, isn't just causing random hallucinations in Jack. Maybe it's symptomatic of something else.

I think this part is bang on the money, its why they need Picard's corpse not his positronic body and also they need Jack, that syndrome is defintely key to something

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