Planescape: A Hopeless Beginning

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The gathering crowd draws back fairly quickly as it emerges that the group who fell from above are not seriously hurt. Their suspicious, probing gazes never leave the group, and neither does anyone move to answer the queries that have been directed at them or address the group at all.

Using her innate telepathic powers to reach into the minds of the assembled onlookers, Vaerhia is able to tell firstly, and unsurprisingly, that every person in the area she is able to scan is indeed generating mental activity. With further concentration she can pick up that the strongest intellect present belongs to a certain man skulking towards the back, a Tiefling perhaps judging by his unnaturally gaunt and purple-tinted features, who seems to be of considerable intelligence, though he could not be called a genius. As she focuses in further she can pick out the surface thoughts of the crowd, and can tell that they are generally wavering between fear, interest, and malicious intent. They seem certain to take advantage of any opportunities that present themselves, but there's a strong vein of cowardice and nobody is prepared to put their neck on the line.

OOC: The Telepathy ability you can perform at will doesn't allow you to read thoughts, just to communicate with people. I've assumed you're using one of your 3 daily uses of Detect Thoughts, hope that's okay.[/sblock]

After a few moments, there is a ripple in the assembled onlookers as somebody pushes their way through. Shouldering and elbowing, with murmured apologies all the way, comes a very tall, willowy woman with long grey hair that seems swept back by a wind nobody can feel. She has very sharply defined, strong features and the rest of the crowd seems to treat her with a kind of grudging respect, moving aside for her but shooting her venomous looks as they do so. As she finally reaches the front she pauses a moment to recover her breath and then steps forward with a warm smile. "Greetings to you all, and welcome to Hopeless." Her voice is full of positivity and friendliness. "Are you hurt? I'll heal you if you need it." She turns and regards the crowd with a baleful glare before turning back, smiling once more. "Please don't mind the locals. They're not much of a welcoming committe, I know," she says with a small giggle, and as she does so the reason for the reticence of the 'locals' towards the newcomer becomes obvious, as two huge figures stride into view and stand protectively over her. They are identically armoured in heavy golden plate that is ornately crafted with symbols and runes in Celestial script, and each one is wielding a gleaming longsword and large shield in the shape of an eagle's wing. Still beaming, the woman finishes with "my name's Elandra, by the way."

[sblock]Still concentrating on detecting thoughts? At the moment all you'll be able to tell is whether Elandra is thinking or not. :p Next turn and the turn after though you'll get potentially useful info.[/sblock]

The succubus yawns, seemingly in boredom, the faintly condescending smile never fully leaving her lips. When Elandra steps to the front, she transfers the gaze - and the smile - to the newcomer.

"I think those of us who can have healed ourselves," she says, gesturing to the lanky, dark-haired man sitting near the front of the group of castaways. "Vaerhia Sweetcaress, at your service." She bows, which has the side effect of giving anyone looking at her a glimpse down the very low-cut neckline of her dress.

[sblock]D'oh! Yup, I meant detect thoughts. Don't know why I threw Telepathy in there. Yup, still concentrating.... if I can't speak while I'm doing so, let me know and I'll edit....[/sblock]


Eluvan said:
"Greetings to you all, and welcome to Hopeless." Her voice is full of positivity and friendliness. "Are you hurt? I'll heal you if you need it." She turns and regards the crowd with a baleful glare before turning back, smiling once more. "Please don't mind the locals. They're not much of a welcoming committe, I know," she says with a small giggle, and as she does so the reason for the reticence of the 'locals' towards the newcomer becomes obvious, as two huge figures stride into view and stand protectively over her. They are identically armoured in heavy golden plate that is ornately crafted with symbols and runes in Celestial script, and each one is wielding a gleaming longsword and large shield in the shape of an eagle's wing. Still beaming, the woman finishes with "my name's Elandra, by the way."

"Hey, that's real nice!" dark-hair replies. He picks himself up and dusts himself off. "We're sorry about your roof. Or, well, I shouldn't speak for the others, since we've never met. At least, as far as I remember. And I don't think I had anything to do with crashing the ship, to be honest. Um, speaking of which, you don't know off-hand who that belongs to, do you?"

He rattles through all that without bothering to take a breath, pointing upward at the end to indicate which 'that' he refers to.

"I'm Estariel, by the way," he adds belatedly.


First Post
"Well, go ahead and speak for me too then Estariel, since I'm pretty sorry for the ship as well. The name's Eclaiyan, and I don't know much of anything right now other than that I'm alright, including whose ship that is! I'm just lucky to be alive, as we most likely all are, though I also dare not to speak for everyone..."

So states the orange-tanned, odd looking human as he strides across the rubble with ease to stand next to Estariel. His equally orange hair dances about as if on fire, bouncing in time with the same unseen wind that blows the woman's hair straight back, but never staying still. The slightest hint of sulfur lingers in the air around Estariel as he approaches.
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First Post
Elandra looks up at the ship and the wall as Estariel points at it, and a look of concern comes over her face as if she has just been reminded of some rather unpleasant details. "Oh yes, the ship," she says distractedly and with a tremor coming into her voice. "See, the thing about that is that you shouldn't be apologising to me. Actually... you shouldn't be apologising at all if you ask me," she says with a mischievous grin that quickly resolves itself back to her previous expression of concern. "See... that's not my wall. That's Emenukaris' wall. He's... uhhh... I guess he's the lord of this place. He's hit the blinds if he thinks he's the lord of me, but that's not the point. Oh... he'll be coming. Or at least, he'll be sending someone. You need to get out of here." Her voice takes on an anguished, pleading tone. "Come with me! Please! I can keep you safe, and we can figure out what's happened then." She gives a slightly misgiving glance at the succubus as she says this, but says nothing, obviously dismissing her doubts.

[sblock]Estariel isn't particularly intelligent, though she's not exactly stupid. One of her guards is slightly more intelligent than she is, the other slightly less so. You'll be able to read their surface thoughts next round, assuming they don't make their saving throws.[/sblock]


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Krikit looks around again at the eclectic mix of his fellow escapees. Odd bunch, he thinks, but then I'm in no position to point fingers. Then he turns to Elandra and shouts, Well I'll be bold enough to speak for all when I say 'Thanks for your welcome', he shouts. We were just going to retrieve our belongings and then perhaps you can let us know where we've landed.

He begins scrambling up the rock wall, deftly finding handholds and making surprisingly rapid progress for such a small man.

[ooc: The Aranea description doesn't say they lose their climb speed when transformed, but if Krikit has to sprout some extra legs to accomplish this he will. With this crowd he doesn't expect to shock anybody unduly. :)]



Wyk bows politely to Elandra, "Wyk Woodswalker at your service ma'am. Thank you for the kind welcome and the warning. Tell us please of this Emenukaris who's wall has set us free."


First Post

Choosing to remain quiet as the lovely-looking woman speaks, the barbarian mumbles. "Ah, she seems nice. We should go with her, she'll keep us safe!" A moment later, she mumbles again. "Don't be so sure Minala. I don't trust her, and I don't trust that winged-and-horned lady either." "Oh, don't be like that Kandeen. We have lost our things, you know, so we need to place our trust in people who are willing to help us."

As Krikit climbs up the wall, aiming for the crashed ship, Minala continues the mumbling. "Oh, and is he supposed to take care of all our things? By the way Minala, I don't trust him either."


First Post
"Getting our stuff back sounds like the best idea I've heard yet..."

Eclaiyan begins to try to climb the wall shortly after Krikit begins his ascent, attempting to find the least-steep slant of the broken wall he can find, jumping from rubble to rubble till he finds the highest point to begin climbing from.

[sblock]Climb Check: 13 (yikes!)

Jump Check: 29[/sblock]

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