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Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

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Hindered by wind and rain, the Defenders make their way over the rough seas towards the Dockside Royals’ ship. Several people try to run and end up tripping over waves, splashing face-first into the frothing sea.

Meanwhile, Agar has teleported into the cabin. Before anyone can react, he casts a spell and focuses his power on the concentrating doppelganger. Power courses down his arm and out his hand, striking the doppelganger in the small of the back. With a soft *POOF*, the creature explodes into fine dust, its clothes settling to the ground over a large sapphire that it had been holding. “Nice use of a disintegrate,” thinks Agar to himself, and then he realizes that the half-orc and minotaur have both stopped arguing. Agar’s tentacled familiar Proty begins to wiggle nervously against his neck, and Agar shrinks back as the two hulking forms draw their weapons and back him into a corner.

Outside, it’s been slow going for Mara, since she’s still made from iron. Shara casts fly on her; elated, Mara takes to the air and flies above the ship. Tao is clambering up the anchor chain as the water elemental lifts several members of the Defenders up on to deck. One glyph after another spit and hiss as the Defenders run across the rocking deck, but the magical wards aren’t powerful enough to have any effect. Malachite wrenches the cabin door open and piles down the stairs into the minotaur. He’s closely followed by Tao and a dimension sliding TomTom. The rest of the Defenders are close behind, crowding the entrance and trying to get line of sight. Shara notices that although she’s seen this cabin before in her scry, the magical ship in a bottle is now missing.

Once again, the battle is joined.

The Defenders clearly have the advantage now, but the bulky humanoids are putting up a fearsome fight. The minotaur cleric has healed them already, and the half-orc swings his greatsword in lethal arcs as he tries to kill at least one of his opponents. Then mentally, the Defenders hear Mara asking, “Where’s the half-orc?”

“In the far corner at the back right,” someone answers. “Why? Where are you?”

Mara doesn’t answer. Sixty feet above the deck of the ship, she lets herself fall, aiming her one ton iron body at what she hopes is the correct point. She smashes through the wooden planks of the poopdeck as if they were balsa wood and miraculously comes down directly on top of the half orc. The floor beams groan and bend but somehow hold, and Mara finds herself facing a number of surprised Defenders and one very horrified minotaur. “That went well,” she says, dusting her hands off with soft clanging noises, rain splashing down on her through the jagged hole above. Then she looks around for the half-orc.

She’s standing in his stomach.

“Whoops!” she says primly, and moves her foot. Before long the half-orc is fully dead and the minotaur is knocked unconscious. The Defenders look around with satisfaction, only irritated that the dark-haired woman is still missing.

  • --> You know how much damage a one-ton paladin does when she falls 60’? I’ll tell you how much: 16d6, that’s how much! That poor evil half-orc barbarian, already wounded, never had a chance once he failed his reflex save to get out of the way; Mara’s fall brought him down to exactly -1 hit points and triggered a massive damage save. That was all she wrote. Mara’s just lucky she didn’t keep falling out the bottom of the ship as well! Very, very clever tactic on Mara’s part, and with 50-point damage reduction she barely got hurt at all.

“Oh, I absolutely can’t believe this is happening.” The Defenders spin. A morose man in dark clothing is leaning up against the wall of the cabin. His face reminds you of the kind of animal you’d see poking their snout out of a sandy hole, and he’s pinching his nose in irritation as he looks around the room. “Is anyone left alive?” He looks around the room, a pained expression on his face. “What happened to my ship?”

Malachite looks at him and growls, “We were… redecorating.”

“So this is it? You’ve killed all of them?”

“Not all of them,” answers Tao, as she kicks the unconscious minotaur in the head. *THUNK* “Who are you, anyways?” Mentally, she hears TomTom say, “Whoever he is, he isn’t actually there. See, he’s leaning through the wall! I think it’s an illusion of some kind.” Silently, Agar slips away, shifting into wind walk form to explore the ship; by his reasoning, anyone using project image must be relatively near by.

Not answering the question, the man looks at the babies with a sneer on his face. “Babies,” he says with disgust in his voice. “I can’t believe they used babies. I hope you killed them all. They’re responsible for their own actions, but I have to say I’m quite disappointed. Oh, what a mess.” He shakes his head morosely. “Lady Tao, you should kick him again.” Tao gladly complies - *THUNK* - thinking, He knows my name! The man sighs. “I must apologize. You’re visitors in our fair city, and you don’t deserve this sort of rudeness. I hope you’re all alright; none of you badly hurt?” He raises an eyebrow politely, not looking very hopeful.

“Some of us are dead,” answers Velendo. “Who are you, anyways?”

The man frowns again, long nose wrinkling. “These people reported to me. They run the docks. Without them things wouldn’t get accomplished. Of course,” he sighs, “I expect we’ll find that out. They were very efficient; they kept people in line, collected the appropriate bribes, kept out the wrong element, and made sure that things flowed smoothly. Hmmm…. Are you going to keep their valuables and bodies?”

“We might,” Nolin answers over the screaming infants. “We deserve them. Why, do you want them? And why do you think we aren’t going to simply track you down as well?”

“Me?” the man answers wearily. “You’ll never find me. It’s not as if this is my real appearance. But I will say you’re thorough. The Dockside Royals were idiots when they thought they could ambush and kill you. I know better. You’re important people, valued guests, not the kind of people I like to annoy. I at least know better. How’d this come about, you mind telling me?” He looks at them nervously, as if half-fearing the answer.

The Defenders explain what happened to them, and the skinny man becomes more and more morose as they do. Malachite steps forward, fists clenched, looming in front of the image and just oozing intimidation, while Nolin plays good cop, asking polite and respectful questions. Everyone else contributes in the conversation, except for Agar who is still searching for the originator of the project image. The man confesses that there is a bullywug shaman somewhere near the docks that has learned how to reincarnate without a body, although he isn’t cheap. The man never admits his true name, but he does offer to make a deal with the Defenders. They go through several iterations of bargaining as he tries to get the bodies of his fallen associates, including the minotaur (*THUNK* ~ "I could do that all day," says Tao), in exchange for the Defenders keeping what gear they want.

Interestingly enough, he also offers to trade the large sapphire and the ship for Brindle’s life. The man says that he is just going to turn the rogue assassin Brindle over to the Children of Lethe, the local assassins’ guild which wants him dead. Thinking that Brindle may still be of some use to them, the Defenders agree to the trade, assuming that the man isn’t lying and the sapphire is only useful for communicating back and forth with him.

As the deal is being wrapped up he suddenly disappears, and the PCs regroup. Nolin sings a glorious lullaby to the children, and they quickly fall asleep, nestled in his arms. He summons his onyx dog Angus to care for them while he helps search, and they systematically scour the ship for secrets. They decide that the magical ship in a bottle is actually gone; the best guess is that the dark haired woman, who was probably a wizard or sorcerer, took it before fleeing.

Standing on the low-floating ship (“Did Mara spring any timbers? I think we’re taking on water, and that might make the r-r-roaches come out in the open.” asks Agar worriedly), they take any treasure they can find and leave the bodies (including the half-conscious minotaur - *THUNK*) in a pile on the deck. Then as a group they wind walk back to the Temple.

And there, asleep in a back pew, they find Raevynn, bruised, exhausted, and covered with dried blood.

To be continued….

Tomorrow: a heart-to-hart conversation with Tao’s Goddess. Raevynn’s dilemma. Lots of loot! And a conversation with Brindle that no one expected….
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Re: Baby Armor

Grover said:
Um, I hate to be a nit-picker, but how did the half-orc's baby live through the splattering the half orc received from Mara? Had they taken the babies off by then, or is that something you just missed.

Oh, I forgot to say! The babies had been taken off and placed on the shelf when they got to the ship. Nolin whirled into the stateroom, scooped up both babies (drawing attacks of opportunity in the process), and withdrew. I should edit that into the story.

As for how the babies survived underwater, it's something I did think about (as did the Dockside Royals), but the Defenders don't know the reason.

Regarding the ultimate fate of the Royals... the illusionary man very much gave the impression that Eversink is about business, and that the Royals are a cog in that vast wheel. He promised that if they are reincarnated (which is by no means certain), they would never bother the Defenders again. They would be getting weaker, too, losing life energy as they travel the great circle. In the end, the group decided that speaking to Brindle was more important than anything else.

I don't know if they're going to confront the bullywug or not. They'd probably be on shaky legal ground, and even their moral ground may not be too sound; if it isn't evil per se, what are they going to accuse it of? It's an interesting dilemma, though.

Good questions!
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Fiery James

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Most of the Defenders are talking to Raevynn inside, but Tao is not with them.

She is outside, leaning against the carved stone wall of the Temple of Calphas. Thunder rumbles and the rain pours from the dull gray sky, sluicing out of the gargoyles above her head, each of them carved to look like a cleric or saint. She ignores the water splashing merrily off of her cloak and focuses her attention inwards. "Galanna," she softly calls within her mind, "Galanna...."

And then she is tumbling inwards, all sense of the rain lost as she whirls through a silvery void. Now dry, she is there. Standing under arching trees that dwarf her, before a deer that towers up to the sky. Its antlers are as the pillars of the heavens, its muscles are the strength of the earth, its solid green eyes are the wisdom of life. Tao is in Audience with her Goddess, and she can't help but drop to her knees in awe and piety.

"My daughter,", Tao hears as the deer looks down upon her, bathing her in radiance. "You are blessed. Ask me what you wish to know."

1. "Will my going to the White Kingdom be damaging to the Knights of the Horn?" No.

2. "Is the decision to 'knight' Raevynn acceptable to you?" Yes; she will soon be houseless and beset by enemies, and will need My aid.

3. "Does the rod of the Al'Quith do more than just destroy abominations?" Yes. (*whump* - the knowledge appears in her mind. see below.)

4. "Will the Knights of the Horn fall to disrepair if I should die in the Underworld?" Trust the one you killed, Annela, to follow in your path.

5. "If you were in my position, given what we did originally to get this 'task', would you go?" Yes, but not only out of duty; also out of necessity.

6. "Is Telay a prisoner?" No.

7. "Is Telay charmed or otherwise mentally controlled?" No.

8. "Is the new saint of Aeos what he appears to be?" No.

9. "Are Knights of the Horn bound to remain virgins?" Not once they are knighted. Yes, until they take their vows.

10. "Will there be any more assassination attempts upon the group?" Yes.

11. "Is the choice of Annela, the new Sigilian Knight of the Horn, acceptable to you?" Yes.

12. "Is there any way to free Nolin's father from the family curse?" I do not know. I believe so.

13. "Is Valdek's spirit in Valhalla?" Yes. (For just a few seconds, the faint clinking of mugs and sounds of battle can be heard, before fading on the wind.)

14. "If faced with the situation of either T'Cri or I dying, would it be damaging to the world if it was T'Cri who died?" The question is irrelevant.

15. "Is Raevynn in physical danger?" Not currently.

16. "Is the new Saint of Aeos a danger to Mara or Malachite?" Not immediately; not directly.

17. "Is there anything else that my holy sword does?" Yes. (*whump* - the knowledge appears in her mind. see below.)

18. "Is there anything I can do to save Raevynn from danger?" In saving the Al'Quith she has damned herself, but she has not fallen from My favor.

19. "Is there another task I can do for you?" There is more to the Kingdom of Ghouls than anyone knows. Their religion must be stopped, others have failed, and time grows short.

20. "Am I living my life in a way that makes you proud?" You please me, Tao; celebrate your life, and honor me thereby.

With that, Galanna moves her head and the heavens move. Tao has been straining to the utmost to translate the Divine Will into words she can comprehend, and it is almost a blessing as her exhausted form is drawn backwards, away from her Goddess and into the silvery void. She comes to still leaning against the wall, tears on her face, a dozen people staring at her in awe.

And almost without registering it consciously, Tao notices that the rain has stopped, and a rainbow arches over the city.


The Rod of True Nature: This minor relic of Galanna is made from the living wood of the Al'Quith. It is two feet long, sprouting small leaves, as if it were attached to the tree itself. The rod constantly acts as plant growth: enrichment. Once per day it can cast plant growth: overgrowth. Once per week it can cast control weather and purity of flesh (15d6 damage, only to abominations, in a 100' r.; fort. save at DC 24 for half damage). The rod does 1d10 points of damage when touched to an abomination. All effects are at caster level 20.

Nature's Wrath: +4 steel longsword glows with a pearlescent, misty glow. Grants freedom of movement when grasped and a short prayer is recited (standard action to activate); undead-bane does +2d6 points of damage to undead. When wielded by a Knight of the Horn in unicorn form, this sword replaces the unicorn's normal horn.
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First Post
Piratecat said:
9. "Are Knights of the Horn bound to remain virgins?" Not once they are knighted. Yes, until they take their vows.

20. "Am I living my life in a way that makes you proud?" You please me, Tao; celebrate your life, and honor me thereby.

You know, out of every question asked, these two were the best... and if ever such a thing as an Audience existed in real life, these would probably be the two questions everyone would ask.

Props to Tao's player! :)



Raevynn explains that she was “invited” to a secret druidic council, and didn’t have time to heal after the huge fight. She doesn’t tell them that she was the one on trial at the council. In order to learn key information about the Al’Quith, the holy tree recently purified by the Defenders, Raevynn had agreed to trade secret information on her elite druidic organization “The Oakenshield” to the head of House Roaringbrook, himself a druid of a competing circle.

This has apparently caught up to her, and while the Defenders were fighting in the Smugglers Tunnels under Eversink, she was questioned for hours in a dark grove of trees by hooded strangers. Eventually she was brought back to Eversink, exhausted and unhealed. The words “Perhaps she has spent too much time around the city-dwellers” still rings in her ears; all in all, Raevynn couldn’t agree more.

Tao takes Raevynn aside for a long talk. Galanna had told Tao some troubling things in her Audience, and Raevynn deserved to know. What Raevynn hears doesn’t do very much to cheer her up.

As Agar, Shara and Nolin spend the next day identifying loot taken from the dead Dockside Royals, the other Defenders tend to their business, healing and resting. Tao discusses the results of the Audience with the rest of the group. The Defenders also discuss tactics, capabilities, and strategies; they go over their magic items to decide what to replace or swap, count their money, and brainstorm what to do next.

Finally, Nolin, Shara and Agar have identified or legend lored everything that they’ve found. It’s a fairly sizeable list!

  • Tom-Tom got a Power Stone of Control Sound, a Potion of Water Breathing, and five various psionic tattoos.

    Velendo got a coral Necklace of Water Breathing and the Grimrod, a rod of metamagic that allows him to maximize three spells per day, and quicken one spell per day.

    Tao got a feathered Cloak of Feather Falling, a Nosering of Natural Armor (+4; she’ll probably use it as an earring), and the Greatsword +1 "Neckslitter" (effective against creatures with +5 Damage Reduction.)

    Mara received a Belt of Giant Strength +4, a Potion of Water Breathing, and a Potion of Endurance.

    Nolin took the psionic Ring of Dragonfire (manifests breath of the dragon once per day), and a Quaal's Token of an Anchor.

    Malachite got a Ring of Swimming (actually bringing his swimming score up to positive numbers!), a Cape of the Mounteback, a Potion of Water Breathing, and a Potion of Endurance.

    Raevynn received a Quiver of Greater Magic Weapon usable once per day, giving her a renewable supply of +3 arrows for her bow.

    Agar received an almost-Used-Up Necklace of Missiles; as the cohort, he offered to wait for a better pick next time.

    Shara took a Wand of Unexpected Love, a wand with a Valentine heart on the end that trails golden sparkles when swung through the air. It casts charm person on a target of the same gender, and an improved version of the spell (a lot like the old 2e philter of love on people of the opposite gender. It’s worth noting that it will affect targets based on their own personal gender preferences.

    Undistributed: Scrolls of Water Breathing, Water Walking, Greater Magic Weapon, Harm, and Jumpcircle. (Jumpcircle is a dimension door variant of teleport circle, with a much shorter range and a much shorter duration.)

    Selling: Heavy Crossbow +1, Leather Armor +4, and a Greatsword +2

    Possibly Selling, Possibly Using To Arm Dwarves: Chainmail +2, Leather Armor +1, and a Longsword +1

    Destroying: Ring of Urchins, Evil Trident Head.

    Handing Over To The Authorities: +2 Short Sword of Disease.

The Ring of Urchins was especially disturbing to several people; when Nolin put it on during the identify, several children down the street started robbing strangers, only to dazedly deliver the ill-gotten gains to Nolin at the Temple of Calphas. The paladins and Velendo were horrified, and although Nolin and TomTom thought it was kind of cool, it went on the “to be destroyed” list.

At long last, everything was sorted and distributed, when another knock sounded on the door. “What is it again?” asks an aggrieved Velendo. “Another child to see you, your Grace,” answers the cleric, and a small boy enters the room.

“Hi there!” he says. “I understand that you have something to deliver, and I’m supposed to tell you where something is. Are you waiting for something called a ‘Brindle’?”

To be continued….

Next game: Confronting the assassin!


The young boy isn’t charmed or enchanted, and explains that someone has paid him a pittance to deliver the message and pick up a package. Deciding to trust the mysterious man that they’ve made a deal with, they place the large magical sapphire in a bag and hand in to the boy. In turn, the boy gives them an address of a warehouse in Eversink. “Your brindle should be there!” he says cheerily, and leaves the Temple. The Defenders watch him magically for a few minutes to make sure he isn’t mugged, and then prepares to go and collect Brindle.

Ahhh, Brindle. First met in the trillith’s Library of Screams, strapped to a table and flayed raw, he was perhaps the only victim to have preserved even a fraction of his sanity. His psionic power had managed to preserve his mind under torture, and he used those psionics to possess Tao’s dead body after the trillith’s astral constructs had killed her. Brindle had been a rogue assassin, on the run from the Children of Lethe, and the Defenders had given him a new lease on life when they had his battered body taken from the demiplane and healed. The next they knew of him was when his hired wizards tried to kidnap the Defenders in a canal ambush. And now? Now with any luck, he was delivered to them in a nice safe package. Luckily, the Defenders’ negotiations had demanded a means to nullify psionics, and it had been promised to them.

The Defenders took an hour or so to prepare specific spells. Soon they were standing in front of a row of dingy warehouses, moss-covered and work-stained. Above their heads one of the city’s two massive stone bridges arched across the sky, more than fifty feet up. An occasional workman walked by on business, giving the Defenders odd looks, but there was no sign of guards or assassins.

TomTom popped the lock on the warehouse door with scarcely a second thought. In the dark, musty space stood stacks of crates, rising up towards the ceiling. On them, placed carefully, was a rolled up carpet.

Unrolling the carpet on the warehouse floor revealed a bruised and unconscious man with pinkish skin and pinched features: Brindle. His arms were bound with oddly silver manacles, a linked silver neck-manacle clamped around his neck as well. Velendo prepared for questioning by casting seven zones of truth. Of the Defenders, only Nolin is affected, but the hope is that Brindle had succumbed. Velendo heals him back to consciousness, and Brindle’s eyes visibly widened and contracted as he recognized his “rescuers.” “Oh thank the Gods,” he started, “You’ve saved me!” He tries to activate a psionic power; electricity arcs along the manacles, and Brindle screams.

“Saved you?” answered Velendo, “That remains to be seen. We’re going to ask you a lot of questions. You can’t use psionics and you can’t lie; but how helpful and complete you are is going to make a big difference in what happens to you.”

“A big difference,” echoes Malachite in an intimidating growl, fists clenched and looming over the recumbent assassin. “Your life is solely in the hands of the people who saved you once and who you then betrayed. I recommend you make the correct decision.”

Brindle does.

He throws himself on the mercy of the Defenders and confesses everything. Working backwards under sharp questioning, he explains that he had been blackmailed by Caladone Markworthy, the missing Lord Griggan Clearwater’s second-in-command, the protégé who once had been considered the heir apparent to House Clearwater. His plan had been to kidnap the Defenders and hold them in high-security cells in the basement of the Rakers Prison. That would require bribing guards, but Brindle had already taken care of that. With the Defenders captive, Markworthy could then blackmail Sharala to renounce her claim to House Clearwater and to admit what she had done with Lord Griggan.

Brindle swears that he has no great love for Lord Griggan. He had been on the run from the local assassin’s guild, the Children of Lethe, when the trillith had taken him. He had been running from the assassins because they wanted him dead; they wanted him dead because he had done three free-lance assassinations in Eversink, and that was strictly against the assassins’ code. The assassinations were free-lance because Brindle had fled the Children of Lethe; he fled from the Guild because he had killed another member over a woman. “I guess I’ve made some bad choices,” Brindle says miserably, “and I was trying to get away from this city and make a fresh start somewhere else when Markworthy contacted me. But my past… my past keeps dragging me back.” Revolted by the reluctantly-confessed trail of murders, the Defenders can’t help but agree.

The Defenders have a purely mental discussion, standing around the nervous assassin, silently debating his fate as they stand over him in the shadows. They could kill him; they could turn him in to the authorities; they could turn him over to the Children of Lethe; they could let him go. They lean towards turning him over to the authorities until someone realizes that he knows all about the demiplane in the basement of House Clearwater. Not only is Griggan still trapped in the demiplane, it’s a source of Eversink information that could precipitate a local civil war if the other Houses learned about it. It’s a secret that should be kept, and Brindle is absolutely capable of talking about it in order to save his own life. What to do?

“TomTom,” asks Velendo mentally as Brindle fidgets nervously at Tao’s merciless stare, “Can you change Brindle’s memory?”

“Oh yeah,” answers TomTom. “I have a psionic helm that should be able to do just that. We took it from those githyanki on the Astral Plane. It should do the trick, if we do it right. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” All of the Defenders confer a bit longer, and then turn back to Brindle.

“Brindle,” they begin, “do you really want another chance?”

“Yes!” he squeaks excitedly, clearly already having accepted the fact that he was about to die – or be handed over to the Children of Lethe, a fate worth than death. “Anything you’ll consider! I’d love to restart, to leave Eversink and never return!” (”Take me with you,” mutters Raevynn.) If it helps, I’ll give you the money I’ve saved. Will it help?”

Eyes light up. “Really, take it, whatever you decide to do with me!” Brindle tells them where it is hidden, underwater in a canal, and describes the traps keeping it safe.

“Treasure or not,” says Velendo, “We’re going to be merciful and give you another chance. But you’ll need to start a new life, and choose a new profession.”

Brindle’s face falls. “But killing people is all I know how to do,” he says. Seeing the Defenders faces at that statement, he quickly adds, “But I’m willing to learn!”

TomTom continues, “It will probably be best if you start with a new identity, as well.” Brindle nods in agreement. “We’re going to give you new memories to make it easier. You must have alternate identities?”

“Yes,” answers Brindle, clutching at the only straw available. “A few. How about a merchant named Roodlin? I… you’ve been merciful to me, better than I deserve. My life is in your hands. I… I guess I trust you.” The zone of truth is still active; clearly, he’s telling the truth.

Malachite, with Mara at his side, interrupts. “Not so fast. First you must vow to give up your old ways. This is a memory that’s going to remain; you must swear.”

Brindle looks up at the two paladins, fearful, his eyes wide. “I swear to live my life… to live my life in a manner that I think would make you proud.”

“That will do.” Mara and Malachite nod at each other in approval, and TomTom slips the psionic helm over Brindle’s head. His eyes roll up in his head, and TomTom goes to work altering his memories. They implant the new identity, confusing his memories of the location of the demiplane and (while he remembers having killed people in the past) imparting a new repugnance of murder and violence. With luck, he’ll be a new man.

“Where shall we leave him?” someone asks. “How about Mechanus?” answers Raevynn, thinking of the worst place she knows. “Good idea!” says everyone. At Tao’s suggestion, Velendo casts quest on the unconscious assassin ~ errr, ex-assassin and new merchant.

“I think he’ll stay busy,” says the elderly cleric, smiling. “He’s going to be filled with an overriding urge to discover why the modrons are all marching early.”

And with the casting of a planeshift, Tao delivers Brindle to the gears of Mechanus, and the start of a new life.

To be continued….


theRuinedOne said:
Hmm, using a psionic helm to affect someone who has their own psionics inhibited by special manacles? Not sure if I'd trust that, but that's the players' choice. [Remember the Rat Bastard part!!]

Whoops! They stripped off the manacles first. Brindle was cowed enough that he didn't try to flee when they did so. If they hadn't taken off the inhibitor, the feedback would have killed him.

That whole twist surprised me. TomTom has never used that helm, and actually trying to redeem Brindle hadn't even occurred to me! They handled it beautifully, and even though Sito's old character Claris (a pilgrim of Vindus, the God of Vengeance and Justice) wouldn't have approved, I think the Defenders were quite proud of themselves. They solved several problems at once, and didn't create any new ones. :D
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I rarely post in the Story Hour to avoid discussions taking over from the story, but I really wanted to say that the latest forgiveness of an assassin is what good characters do. Too cool. A reformed assassin. MAJOR brownie points (though taking the law into their own hands might count against paladins).

Piratecat: I love you, man. (I know, I know, I still can't have your Bud Lite.)

P.S. Piratecat - have you ever played a computer game called "Captain Claw?" An arcade-style computer game about a pirate who also happens to be a cat (and a good guy, more or less). Complete wth dog bad guys, of course!

edit: P.P.S. Check out:

Captain Claw

For more details and a picture of Captain Claw himself

P.P.P.S. An animated gif of Captan Claw shooting his pistol.

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