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Planes to Shape, Secrets to Keep... (Dromus)


The Luminous Arc -

EDIT: Removed to quell temptation. ;) If you want to look it over again, just ask me, I have it saved.
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(OOC: Okay, here's the last one. Your turn! :D )

Feiran of the Long Name -

EDIT: Removed to quell temptation. ;) If you want to look it over again, just ask me, I have it saved.
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(OOC: I feel I should clarify some points. This is not necessarily something that actually happened to you, nor did you necessarily have these ideas. This is just how I respond to knowledge checks - edit it however you like.)

(This case was somewhat more complicated than usual, though,s o don't expect this much every time. I can already hear the sighs of relief. This is way too heavy-handed for constant, frequent, or even recurring use. I just thought some material to get over the early-game "what's going here and where's the plot?" hump would help everyone out.)

(To derive these, I did actually make with some dice-rolling, believe it or not. I first rolled Knowledge checks and Int checks to determine what you might now, then made a Wisdom check to see how coherent your insight was, followed by a Charisma check to see how confidant you are. Obviously, I can't really make all these decisions for you, they just influenced how I phrased your check results.)

(EDIT: Forgot to mention. I'll post future OOC stuff in another thread, but I haven't decided yet how I want to do it. I will probably just start a dedicated OOC thread for this game, and leave the old one as a prep thread for the second game.)


First Post

As the others talked on, Illira was quiet and thinking. Suddenly there was a change on her face. It looked like she was not paying attention to anything around her, like she was sleeping eyes wide open. The state didn't last long - only some seconds, maybe - and then she blinked again.

What was that supposed to mean? Why is it so cryptic all the time? How is that supposed to help? Unless, Illira recalled, what Adinal spoke about the amulet earlier, how it was trying to gain control of his friend and the magical lines of power, ...yes, yes! It is the amulet! ...Magic speaks to magic..., ...Power in sympathy.

The girl turned her glowing eyes on Adinal, "Mr. Gyrfalcon, the friend of yours, who was dominated by the amulet, who is she? What does she do, what talents does she have? I know you don't trust us, but please tell, this might be very important. I believe the entity in the amulet seeks a way from another plane to ours. But it needs something. Something, which is the right type, the correct match, ...the shortest way. It is a magical item, isn't it?"


First Post
Cagthail turns in slight surprise as Illira suddenly seemed to have gotten some divine inspiration and started talking insistantly. Not understanding what she means, he ignores her and instead turns to Adinal again.

"Ehm, anyways, perhaps we could find out more on the Sorcerie's resources. If they are looking for it you could just let them find you. They won't expect much resistance from you alone, so if we're all there to back you up it should be easy for us to capture them instead. Hopefully they'll even find it important enough to send someone who actually knows something about it."

Mad Hatter

First Post
I must reevaluate my opinion of Illira. She might have something there. At the very least, we can get her to talk more and thus play her hand. Regardless, we must study this thing.

Feiran turns to look at Minaesbart and says confidently: "I disagree, Minaesbart. While I have no doubt of your skill or anyone's in this room for that matter, it is stll too risky. The Sorciere stands too much on their own laurels to adaquately aid us. They would run rough-shod and take over the task completely, which in my opinion would be a mistake. This is too important a task to consign into the hands of such an organization. Besides if we invite them to play, then others, who we don't want to deal with, might decide they too wish to play. Why invite trouble? It's apparently our trade, it will come to us. We must do this, preferably in secret or at least inconspicuously.

After she says this to Minaesbart, Feiran looks speculatively at Illira. She then turns to Adinal and says: Adinal, I think that perhaps you should answer Illira's questions. I have seen enough seemingly divine inspiration in my own family to respect these revelations of hers. Besides, at the very least we'll know a bit more about the circumstances of this bizarre situation. Also, are there any distinctive markings, etchings, writings or runes, etc. on the amulet?"

I am loathe to suggest anything yet seeing as the others have not entered the "I have a plan and really want to share" game. Even so, I must sell them on my idea because I am confident that it will be the best course of action...
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First Post
Responding to Feiran, Cagthail says: "Ah, I didn't mean to ask them to aid us. I'm saying we could lure some of them into a trap and make them aid us."

He grins at Feiran and continues: "If they're as interested in this artifact as Adinal suggests, I'm sure they'll have the resources to find us sooner or later anyways. We might as well strike first and find out what they know about it.

Mad Hatter

First Post
Feiran once again speaks to Minaesbart: Same difference. I believe that you vastly overestimate our current skill. Yes, we are good, the fact that we are here is a testament to that fact. However, if we were able to lure a member then they probably wouldn't have the necessary information that we needed anyways. Their secrets are closely guarded and their power even more so. I also agree that we will attract trouble like maggots to rotting flesh, but there is a difference between us getting some information on our own and then being discovered than being discovered immediately without information. I simply feel that what you suggest is best left as a last resort. There is still plenty of time to do other things and that if you still desire it.

Feiran pauses for a moment as if in thought. She again speaks: But your talent is not to be...neglected. We need something that will not only push us to our limits in all aspects of our unique talents but will also remedy the amulet issue. Minaesbart, I might have something of a plan that will interest you, a proposition of sorts, that is if you're game for an incredible challenge?"

Feiran's eyebrow raises, she's obviously issuing you a challenge of sorts, Cagthail.

He either knows something or he's simply itching for a fight. I must keep careful watch on him. Maybe what I have in mind will satisfy his urge. It will surely be something far out there. I wonder how he feels about planes hopping or better yet mad proxies...*mental laugh* I have have known Narine for only a few moments, yet she seems the type that should be talking right now...with a plan or something. Her silence is disconcerting...
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