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Planescape 3.5e - Cold Black Mask


[sblock=Cage-Rattler]His harrying attacks being halted by brute force, István frantically begins writhing and twisting in a bid to slip free from the reave's four-armed grasp.

OOC: Standard action, Escape Artist +14 to escape a grapple. If successful, he'll move back 15-ft. towards the warehouse as his move-action. István will repeat this tactic each round until successful.[/sblock]

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Dire Lemming

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Anthony shrugs, not looking anywhere near as concerned as he really is. "Well, I did tell those berks That they should try a diplomatic approach. It's there fault if they don't listen. Not that they'll see it that way, I guess... I gave the primes a good deal though, and if they think to take those three alive then they might be able to get some useful info about whoever's after them. I don't think they'll take it too hard..." He glances past Dinah to the door. "What's Kalel up to?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

Cage-Rattler said:
Hagen looked somewhat bewildered as István again made his sudden departure, then gritted his teeth as the toxins in his body attacked his systems. After a moment, he began to breath easier, and he flexed his fingers experimentally.

"I think the worst of the sickness has passed," he murmured to Sindr and Heinrich. In a louder voice, he addressed the others in the room. "I can't imagine that anyone would be so foolish as to try to assault the building again; not after the defense you put up. The city watchmen will probably be here soon as well, after all that commotion. I think we're best off staying in one place, for now."

There was a soft knock at the door, and Cang entered the room with a polite dip of his head. "I've secured one of the attackers downstairs. He is wounded, but alive -- all in all, much better off than his companion."
Pierce's metallic face breaks into a grim smile.

"Then let us go have a discussion with this man, and see why he needed to speak with us so badly," Pierce says with a lifted brow, wanting to make sure Sindr and the others would come with her before going back downstairs.


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"Why don' you head down an' han'le it yerself, Pierce? I dunno that I wanna be there t' see yer methods o' 'persuasion' an' I'm not lettin' Hagen outta my sight fer a bit anyhow." He blinks owlishly then adds with a frown, "Or this mask. Y'still didn' say iffn ya knew wha' a 'mimir' is. Only thin' I kin thin' of is a legend 'bout Yggsdrasil in onna th' Outer Planes."
[sblock=OOC]Meanwhile, Sindr's going to use his pearl of power to recover magic missile.[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Cinder, I understand your concern for your friend, but I would be a less than dilligent bodyguard if you were out of my reach. Perhaps if you were to bar the window thoroughly, I could 'discuss' things with the thug in the hallway, so I would be in easy earshot if anything else goes wrong?" Pierce asks. If Sindr is agreeable, Pierce will nod to Cang to bring the miscreant up to the hallway. She sets her face in her most impressive scowl, hoping to frighten the man further before she even has to say a word. Though she doesn't have her armor, it's clear that even a casual touch, let alone a punch or slap, will result in pierced flesh. Better for him if it doesn't come down to that.

OOC: [sblock]Pierce will do an Intimidate check once Cang brings the thug up. She wants to soften him up a little, figuratively speaking.[/sblock]


First Post
Ambrus:[sblock] Writhing and twisting, István managed to wriggle free from the brute's grasp before he was subjected to another series of blows. He quickly moved to put some breathing space between himself and his opponent. (Escape Artist 28 succeeds; István no longer grappled.)

His prey having slipped his clutches, the reave opted for a more forward approach and charged the retreating gnome, rearing his fists back for a powerful strike. The heavy blow sent István staggering back a few steps. (AC 21 hits; 6 lethal damage before DR.)
István = 17 VP/12 WP
Reave = Fighting Desperately

Cang nods in return to Pierce and slips back downstairs. Within moments, the angry protests of the surviving thug can be heard in a rising crescendo as he is marched toward the room.
"Oi! I am marchin', you bleedin' lemon! Can't move fast when my leg's been soddin' skewered. Oi -- oi! Ya don't need ta' shove!"

The thug limped through the doorway, scowling and grumbling, held in check by Cang's firm hand. His hair was long and greasy, and his stubble-coated face was covered in dirt and grime. His scowl faltered for a moment when his eyes meet the flat, cold stare of the spiker. (Pierce's Intimidate = 18)


Anthony Orchidaceae said:
"What's Kalel up to?"
Dinah followed Anthony's gaze reflexively. "Kalel's going to try to round up some bloods of his -- reinforcements, he called it. I don't know if I like the sound of that -- like we're getting ready for a battle -- but you know how Bariaur are. He should be back within the hour."
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[sblock=Cage-Rattler]OOC: The reave managed to deal lethal damage with an unarmed strike? Did you remember to take into account the -4 penalty to hit for such an attack? Sorry to nick pick, but I need any advantage I can get against this thing. ;)

István is still backpedaling when the reave begins to charge towards him. Continuing his backwards motion, the gnomish harrier raises his crystal shard over his head with its tip angled downwards towards his opponent. When the brute overextends itself (suffering a -2 AC penalty for charging) István thrust downwards into the gap between the reave's armor cuisse and codpiece; trying to breach the creature's vulnerable inner thigh (Melee rapier +11, 1d4-1 +1d6, as a skirmish attack). When the brute's fist connects, the impact sends the gnome staggering backwards, where he skids to a stop a half-dozen paces away from his attacker (move-action to tumble [Tumble +15] 10-ft. away from the reave).[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Cage-Rattler said:
Cang nods in return to Pierce and slips back downstairs. Within moments, the angry protests of the surviving thug can be heard in a rising crescendo as he is marched toward the room.
"Oi! I am marchin', you bleedin' lemon! Can't move fast when my leg's been soddin' skewered. Oi -- oi! Ya don't need ta' shove!"

The thug limped through the doorway, scowling and grumbling, held in check by Cang's firm hand. His hair was long and greasy, and his stubble-coated face was covered in dirt and grime. His scowl faltered for a moment when his eyes meet the flat, cold stare of the spiker. (Pierce's Intimidate = 18)
"I have some questions for you. If the answers are true, you leave with only the current holes in your hide. If you try to lie to me, I will turn your skin into a lace tablecloth. No one here is kindly disposed towards you, myself least of all. Let us start with your name and why you came here tonight with violent intent," Pierce says, her voice deceptively mild. She runs her fingers along some of the spikes on her arms and hands as she talks, as if testing their sharpness.


First Post
István Angushtri:[sblock] ooc: The Reave's wearing gauntlets, which allows him to do lethal damage with an unarmed strike. The reave caused non-lethal damage during the grapple round, since there is a -4 penalty to attempt lethal damage. I did forget, however, to give István an AoO for that unarmed strike, so I retroactively factored it in this round. :)

As the brute extended his arm in the vicious attack, István neatly slipped his blade inside his foe's defense. Unfortunately, the thick metal deflected the force of the blow. (István's AoO hit's AC 27; 2 damage before DR)

Once again István danced forward under his opponent's reach, trying to slide the blade of rapier in between the gaps in the reave's armor. His mark proved elusive however, and the crystal tip skittered off the thick metal plates once again. Foiled, István nimbly stepped back to avoid the reave's counter-attack. (István hits AC 14; 5 damage before DR. Tumble Check 29; István draws no AoOs for moving out of threatened area.)

The reave doggedly pursued the nimble gnome, and once again his armored fist crashed into István's chest. István's blade flashed out in a preemptive attempt to sneak in a quick blow, but was again turned by the armor. (Reave hits on Natural 20; no critical. 6 damage before DR. István's AoO hit's AC 23; 3 damage before DR.)
István = 13 VP/ 12 WP
Reave = Fighting Desperately

Pierce Spinecrusher said:
"Let us start with your name and why you came here tonight with violent intent."
The thug glowered sullenly, but offered no resistance. When he spoke, it was as much to himself as it was to anyone else in the room. "Aye, I get it. Primes are torqued off for bein' hipped in the Cage, so they wanna take it out on ol' Gerad." He looked up briefly. "That's me name, 'case you bashers couldn't put one-an'-one together. S'fore why me and my mates came here; well, 'cause we was told to. Shadow 'em primes, mark where they go an' who they see; that's what we're told ta do. Supposed to wait for a signal before we made a move, but we didn't hear from that soddin' imp in a turn or so and me mates weren't twiggin' to the idea of just bangin' 'round, so we busted in here." He spat on the the floor. "I knew this rig was for the Mazes, I did."

Vervain:[sblock] "Do this one last thing for me, Vervain. Do this for me, and you'll be free."

Sometimes, in his dreams, the source of the voice would reveal itself to him; if he performed his tasks well, it took the form of a luminous violet mist that enveloped him and rewarded him with power. If he did poorly, it was a terrifying mass of vipers that hissed its displeasure and nipped at his flesh. The dreams were always the same. The darkness, like warm liquid all around him; the hushed voice, neither male nor female; the requests (orders?). The promises. Always the same, but he could never let go of hope -- the hope that the next time will be different; the next time will be the last.

So, he did what the dreams asked of him.

ooc: Scurry, I think we're all set for you to go ahead and introduce yourself to the characters soon. It may be a bit awkward to barge in on their interrogation, but they might appreciate some supporting witness testimony in their favor once the Harmonium arrive. :) [/sblock]


[sblock=Cage-Rattler]OOC: The gauntlets would explain it. Thanks. And thanks for the Attacks of Opportunity. With this thing's DR, all I can hope is to score a critical with my superior 18-20 threat range. :\

István crouches low and once again strikes when the charging brute is off-balance (suffering a -2 AC penalty for charging), this time aiming for the unprotected armpit beneath the reave's outstretched gauntleted arm (Melee rapier +11, 1d4-1 +1d6, as a skirmish attack). His head spinning from the brute's mighty counter-blow, the gnome stumbles backwards while endeavoring to remain out of the reave's reach. (move-action to tumble [Tumble +15] 10-ft. away from the reave).[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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