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I also have a busy week so, I guess my character would be ready by friday as well. I'm aiming for a elven wizard sensate, who specializes is underused spells such detect secret doors and Leomund's Tiny Hut.


Huge planescape fan here as well I'll start on a character.

(I'm perfectly happy with any or all choices of timeframe but I will say I'm pretty fond of the pre-faction war era. Like I said the preferences of otherplayers and of course the DM come first though :))

Back soon to give you an idea of my character concept :).


First Post
I'll start working on a PC as well. Githyanki does sound neat, and if people go that way, can we use the info on them, from a few months ago, that was put in Dragon and Dungeon? I may also go with a Tiefling. As for the Faction War, anything there is ok with me, as I know I won't start as a faction member. Also, if any of you wanna coordinate background stories, give me a shout, I'm game for that.


Chaos Apostate

First Post
Okay then -

Velmont, I'll go roll up some stats shortly and I'll post them up for you tonight. Xaositect eh? That's fine by me, but I would appreciate it if you make the character manageable. ie, running around pretending to alternately be a fluffy kitten or an angel of death, preaching the end of the multiverse between the jaws of a giant rabit, and refusing to talk to anyone who refuses to take their clothes off first would all be unacceptable character quirks... Hopefully, I domn't need to tell you that (please don't take it as an insult), but then again you get some pretty crazy idiots running around on forums.

Muhcashin - that sounds cool. I love Sensates, and I love elves. I'm also a big fan of quirky, fun spells. I look forward to seeing exactly what you produce.

Samantha - Yes, you can use the info from Dungeon and Dragon so long as you submit it to me so I can look it over first. While we're on the subject, all psionics will use the psionic rather than the psuedo-magical variants, and psionic characters are welcome (including the psionic character classes). But you seem to be talking as if everyone would decide on a single race, and I've got to say that I'm not thrilled by the idea of DMing for a group consisting entirely of Githyanki (not because I dislike Githyanki, but simply because that would very much determine the flavour of the game in a way that I don't particularly want). Of course, I may just have misinterpreted your words in which case I'm sorry.

As far as time frame is concerned, I'm not quite decided but I am leading towards pre-faction war. If anyone has strong preferences one way or the other, tell me why and I'll consider your points.

And finally, does anyone except Velmont want me to roll some stats? Let me know now and I'll get back to you tomorrow.


First Post
I understand and I take no offence. One easy Xaocitech to do, is the liar. A simple guy who is just unable to tell the truth and always need to insert a lie in his sentence. But even if he always lie, he may insert some element of truth in his speech, so he would not become too much predictable.

Another easy concept is the wild mage, a wizard who prefer to master huge amount of power, even if some of the time, his magic go uncontrol. That was pretty cool in the 2nd edition with the wild mage of the Tome of Magic, but the Wild Mage of 3.0 in the FRCS is not as interesting.

Another concept, but it needs to be in a group, is the lawful Xoacitech among a bunch of stereotype Xaocitech. He is so much out of the stereotype of his faction that he is just too crazy. Sure, as everyone is Chaotic, he may derogate some times from that attitude, but it needs to be in a group to accentuate the contrast.

I still think if I can't find a more interesting and original concept. Tell me if you like those concept or what you don't like in these concept so Imay adjust and find a concept that would fit in your campaign.

Chaos Apostate

First Post
Okay Velmont, your stats are:


I hope they work out alright for whatever concept you end up using. All the concepts above sound like interesting characters, but I do have an issue with them - why would they join the Xaositects? Just being insane isn't enough. The Xaositects espouse the belief that only through madness (or vision, as they are perhaps mor elikely to put it) and chaos can one truly understand oneself and the multiverse as a whole. A compulsive liar doesn't really seem to fit in with that - at least, not solely on the information detailed above. Similarly, a wild mage wouldn't seem to be much more likely to join the Xaositects than any other faction. And as for someone lawful... again, I don't really see what it is in the Xaositect philosophy that would appeal to them. After all, they are nicknamed the Chaosmen for a reason - they believe that truth only exists through chaos. I don't really understand where the whole 'insight through chaos' thing comes into any of these concepts. Perhaps I am just missing the point - if you went into more detail on whichever concept you are currently favouring then maybe we can work these issues out. Alternatively, if you can see my point, are you sure you want to play a Xaositect? It seems like you're more in to insanity in your characters rather than the Xaositect philosophy as a whole.


First Post
Hey I like Planescape, too.

I did the computer game, and ran my fair share of
planar D&D addies, too.

So who's signed up?

I'd go for a Kobold Sorcerer or a tiefling wiz/rouge.


First Post
Nice stats...

Well, I'll read more closely the Chaosmen tonight. I have the Factol Manifesto and I'll read about their philosophy a bit more, maybe I'll come up with something more in line for a faction member.


Could I have some rolled stats please Chaos? (crosses finegrs for good results :p)

I was going to be a Guvner but with a Xoasitect it might not be the best idea. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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