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Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

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There is a delightful pair of Planescape adventures by Monte Cook named "The Great Modron March" and "Dead Gods." I don't want any spoilers in this thread, but suffice to say that the modrons (creatures of pure law that do everything like clockwork) began their march around all of the outer planes more than a hundred years early. The Defenders started the adventure and went to go watch hundreds of thousands of modrons marching across the Outlands. Watching all the hangers-on and other tourists, they looked at each other and said, "You know, I don't really care why the modrons are marching. There's lots of people here; I bet one of them will figure it out." Then they went back to Sigil, and eventually home.

I could have cried.

So now, when things get slow, one of them turns to the others and comments, "I wonder what those modrons are doing about now." Bastards.

- Piratecat
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Piratecat said:
So now, when things get slow, one of them turns to the others and comments, "I wonder what those modrons are doing about now." Bastards.

Maybe the modrons can march through the White Kingdom. ;)


We played tonight, with fellow board-member Gargoyle (James Garr, of Chainmail Bikini Games) guest-starring as a great Agar. This game had combat, puzzles, loot, roleplaying, and diplomacy ~ everything you could ask for! Highlights include:

- KidCthulhu rolling FOUR consecutive natural 20's in a row (that's a 1 in 168,000 chance, incidentally) with her PC's new rapier!

- TomTom with a bad psionic headache

- Raevynn with "canal cough"

- Agar peering into an endless void

- Nolin surrounded by rings of field mice, bunnies, birds, deer, hyenas, and dire lions as he sings to the animals on the Beastlands

- Beaching a pirate ship

- A visit to Ioun's tower

- And some extremely disturbing news about the new undead General in charge of the church of Aeos!
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Fade said:

Isn't that fact that he's, well, an undead priest of a sun god disturbing enough?

That's pretty disturbing. To Mara, who had a 20 minute meeting with the skeletal knight, it's even more disturbing that his name is General Aleax. Presumably the original. And now Mara has to make a choice: support her friends, and be deemed a heretic, or support the church, and betray her duty. Especially since it appears that Sir Malachite has had his holy order disbanded, and might technically be a heretical knight himself....

Things are about to get interesting.

- Piratecat


First Post
In response to the comments

1. Yes, the undead formerly known as Aleax is indeed a distubing, and inconvenient occurence. We know PC is up to something, but don't know quite what yet.

2. The impromptu concert for the animals was fun, although the dire rhinos and dire lions did get into a bit of a fight after Nol finished. We sang "we're going to the zoo (where we'll rip the bars open and free all the animals)"

3. I think the "pay to watch" thing is a great idea. If only PC hadn't signed on with Bugaboo's franchise. But now we have to give him a cut of the take...

4. Four 20s. It was miraculous. I'll probably fall down the stairs and break my leg today, having used up all my luck.


Originally posted by Alaric

What i want to know is the story behind the name Defenders of Daybreak? Was everyone's favorite adventuring party saving a commune full of idealist priestesses?

Got it backwards; the town was named after the group! Cadrienne founded the town with the survivors of a shrinking orb that had left them shrunken for two generations (Dungeon Magazine's Chadrathar's Bane. This is also the adventure where Nolin was killed by inch-tall goblins while wearing the cloak of the phoenix, precipitating his rebirth and future phoenix-hood.) When they broke the orb, all the creatures affected by it returned to full size, most of whom had NEVER been full size before. The ratriders were especially confused.

"The Defenders of Daybreak" name came from the group's repeated confrontation with a nasty little Imbindarlin cult known as the Brotherhood of Night. Obsessed with extinguishing the sun and bringing on endless night, this group was the Defender's primary bane for years. They sacrificed TomTom's bodyguard (and almost his uncle!), they opened up a gate to shadow underneath the capitol, they started a civil war using doppelgangers as agents, they parleyed with mind flayers, they killed the King, and ultimately they pulled a star from the heavens and sent it hurtling at the planet. Not nice folks. The Defenders have led a movement amongst the other churches to once again eradicate the cult, and it seems to have been quite successful.

Of course, Nolin's legend lore indicates that the people who first unleashed true ghouls in the underdark were Imbindarla (Goddess of undead and the dark things in the night) worshippers. Cult members too? Unknown.
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First Post
Piratecat, please edit the above post. The pronoun "they" has an unclear antecedent.

Just for the record, it was the Brotherhood of Night who did all the bad stuff, not the Defenders. We stopped them from doing those horrible things.

It took us five or six years of real time to play, which is a long time to focus on a particular task and had a lot to do with the original group's sense of identity and purpose,and PC threatened to complete the campaign at the end of the comet cycle because he foolishly thought we were done.

I'm not sure what changed his mind, because I left after about year five, but I think his solution was to realize that while we were done saving the world from endless night, there were still a lot of other things to save the world from out there. That was about five years ago by my count.

One of my most favorite moments of the campaign against the Brotherhood of Night was when Arcade Deltarion, fresh young mage and chief puzzle solver of the group,(and something of a social climber--naming the group so we could get good PR was his Big Idea) spent a desperate 15 or 20 minutes trying to unravel one of PC's puzzles, (while the rest of the Defenders sat around admiring the scenery) only to realize that the villain's name, Nostradis Ghend, was an anagram which we needed to unravel in order to activate the black portal.

At truly amazing speed he unanagrammed it, only to cry out, "Dread Night Snos?" whereupon Glimmer blipped him over the head and said "Dread Night's Son, you blockhead."

Dread Night Snos.

I still get a good chuckle out of that one.

Also, just of for the record, the town of Daybreak isn't exactly a commune. It swears Fealty to the Duke of Beryl and is run by an elected Town Council which reports to him and is responsible for paying the taxes. Cadrienne acts as an advisor to the Council, but is primarily occupied with founding the University of Daybreak, an institution wherein any person can find instruction in any study. But the town does have certain unusual policies with regards to communal property, and group living arrangements, and the university has a liberal admissions policy that does not discrimminate on the basis of alignment or species.
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With Brindle taken care of, the Defenders loot his cache, disabling the trap and clearing out a strong box packed with golden trade bars. They then return to the bay, heading back to the harbor to see what else the Dockside Royals were hiding in their underwater trap.

Underwater, they trigger the trapdoor that TomTom had detected, and watch horrified as it sinks 30’ and activates spiked gates; anyone stuck to the gluey surface of the falling stone trapdoor would have found themselves underwater and impaled by rusty spikes.

Swimming down, they move through a twisty passageway and enter a large, dark cavern. In it are two Large force bubbles. Filled with air, they bob near the ceiling, one holding five chests and one containing a large, paper-filled desk. Unfortunately, the force bubbles are much too large to fit out through the narrow entrance, and somehow magically popping them would expose the contents to water.

“No problem,” says Tao. “I’ll open a gate to the Beastlands and move us, the water, and the giant bubbles of loot right through to someplace warm and dry.”

“You can do that?” asks the party members (and the DM!) incredulously.

“Oh yeah,” she answers smugly, and the fabric of space rips shriekingly open. Water surges forward along with the force balls, and the Defenders find themselves sprawled on the grassy veldt, under a shockingly blue sky, in a realm of clean air and pure nature. A loud *SNORT!* makes them look up….

To see four Huge rhinos, covered with wild hair and pulsing with the rainbow-colored energy of pure chaos, charging right for them. The ground shakes as their feet hit the ground, and the Defenders suddenly know what it feels like to be in the path of a juggernaut.

…to be continued…

Next (longer!) episode: Dire Lions vs. Anarchic Rhinos! Loot aplenty and a famous ship! A new guest star for Agar! And religious developments of an unsettling sort….


The rhinos charge, heads down, horns gleaming, breath steaming in the fresh air. Before they get close enough to trample, Raevynn wild shapes into a dire lion. She thinks this might intimidate the rhinos into veering off. Unfortunately, it seems to have the opposite effect, and the rhinos veer towards her instead of away from her. Agar fires an acid orb at the alpha male, and Velendo casts tongues and then uses a greater command to command the rhinos away. It doesn’t work; apparently the rhinos aren’t smart enough to be affected, and they smash into both Malachite and Raevynn’s dire lion. The rhino attacking Malachite smites law as it impales him on the spike, chaotic energy spiking through his body as the huge horn crumples his armor. Raevynn is also hurt, hit by two of the other three beasts. Tao lifts her head from where she was flung by the water, sees the combat and swears. “I guess we won’t bother trying to talk to them, huh?” She shifts into unicorn form and tries to talk to them anyways, but they ignore her; Galanna isn’t the only God on the Beastlands, and wherever these chaos-creatures are from, they don’t seem to care about what kind of divine power she represents.

Nolin casts mass haste, and within seconds lightning flashes. Acid sprays and smokes. Swords and maces slash into rippling gray rhino hide. Impaled on a horn, Malachite slashes his sword into the rhino’s head again and again, and with a thunderous snort the rhino throws him off, staggering on its feet. The other rhinos concentrate their attacks on Raevynn. She tries to use her dire lion form to pounce on one of them, but the other beasts do their best to gore her, and within seconds she has blood streaming down her flanks. She roars in pain, and even as the bull rhino goes down, the Defenders turn to help her. As soon as she can, Raevynn wild shapes back to normal form, hoping that it might confuse the beasts. It works; one of them stands there for a few seconds, prodding her gently with its horn, trying to understand where the humongous lion went.

Then flame strikes, biocurrent, and fireballs slam down, along with a fiery blast from Nolin’s new psionic ring of dragon’s breath. As Mara, Tao and Malachite move forwards swinging their weapons, two more of the anarchic rhinos fall with rumbling crunches; even in death, their bodies ripple with chaos-energy. The last beast is still healthy, though, and Nolin makes a radical decision: “I’m actually going to use a weapon!” Flying above the rhino with his new rapier out, he swoops down and stabs the anarchic rhino twice.

He then rolls four 20’s in a row. One chance in 160,000, right there in front of me. And the KidCthulhu reminds me that Nolin’s new rapier is a Knight of the Horn weapon that can lignify on a successful critical, turning an opponent into a plant. I roll the rhino’s saving throws…. And the rhino gets the opposite end of Nolin’s luck.

It freezes for just a second, lifting its head, and then a huge brown trunk sprouts out of its belly and buries itself deep into the fertile ground. The iridescent horn becomes a thick branch, and its rippling gray skin shimmers and explodes into a profusion of leaves. Nolin is still hovering on his fiery wings, and below him stands a tremendous Rhino Tree.

Looking up at it in awe, someone mumbles, “I wonder what kind of fruit it will sprout?”

After healing and cleaning themselves off, the Defenders examine the huge force bubbles full of objects. One of them has five tumbled chests in it, and the other one has a desk covered with spilled papers. Checking with true seeing, TomTom notices that the bubbles seem to be filled with some kind of vapor invisible to the naked eye. Concerned about what it may be, Nolin casts legend lore on it.

While waiting, TomTom strolls up to the force bubble with the desk and manifests clairtangency. Using the sheer power of his mind to grasp them, he picks papers up and holds them up to the edge for everyone to read.

It takes him a minute to realize what he has. “Holy cow!" he says. "This whole desk is full of blackmail materials for people in Eversink!”

…to be continued… Thanks again to James Garr, Gargoyle, who played Agar!
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A detect poison spell reveals that the globes are full of poison gas. Nolin’s legend lore reveals what kind, when he learns,

  • “Lungbane shrivels,
    Not from nature,
    Chokes the flesh and
    Slays the soul.”
Good thing they figured it out, too; they were very close to dimension dooring into one of the force globes, which might have been disastrous. After several plans are checked by Tao’s use of divination magic, an easier solution is conceived. Velendo casts neutralize poison on one of the globes. A detect poison orison indicates that the spell has apparently made the air inside completely safe. Agar disintegrates the globe surrounding the five sea chests, and the gleeful looting begins.

Meanwhile, TomTom’s research using clairtangency on the desk papers is producing slow results. He finds dirt on three of the major Eversink houses, including House Clearwater. He finds proof that the youngest son of House Roaringbrook attempted to have the trade delegation ship first carrying the Defenders (and a hold full of flowstone) to Eversink sunk by minotaur pirates; apparently, he was acting to disrupt the trade negotiations between the two countries. TomTom also finds commodity bonds, a deed to a dockside bar and adjoining flophouse, a sea rutter detailing navigational instructions, a spellbook, and several other odds and ends.

When the other globe is disintegrated, TomTom begins experiencing a disturbing psionic buzzing. He quickly tracks it down to the smallest of the five chests, and he orders Mara to take it hundreds of feet away. Tao uses her helm to cast clairvoyance inside the chest, and using the darkvision granted by Agar’s spell sees a large, hairy spider surrounded by some sort of crystallized goo, almost like a fly trapped in amber. The group decides not to open the chest.

The other chests are full of interesting things, once TomTom disarms the poison needle traps protecting them. One is full of a shimmering, sliding heap of 6000 golden coins, more than 120 lbs of foreign treasure. Another contains rare antiquities from around the world: a magical tinderbox, ivory statuettes of warriors, an exquisite jade statue of a naked woman with lobster head and claws, beaded gnomish vests, halfling wooden carvings, an infernally-forged pirate hook, and various other trinkets. The fourth chest is extremely large and radiates conjuration magic; when opened, Agar and TomTom stare down into an endless void as butterflies launch themselves from the inside of the lid. In the miles of empty space they can see clouds, birds, and a deep blue sky. “Elemental plane of air,” says Agar definitively. “This is a free-standing portal. Quite valuable!” He takes a pull on his pipe, the aromatic smoke being blown away by the sharp breeze blowing from the open sea chest. “Fascinating….”

The last sea chest contains swashbuckling clothing, a parrot skeleton, a magically sharp hook, a treasure map depicting an unknown island shaped like a shark, and a solid wooden box wrapped in a Jolly Roger flag and marked with the symbol of Psorga, God of the Seas. Excited, the group tries several things with the box including getting it wet, and steps back hurriedly as it begins to expand: chunk! chunK! chuNK! chUNK! cHUNK! CHUNK! Within seconds, a huge two-decked pirate ship named “The Bloody Grail” eclipses the sky, before slowly toppling sideways on the sun-drenched grass of the Beastlands, still covered with barnacles and the ragged scars of her last battle. Nolin has heard of The Bloody Grail before – she’s infamous for striking fast and then disappearing – and if the Defenders can fix her, they now own her.

About this time the group’s attention is caught by the nearby standing stones, which serve as a portal to Sigil, the city in the center of the multiverse. The portal hums, crackles, and a man steps through. No, not a man… golden skin, huge white wings, pure white robes, and golden eyes like the wrath of God itself: an angel. His eye is caught by the rather unusual sight of the pirate ship toppled over on the veldt. Tao strides towards him as he turns, and he almost starts at the aura of divine radiance coming from her as well. “Greeting, sister,” he rumbles; his voice is like the clarion call of a hundred trumpets. “May I be of assistance?”

“No,” answers Tao matter-of-factly. “We have everything under control.”

“Very good,” says the angel. “My greetings to your Goddess, and my blessings on your endeavors.” With a thankful smile from Tao, he beats his wings once and swirls into the air in a hurricane of wind. Within seconds he has flown out of sight, and everyone lets out a long breath.

“Wow,” says Agar.

No one can figure out how to close the pirate ship back up, though, so they expand their unique Daern’s Instant Fortress (known as the Flickering Needle) and try to grab some sleep. They agree that in the morning a few people should walk through the nearby portal to Sigil, with the intention of selling the elemental air chest and several other items, and commissioning or buying several items that the group would like to have. Their sleep is interrupted by a group of planewalkers leaving Sigil and intending to investigate the beached ship; warned off by a Defender trying to be intimidating, they hastily head somewhere else. And eventually, although the sun has not changed position in the ever-blue sky, morning comes.

…to be continued…

Next: Bursting a bubble, a brief trip to Sigil, a visit to the Aeotian Mother Church, and a very unpleasant surprise for Mara!
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