• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Player's Handbook Table of Contents Excerpt


I wager its mostly Animal Companions, Familiars, Wild Shape options, Summons, and maybe some animated dead; things spells or classes use so that the Monster Manual is firmly in the hands of the DM at all times.

That's true, I wasn't aware there would be that many but if so that's cool.

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I would bet a dollar that any monster creation stuff is either in the MM or, most likely, the DMG.

I think the monster stuff in the PH will be creatures that pcs can summon, turn into, or otherwise access via spells or character options of one sort or another.

Just a dollar? I'd give someone 100-1 that it's PC-related creature stats. And I'd be ripping them off at those odds.


Steeliest of the dragons
They could throw horses and stuff in that creature appendix as well.

Looking good.

I'm going to bet horses, ponies, mules...likely camels...maybe elephants...will be in that "Mounts & Vehicles" section under Equipment. Maybe along with stuff like war dogs or rams (as mounts for halflings?).

But yeah, overall, the whole things looks good.


I am surprised they have Appendix C: Planes of the Multiverse in the PHB. I wonder if it was done for spellcasting references to ethereal/astral?

No need for that with the Basic Rules being updated with monsters and DM rules on the day the PHB drops.

Wow, I must have missed that bit of news! Awesome :)

kenmarable said:
It is interesting to note that the section on personality and background is twice as long as combat. I'm sure art and layout are a major factor, but it still is nice to see that kind of emphasis. It bodes well for the kind of game I'm personally looking for.
Heck yes!


I'm going to bet horses, ponies, mules...likely camels...maybe elephants...will be in that "Mounts & Vehicles" section under Equipment. Maybe along with stuff like war dogs or rams (as mounts for halflings?).

But yeah, overall, the whole things looks good.

They will be listed there for how much they cost to buy, sure, but I doubt there will be creature entries for them there. Possibly those will be listed in the creature appendix.


I wager its mostly Animal Companions, Familiars, Wild Shape options, Summons, and maybe some animated dead; things spells or classes use so that the Monster Manual is firmly in the hands of the DM at all times.

I think so too. Hopefully that includes creatures that can be summoned by the wild magic table, because that would mean flumphs and modrons in the Player's Handbook!


Here are the creatures I think will in the recreature section.

-Stags/herd animals
-Brown Bear
-Black Bear
-War Horse
-War Dog (might use Mastiffs stats)
-Giant Eagle
-Giant Bat

Possibly Elementals, Modron, and Flumph.

I think unlike other creatures Ranger companions all be in the Ranger section because Ranger Companions do not use normal creature stats.


The above list seems like alot, but animal stat blocks are likely very small.

Here is how I see it being divided.

2 pages familiars, 3 pages beasts (animals and Unicorn and Nightmare), 1 page undead, 1 page angels, 1 page fey and misc.

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