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D&D (2024) Playtest 8 Spell Discussion

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The Conjure spells are new spells in every way but name.

Summon Beast/Fey/Elemental are still Ranger spell, and will be printed in the PHB. Which are the actual replacements for them.
Sure. But those are really now druid spells because rangers get them tool late. The utility for rangers was removed.

Where the spell that gets rangers echolocation or exploding arrows or instant traps or heighten senses or dogs or bees or dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you


The change to conjure spells seems odd to me. I would have to play with them an see how it feels in play. The initial impression is losing summoning spells.

I'm on board with the change to those healing spells. They're currently a poor use of a spell slot and I tend to rarely use them. The improvement look like it will help.

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