• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Piratecat's up-to-date story hour (updated on 8/10, come game with PCat at GenCon!)

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That's great, great stuff. I bow before your continuity, sir. It's nice to see how the PCs have risen in the world and how things have changed. The flow of events is what impresses the most: it all seems so <i>logical</i>. Of COURSE Elder would kill Stone Bear's village. Of course the undead would have more hot chicks.

But the modrons, man? Let it go, Kevin, LET IT GO. :D
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No Trouble at All
Someone talked the modrons into "upgrading" to using Intel chips running Windows, didn't they? Evil, evil, evil.

Thanks for bringing us more SH goodness Piratecat!


Pfui. I so let the modrons go that I killed off all of them. You hear me? ALL OF THEM! Bwah ha ha ha ha!

Update this afternoon.


“A request, Emperor.”

Congenio Ioun looked up into the knowing eyes of his assistant Annel d’Ioun. Secretary Annel was his most trusted confidante and faithful advisor, and she seldom disturbed him when it wasn’t necessary. Ioun pushed aside the long treatise of military history that he had been reading by the light of his Ioun stones and gestured at Annel with the flick of one hand. She understood the gesture with the familiarity of long acquaintance, and pulled up a chair as she began.

“My Emperor, you have received a privileged communication from the Archpriest Velendo of Calphas. You’ll remember him, of course; an irritable old man with a huge stone shield. It was he and his adventuring group ‘the Defenders of Daybreak’ who broke us out of stasis here in the Iron Tower, saving your life in the process.”

Ioun let out a small snort. “My memory is as good as ever, Annel.”

She nodded. “More recently, my Emperor, it was the Defenders of Daybreak who were so intimately involved with the death of the Goddess Imbindarla. They fought the first worm, and they were key in the ascension of the new God of Undeath and the catastrophic silencing of magic.”

Ioun slowly let air out of his nose. “But we don’t blame them.” It was half-statement, half-question. “It’s fair to say that the lack of magic made things interesting for us.”

“Indeed,” Annel’s face was placid, “but we do not. Shall I read the letter verbatim, or summarize?”


“Very well. Holy Velendo is very concerned about the existence and freedom of one of the first worms, one that he refers to as ‘Elder.’ He claims that to this end he is gathering a coalition of the most powerful and knowledgeable individuals on the planet. He has asked for your aid and support in this. He does not specify whether this help is to be informational, organizational or military. He is not so crass to specifically allude to favors he has done for you in the past.”

Ioun shifted in his large chair - too simple and unadorned to be called a throne, really - and raised one eyebrow. Glittering jewels danced above his head as he laughed. “Of course he seeks an alliance. I’m a known quantity, at least in the sense that he knows I’m probably the most powerful wizard left on Spira. Being dragged out of the past has a few advantages. It’s interesting that he doesn’t seem to consider the threat from the other worm, the one that was imprisoned beneath Cirit Kuss.”

“Perhaps he is simply concentrating on. . .”

“. . .on the one he has been exposed to? Naturally. It’s folly not to take both into account, though. And he wants my help.” He glanced up at Annel. “Is there danger in this for us if we help?”

“There could be. Danger of several kinds.” Her eyes spoke volumes.

Ioun steepled his fingers as he leaned back. “There’s also the possibility of great gain. Velendo’s associates effectively control the city of Corsai, or have the ear of the people who do?”

“Precisely, Emperor. As you know, we wish to use Corsai to anchor the southwestern edge of your great empire. It has a strong military, stable government - to the extent a theocracy is stable - good trade, and a growing tax base. It would be the jewel in your empire, assuming that you can come to terms with the church of Aeos. They’ve politely resisted us before now, and you haven’t shown interest in armed annexation.”

“Nor do I now, unless pushed to vexation. This may be a nice compromise. We offer military protection, the security of having a large ally guarding their northern and eastern flanks, and my assistance against the first worms. They provide taxes and serve as the anchor-point of the southern border.” He considered. “Both sides will benefit. I’ve negotiated worse, back in the old days.”

“I remember,” said Annel tartly. Ioun shot her a bemused look as he placed the bound scroll to one side and stood up. Two dozen glittering jewels danced and spun about his brow as he did so, unconsciously adjusting their flight to his movements. His eyes bored into Annel.

“There is the other matter, of course. And do you suppose that they have sensed the same glimmerings that I have? Things are stirring. The next few days are going to be very important politically.”

“Unknown, Emperor. Agar Smoketallow is said to be a very powerful oracle, but his visions are erratic.”

“Good.” Ioun almost chuckled as he shrugged into his purple cloak. “Then we will be ready, and it will be amusing to see this play out. I want leverage. Make sure we’re prepared with supplies, Annel, so that at least one government is not caught unawares. We will begin discussions tomorrow. Where is Velendo now?”

“Far to the northeast in the Kingdom of Gaunt, Emperor. He is in his temple in the Greyflame Mountains. Effectively neutral territory.”

“Also good. Make arrangements. Send notification, and prepare a present for the church of Calphas.”

“I shall.” Annel turned to Ioun, her face full of concern. “Congenio,” her voice dropped to a near-whisper, “you’re fully cognizant of the challenge here? These aren’t local peasants, awed to see the great wizard.”

Ioun cut her off with a sharp gesture and a smile. “I have no doubt that they will treat me with the respect I am due. This empire has been overly insular. It’s time for that to change if we’re going to make our mark on this world. I am one of the chosen, the Wizard-Kings to the Great Age. I haven’t forgotten that. I trust you haven’t either.” Annel bowed, and Ioun swept out of the room.

-- o --

In a huge wooden room where the ceiling disappeared into shadow above, Velendo shook the last echoes of the sending from his head and clapped his hands for an acolyte. “Grab a scrub brush, lad and send me your master.” He looked around at his friends with an inscrutable expression. “We’re going to have an important visitor tomorrow.”
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Voidrunner's Codex

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