[Players Chosen] Do You Have What It Takes To Join The Nameless Legion?


First Post
Mmhh, that's bad. Even though it might never come up, progressing along the path of undeath and gaining associated powers doesn't really fit the concept I have right now. Maybe this can be houseruled (so the level of wight functions merely to model the undead state)?

Also, when using the wight as monster class version I'd calculate HP like this: 1d12 (wight) +11d6 (rogue) - is this correct?
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Whew... here's hoping I didn't miscalculate anything:

Name: Abacus
Class: Samurai 9/ Ronin 1
Race: Modron 
Size: Medium
Gender: -
Alignment: Neutral
Str: 16 +3 ( 10p.)	 
Dex: 20 +5 ( 6 p., +4 gloves, +2 lvl enhancements)	 
Con: 18 +4 ( 6 p., +4 racial)	 
Int: 14 +2 ( 2 p., +4 racial)	 
Wis: 8 -1 ( 2 p., -2 racial)
Cha: 16 +3 ( 6 p., -2 racial, +4 cloak)	 
ECL: 12		 XP: 66000
BAB: +10/+4	 HP: 118 (10d10+40)
Grapple: +13	 Dmg Red: -/-
Speed: 30'	 Spell Res: -
Init: +5		Spell Save: -
ACP: +0		Spell Fail: -
						Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Def
Armor= 25	 10	4					5		 4		 2
Touch: 17		 Flatfooted: 20
						 Base Mod Misc Total
Fort:					 8	+4				 +12
Ref:					 3 +5				 +8
Will:					 3	-1				 +2
Racial and class abilities:
-Native outsider type
- -2 Wis, -2 Cha, +4 Int, +4 Con
-Resistance to acid, cold and fire 10
-Immune to mind-influencing effects, subdual damage, and critical hits
-Darkvision up to 120 ft.
-Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and all armor, but not shields.
-Kiai Smite 2/day (lvl 7)
-Staredown (+4 to Intimidate) (lvl 6)
-Improved initiative feat (lvl 8)
-Iaijutsu master (Quick draw feat for bastard and short swords) (lvl 5)
-Two swords as one (Two-weapon fighting feat for bastard and short swords) (lvl 2)
-Daisho proficiency (Exotic weapon proficiency (bastard sword) feat) (lvl 1)
-Sneak attack +1d6 (lvl 1)
-Infamy (lvl 1)
Weapon													 Attack 	 Damage
Bastard sword +2									 +15/+9	 1d10+5
Short sword +2									 +17/+11		 1d6+5
Composite Longbow(+3 str bonus)+2		 +17/+11		 1d8+5
Languages: Common, Modron, Dwarven, Ogre
Point blank shot (lvl 1)
Rapid shot (lvl 3)
Weapon finesse (lvl 6)
Weapon focus (bastard sword) (lvl 9)
Skill Points: 52 Max Ranks: 13/6.5
Skills								 Ranks Mod Misc Total
Craft (stonemasonry)		 10	+2				 +12
Diplomacy							 8	 +3		+2 +13
Intimidate								 13	+3 +6 +22
Knowledge (history)			 8	 +2			 +10
Sense motive						 13	-1			 +12
Equipment:											 Cost 
Tattoo of amity										 free
Bastard sword +2									 8635
Short sword +2										 8610
Ring of protection +2								 8000
Bracers of armor +4								 16000
Cloak of charisma +4								 16000
Gloves of dexterity +4						 16000
Heward’s handy haversack						 2000
Composite longbow (+3 str bonus)+2		 9000
Arrows x20													 1
Potion of CMW x4									 1200
Waterskin													 1
Rope of climbing									 3000
Money: 11553 gp
Age: -
Height: 6´0´´
Weight: 250 lb
Eyes: colorless
[font=Times New Roman]Hair: -[/font]

As for what the Modrons are, they were a race introduced in the Planescape campaign setting. They haven't been detailed in print for 3.5 yet, but the relevant info can be found in chapter 2 here: http://www.planewalker.com/products/released.php and in the web enhancement here: http://wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/we/we20010921a
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First Post
Jemal: Well, we're all submitting characters and Harvey will chose on friday, so yes, you can also submit one.

Bloodcookie: Rogue modrons are cool by default, but that's really hard to read ... ;)
-- EDIT: Ahh, you fixed it already. :)

I'll post my secondary submission tomorrow :).


The man with the probe
Dakkareth said:
Edit: Shackler is ready for action :).

I was also thinking of adding a rogue-type as secondary character. 'Faceless' the assassin. But I'm still looking for the LA of an undead - that is undead traits only, no special abilities. Anyone has an idea?

The Lich template is +4, but it gives special attacks, several aura abilities, damage resistance, a bunch of additional immunities and their 'rise again' trademark ability. Not much of a help ... :confused:
FYI, since we can't be evil, Assasin is not an allowable class. I thought about it myself, but went a different route.


First Post
Bront said:
FYI, since we can't be evil, Assasin is not an allowable class. I thought about it myself, but went a different route.

Well, that's past alignment, before the Conditioning, or so was my line of reasoning. After all there seem to be members of 'Evil' races to be among the Legion in no small number ...


The question of evil and how it relates to the profession of a killer was one I was going to address in the background anyway. I'll finish the character anyway and simply wait for a word from Harvey :).
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First Post
AmorFati said:
Undead as monster classes; the one with least levels is a total of 8 levels.
However, you can take 12 levels in rogue, then die, and be raised as a rogue11 / (insert undead here)1
Then after that you HAVE to talle ALL levels of the Undead class before taking a level in another class

The easiest way to become an Undead is to be killed by one with the create spawn ability and take the Emancipated Spawn prestige class.


The man with the probe
Harvey, for your ammusement, Shadow, my Rogueish character.

I like her, not quite done with her yet, but I might like her better than Force (Which is saying a lot). Still need to pick out psionic powers, but I think she's fun.

Removed to avoid confusion, correct sheet on page 5
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Hi Harvey,

I've had a rethink and am dropping the Nycter, the benefits from the ECL just don't stack up with the losses in spellcasting and combat medic abilities. I'm doing a flyer though as I want to be able to fly-by-attack and hit buddies with healing, hopefully avoiding the AoO of those in close combat with the buddy. So am looking at air mephlings, raptorians and avariels at the mo. I'll work it up tonight and have it posted tomorrow.




The man with the probe
D20Dazza said:
Hi Harvey,

I've had a rethink and am dropping the Nycter, the benefits from the ECL just don't stack up with the losses in spellcasting and combat medic abilities. I'm doing a flyer though as I want to be able to fly-by-attack and hit buddies with healing, hopefully avoiding the AoO of those in close combat with the buddy. So am looking at air mephlings, raptorians and avariels at the mo. I'll work it up tonight and have it posted tomorrow.


A cleric with access to the travel domain will work too.

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