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Planetouched Peril

Fangor the Fierce

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*Ashlie looks into the child's eyes, and then procures 2 silver pieces.* "Here's 2 silver pieces, take good care of Shilo and be sure that no harm comes to him."

I guess this is as good a place as any. My skills need some real testing, and the previous jobs are not as fullfilling anymore. Perhaps a group that I could grow with would be better.

*Entering the bar, she notices the usual group of people. The music is not as soothing to her as it would be to others. She watches the flicker of the lamps on the walls, while moving toward the bar. The sound of someone entering behind her draws her attention and as she turns, she watches as a large man stumbles into the doorway. Helped up by another newcomer with red hair, she turns away toward the bar. She thinks to herself, "Hope he had a nice 'trip'." A smile almost breaks her lips, but her thoughts come back to the bar. She has not had a real drink that she can remember. She hesitates, and waits until the two newcomers order drinks. Once they order theirs, she overhears the drink, and asks for one from the bartender. As the larger "not so graceful" one and the red haired female sit and speak, she takes a sip of the drink; immediately spitting it out onto the bartenders face. She apologizes for her actions and places 2 silver pieces on the counter.*

Eyeing the bartender, she asks, "Perhaps you can assist me. I am looking for a new kind of job. One that requires finesse and skill of a trained Rogue. Who here would I be best to talk to?"

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"Me?", Zafira raises her eyebrows in response to Saku's question. "Just passing through. Between caravan jobs really, though thats getting a bit boring as of late. I thought I'd head over to the Adventurer's Guild. Heard a rumor that a group is forming for some perilous venture".

She drains her mug and stands.

"You should check out the caravans and groups that are leaving the city. If I was a hunted person I wouldn't stay in one place for very long."
She laughs. "Not that I do anyway."
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Isida Kep'Tukari

[OOC - It is late afternoon.]

*Safu, the barkeeper is a human with weathered skin and the scars one gets from a hard life outdoors. He'll size you both up, and poor you both a frosty mug of ale apiece, charging you two copper for each mug.*

*Ashlie, the bartender palms your silver quickly and gives you a tolerant smile as he wipes his face clean with a rag.*

"A nimble-fingered one, are you? Hmph, probably the Adventurer's Guild would be your best bet, they have use for all types. If then don't, then maybe the Moneychanger's Guild has a spot open, if you're trustworthy," he says, and pours you a glass of something cold, opaque, and muddy brown. A delightful scent of apple comes up from the glass.

"Apple cider," he whispers to you, "and I won't breathe a word of it." Giving you a friendly wink, he goes to refill the glass of the beligerant loudmouth at the end of the bar.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
*Ashlie, smelling the apple cider, remembers her life growing up with Gandlin the Halfling and stares blankly away from the bar.* I wonder if he has been called to another assignment? Our paths may yet cross again...

*Suddenly, she shakes her head and comes back to reality. She looks into the Salloon, checking is she missed anything or anyone that stands out. As she is doing this, the red haired genasi and the larger dark skinned man can be heard. She overhears them talking of the adventurers guild and possible work. She will approach the table, hesitantly, and begin to speak.*

"I can't help but to overhear your interest in the Adventurer's Guild. I myself was hoping to gain employment there as well." *Turning to the red haired genasi,* "I see you are of a not so distant kinship to myself. I am Ashlie. Have you heard anything else of these possible jobs?"


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The red-hairded woman smiles. "I am Zafira. Pleased to meet you Ashlie. And no, I don't know anything beyond the rumors that a group is forming at the Adventurer's Guild. I was just about to head over there to find out more. You're welcome to accompany me." She looks towards Saku. "You're welcome to come as well. Perhaps you'd find your quarry there."
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*The three of you head out of the Saloon and over toward the main square. The guild halls are all clustered here, as they would be in any town. The Adventurer's Guild is always the most extravagent, decorated with the skull or bones of some monster. Here it is the huge, rock-like fin of a landshark. Going inside, you let your eyes adjust to the dimmer interior, taking in the other strange and beautiful things on the walls. Troll skulls, ogre swords, and ancient tapestries combine to make the guild hall look both rich and somewhat dangerous.*

*Two men speak at one of the tables off to the side, one red-haired elvish man dressed in the clerical robes of a priest of Pelor, the other a radiance genasi man with sky blue skin, golden hair, and stylish clothes and jewelry of unusual richness.*

*Behind the counter in the back is a woman, a lightning genasi, with short white hair, prominantly bearing the badge of the guild.*


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*Zafira will head over to the lightning genasi woman behind the counter.*

"Excuse me, but I heard a rumor that an adventuring group was forming here for some type of mission. Would you have any further information?", she asks.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*The woman looks up from her ledger, sees you all, and smiles.*

"Ah! Today is my lucky day as well as yours. Indeed, there is a group forming. Brother Pharos over there as well as Aeron Mathis are beginning one, and with you three, we may have a substantial group. Now tell me, what are your names and skills?" she inquires.


First Post
*Zafira looks back at the lightning genasi and says:*

"I am Zafira".

"I have modest skill in combat, as well as some experience training horses. I have served in the past as a guard on several caravans."

I wonder if that will be enough.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*The woman looks over what weapons you're carrying with an experienced eye.*

"Scimitar and composite longbow, eh? I'll need to see you practice your targeting and I'll have to have someone spar with you; that's policy. Any skill with tracking? Knowledge of the arcane? Skill with any craft, or weapons repair? Can you fight from horseback?" she fires off her questions rapidly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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