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Pogre's New Story Hour with Mini pics - (12/7 The Final Update)


Episode 15
The Drow Deal

“How civilized,” the drow wizard’s velvet voice was nearly intoxicating as it pulsed from her deep dark lips. “These ropes are not necessary. I recognize I have been defeated. The advantage is yours.”

“It is a reflection of our respect for your power,” Hilde answered. “I am afraid the ropes must stay for now my dear.”

“I understand, but I think we can reach a mutually satisfactory solution to this situation,” the enchantress cooed.

“You are half way to a satisfactory solution,” E’lissar hissed. “Give me a moment with her, I will end this charade.”

“Our people’s conflict is no secret Titan*,” the drow responded. “Now, is not the time for old grudges, but practical solutions. Put aside your hatred and see the opportunity before you.”

“That is exactly what I see – an opportunity,” E’lissar growled.

“Let’s not be hasty. I for one would like to hear her out,” Gerhardt smiled.

“Ah, a voice of reason,” the drow returned Gerhardt’s smile.

Gjord laughed, “Gerhardt as the voice of reason! I always heard you drow were twisted, but by the gods that’s downright sick!”

Hilde could not help from chuckling herself, “Now, now, although the fighter’s lust for flesh is interfering with his judgment, the suggestion is reasonable.”

“Excellent, all I shall require is an oath from the sisters,” the drow stated.

“An oath from us?” Inga smirked. “Not likely, you are in no position to make such a demand.”

“If it were excessive I would quite agree, but all I require is a promise on your faith I will not die by your hands or actions,” the drow gazed with her dark eyes longingly at Gerhardt.

“I can make no such oath,” Hilde responded. “Who is to say we will not be jumped on our way out of the castle by bugbears and all die.”

“By your direct actions,” the drow corrected.

“This is ludicrous!” E’lissar complained. “Exchange an Opherian vow for dark lies. Tell us all you know witch or die by the blade where you sit. Your presumptive tone is outrageous.”

“You have not stated your half of the bargain,” Inga reminded the dark elf.

“I shall give you a complete map of the castle and this lower level. I shall tell you all I know of the fortress’s defenses.”

“That would be handy,” Gerhardt commented.

“And, complete most of our mission here,” Hilde agreed.

“Oh no, wait a minute,” Gerhardt interjected. “We are not leaving this place to let somebody else mop up. This is our baby, the credit, the glory, and the treasure.”

“You cannot trust a drow!” E’lissar interrupted. “It is folly to trust her, she will turn her back on us at the first opportunity.”

“Would you characterize me as disloyal and self-centered?” the drow queried.

“It is the basest of your instincts,” E’lissar scowled.

“Then, that is why you should trust me,” she replied. “Surely, I have more to gain now than in any other bargain I have ever made. All I have to do is betray my employer. Something that as you point out, is second nature.”

“Oooo,” Inga hummed. “She’s good.”

“Duplicity and double-dealing are a drow’s nature. You can never trust them,” E’lissar snapped.

“Except when it is in their self-interest to be honest,” the dark elf wizard corrected him.

The group left the drow in the corner while they conferred in another part of the room.


“We have agreed,” Hilde began. “We shall make the bargain.”

“You are most wise sister,” the drow replied.

“First, we require some information as a show of good faith on your part,” Inga said.

The drow turned and smiled at the muscular sister, “Of course.”

“How many guards are we dealing with and what are their races?” Inga asked.

The drow raised her eyebrows, “You ask much sister, but as you have decided to go forward with our bargain I shall oblige you with an answer. There are a dozen-and-a-half raiders that are hobgoblins. The bandit king is a hobgoblin of no mean combat skill. He is assisted by four lieutenants and a pair of gnolls.”

“Let’s take her to the circle and make the deal,” Gjord stated.

“I have another question,” Gerhardt stated.

“For you able fighter, I must submit,” the drow sighed.

“What is your name?”

Light flickered across her dark eyes, “Viziona, and yours?”

“I am Gerhardt.”

“Enough flirting Gerhardt,” Hilde grinned. “Let’s head out to the west and see if perhaps our other friend will join us at the circle.”

“I will hold her rope,” Gerhardt volunteered.

Gjord snickered, “I would not have it any other way, after all you are the voice of reason.”

The elven ranger Ranin walked silently over to Viziona, “You have not fooled me witch, and I have made no oath. Nor will I.”

“I bet you get all the maidens,” she answered under her breath.


The deer skull was tied to a post in the canyon and the group quickly found the circle.

“When will he come?” Gerhardt asked.

“Hold on. Let me cast summon greater druid,” Inga quipped. “How do I know? He said he would come.”

“Druid?” Viziona whispered to Gerhardt.

Gerhardt pulled her rope roughly to force her body next to his, “Aye, a powerful druid, and he has made no bargain with you.”

Hilde rolled out some parchment and wetted some quills. “It is only powder ink, but it will be sufficient for your service,” she told the dark elf.

“The ropes make that difficult fair sister,” Viziona noted.

Hilde motioned to E’lissar, “Untie the ropes enough so she may employ her writing hand.” E’lissar followed the instructions given to him, but his rough treatment made Viziona spit and hiss like a cat in a bath.

“She can write,” E’lissar reported.

“Very good,” Hilde acknowledged. “Now if you would be so kind my dear.”

“The oath, sister,” Viziona reminded her.

“Viziona, I give you my solemn oath you will not be killed by my hand or actions for one moon if you give me all the information you know of Griffon Rock,” Hilde stated.

“We said nothing of a time limit,” Viziona protested.

“I know dear, but who could blame you for wanting revenge upon us? And I will not be tied by an oath,” Hilde replied.

Viziona smiled and began scratching out an annotated map of the castle and the cellar levels.


“He comes,” Ranin announced.

“Well,” Vostark began, “What have we here?”

“It’s a drow female,” Gerhardt answered.

Gjord snickered.

“Indeed,” Vosark grinned. “And a prisoner by the looks of it.”

“The sisters have given an oath not to kill it,” E’lissar reported.

The druid rubbed his chin, “and in exchange?”

“She tells us everything she knows about Griffon Rock,” Inga answered.

“Equitable,” Vostark acknowledged. “I am a bit surprised she has survived three elves.”

Viziona looked up from her work briefly, “The opposite should be what surprises you.”

Ranin bristled.

“The sisters' vow has made you brave,” Vostark remarked.

“And Vostark has made no such vow,” Gerhardt reminded her.

Vostark turned slightly to acknowledge Gerhardt, “That is true. Tell me dark maiden - have you finished your task?”

“Without interruption it could be finished quickly,” she retorted.

Vostark stamped his staff on the ground. “In that case, those of you who are wounded follow me to the circle.” Once in the circle, Vostark called upon the Old Faith to heal the wounds and the injured were made whole again in seconds.

Ranin whispered to the druid on the way back from the circle, “Surely you must kill it?”

“She is part of the balance, noble Ranin. How else should we know good when we see it?” Vostark replied.

“By remembering the deeds of dead drow,” Ranin offered.

Vostark just shook his head in bemused silence in response.

Vostark continued towards the camp. “Is she finished?”

“Yes,” Hilde replied.

“I should like to have her for a few moments,” Vostark stated.

Hilde stood and brushed off her garments. “Vostark, I did make an oath not to kill her.”

“And I shall honor your pledge,” the druid promised. Gerhardt grabbed the rope around Viziona and gave it to Vostark. Vostark took Viziona on a short walk to the circle there he performed a number of rituals and returned to the camp.

“Should we trust her?” Hilde inquired.

“Never,” Vostark answered. “However, I believe what she has told you is correct.”

“We need to let her go then?” Inga asked.

“That is not the vow as I understand it,” Vostark replied. “I shall take her with me until you have finished with Griffon Rock. I shall require some assistance though. Perhaps the two Rangers and I could compare notes while they help me?”

“Sure, I would be honored,” Gjord answered.

“Ranin?” Vostark asked.

Ranin looked down for a moment and then raised his eyes to look at Viziona. “It is against my nature to protect a drow, but I cannot refuse the request of one so powerful in the realm of nature.”

“Excellent,” Vostark said clapping his palms together lightly. “Oh look, here comes our watch for this night.” Three wolves emerged from the surrounding landscape. Vostark pointed at the drow and the wild canines sniffed at her intensely. “We can all sleep tonight.”

“The drow?” Gerhardt asked.

“They have her scent. If she runs, they will hunt her down,” Vostark said reassuringly. He laid his head down on a pile of moss.

Gjord thought he saw one of the wolves smile at Vostark’s comment.

To be continued…

*Titan – Titus the Elder is consider the great ancestor of the elven race. The rain walker, as Titus is sometimes called, is an ancient sylvan god who is worshipped by many elves. Elves have a deep appreciation for their ancestors and much ceremony is involved in granting them respect. One who is a child or follower of Titus is called a Titan. The drow has complimented E’lissar, while making it clear she no longer considers herself elven in the same sense.
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I knew this story was more than just pretty pictures ;)

Great interaction with the Drow female.

I really enjoyed the elves and their disdain and conflict.

Must have been a fun session. :D


LuYangShih said:
Is Ranin a new PC? I loved "By remembering the deeds of dead drow."

Yes, Ranin is played by John who found our game through ENWorld. E'lissar is a new PC as well.

Broccli_Head thank you for your comments - I truly appreciate them.


Episode 16
Mayhem in the Wine Cellar

The night passed peacefully and the group woke to the smells of cooking eggs and grain cakes.

“Oh, that smells wonderful!” Hilde wiped the sleep out of her eyes and then focused on the fire. Hunched over the flame was Vostark, holding two pans and watching another. “You are a talented druid.”

“Come eat sister, Opheria will not begrudge you,” Vostark suggested.

“You tempting devil of the forest,” Hilde laughed. She gently woke Inga, “Come sister, let us say our morning prayers so we can partake of Vostark’s bounty.”

Inga rolled to her feet and followed Hilde to the side of the canyon. They went to their knees and began the gentle rolling chants of honor to the goddess.

The elves never truly slept, but even to their sophisticated noses the cooking breakfast smelled delicious. “What kind of eggs?” Ranin asked.

“There is a covey of prairie chickens not far from here,” Vostark answered. “They always overproduce and these eggs will be replaced by tomorrow. The prairie chicken keeps laying eggs until it gets a chick.”

“Do they not defend the nest?” Ranin asked.

“I asked nicely,” Vostark replied.

“Asked?” Ranin repeated.

“Of course,” Vostark grinned.

Ranin paused, “I have a lot to learn, this will prove to be an interesting few days.”

The clerics returned from their morning supplications and the group quickly ate Vostark’s offerings. The drow slept while the adventurers picked up camp.

Vostark motioned to Viziona, “Pick her up Ranin.” Ranin snarled his lip in response. Vostark chuckled, “She will not wake while the sun is high. Think of it as a test.”

The druid and rangers parted company with the rest of the group. Hilde pulled out the map Viziona had drawn the night before, “Here is the lower level, and here is the upper level.”

“I say we go to this room we have not explored yet,” Gerhardt stated.

“The wine cellar?” Inga asked.

“From there we can head down to the deeper ruins,” Hilde stated. “Viziona told me the lower level was connected to the outer. It is the only path to the tower, besides the guarded drawbridge.”

The group agreed and headed back to Griffon Rock.


Quarion spotted something moving in the cellar and moved to gain a better viewpoint. “We’ve got company,” he called out. A kobold moved behind a barrel right in front of him and a number of female Hobgoblins emerged from the shadows.

Gerhardt charged into the room and was immediately swarmed by a number of the Hobgoblins.

Fortunately, the hobgoblins were poor combatants and none of their marks hit the shifty fighter. Inga, E’lissar, and Hilde piled into the room and a short time later a couple of the hobgoblins and the kobold were killed.

When three of the hobgoblins were down, the remaining three made a sign. “They are surrendering,” Inga called out. Gerhardt beheaded one of them, and set upon a second. The remaining hobgoblins fought as hard as they could, but the group quickly slayed them as well.

Hilde scolded, “Gerhardt, that was unnecessary they were surrendering.”

“What would be gained?” Gerhardt questioned. “We already have a map of the area. We already know who is here. It would have only complicated things to have three loud hobgoblin females in tow.”

“It was not your decision to make,” Inga countered.

“They chose their fate when they came to this place,” Gerhardt retorted.

“What?” Hilde furrowed her brow. “That’s utter nonsense. I have heard of baffling people when you are short on brilliance, but really Gerhardt you just sound silly. In the future our policy is to accept the surrender of our opponents.”

“I will make a note of your policy,” Gerhardt growled.

Hilde pulled Viziona’s map out again. “The way to the lower ruins lies here. She warned me that it is guarded by a construct called a guardian door.”

“There is nothing here but wine,” Quarion reported after his search.

“Some of it is high quality though,” E’lissar added.

“OK let’s go,” Gerhardt insisted. “The wine will be here when we finish.”


“Portal we are but simple travelers and seek to pass,” Hilde said to the plain wooden door before the group.

The wooden door did not reply. E’lissar quipped, “I think the drow witch would have gotten a kick out of this.”

Gerhardt smashed the door and a short passage opened up before the group to another door. This portal was far more ornate and had the head of a lion on its front. “Who approaches?” the Lion’s head asked.

“This must be the guardian door,” Gerhardt said.

“Your intuition is staggering,” Inga noted.

“Guardian of ages, stalwart defender, gift of the gods, and greatest of portals we beseech thee to allow us to pass. Lowly though we are, we respect your great task and humbly request passage,” Hilde bowed lowly to the door.

“Am I in a barnyard? Because I’m up to my chest in bull…” Gjord was interrupted by the door’s response.

“Fair travelers you may pass,” the door opened up to a spiral staircase descending into the darkness.

Gerhardt chortled on his way down the stairs.

“Never underestimate flattery,” Hilde stated.

“Or groveling,” E’lissar quickly added.

The lower level was completely dark. The passage to their left was unnaturally so. Gerhardt climbed down from the stairs and looked around with a torch.

“Viziona said this was the lair of Morgang, cultist of Theta and a dangerous foe,” Hilde warned.

“A spell caster?” E’lissar asked.

Hilde confirmed, “Yes.”

“There is a tomb ahead, it appears to be quite old,” Quarion announced. Quarion worked his way ahead and began inspecting the sarcophagus.

“Anything dangerous?” Gerhardt asked.

“It does not appear to be trapped,” Quarion answered.

Gerhardt moved rapidly into the room and pushed the lid to the sarcophagus off. A dark horrible creature rose up from the sarcophagus. Its upper half’s shape was roughly humanoid but it lacked any distinct features and swirled about in a dark fog as it moved. A cackling madness came forth from the creature spreading dark oaths through the chamber.

E’lissar and Inga immediately followed the creature’s suggestions to leave the room. Dark tendrils came forth from the dark madness and enveloped Quarion. The elf could feel his soul’s substance draining from him.

“By Opheria, I banish thee!” Hilde attempted to turn the beast. Her effort was without effect.

Gerhardt’s weapon cut deeply into the creature, but it would not turn its attention from Quarion. Quarion waved his weapon haphazardly as more of his soul substance was sucked out.

“The light of the Goddess commands you out foul spirit!” the creature once again ignored Hilde’s attempt to turn it.

Quarion could feel his spirit starting to leave his body. He was dazed and again his blade passed harmlessly through the creature.

Gerhardt hit home again and the creature’s form wavered with the force of his blow. Hilde abandoned her attempts to turn the beast and instead addressed it with her mace. The blunt weapon hit home dissipating the evil spirit.

Quarion sagged from the effort, but managed to stay on his feet. “I have little Will left.”

Inga and E’lissar reappeared in the chamber. “Hmmm, very odd as soon as the creature was slain I realized we were under its influence,” Inga said.

“Quarion, I can help you in the morning, but can you go on for now?” Hilde asked.

“Yes,” the Elf pulled himself erect and began searching the sarcophagus. His search yielded some old armor and a weapon. He stashed the loot in a sack and handed it to Gerhardt. “That’s it.”

E’lissar also confirmed that he could find nothing further in the sarcophagus.

“I do not like the looks of this corridor,” Quarion called back to the group.

“What is not to like?” Gerhardt laughed and walked into the corridor. A pit trap immediately collapsed under the fighter’s weight.

The pit trap door immediately swung shut behind the fighter as he plummeted down and landed loudly at the bottom.

“Gerhardt are you…” Hilde began to ask.

She was interrupted by Gerhardt’s scream.

To be continued…

*The creature the group faced from the sarcophagus was an Allip (MM p. 10). It very nearly consumed Quarion’s wisdom. Fortunately, Quarion has an unusually high Wisdom score for a rogue.
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First Post
pogre said:
It very nearly consumed Quarion’s wisdom. Fortunately, Quarion has an unusually high Wisdom score for a rogue.

And yet Quarion was still wise enough to let Gerhardt go first through the funny-looking corridor. That counts for a lot. . . of hit points. :D

Wulf Ratbane

Unpleasant things always happen in the cellars of pogre's games.

I think the Wall of Shame should include a note or two on what killed ya, and where it killed ya. I bet there's a disproportionately high number of cellars.



Elder-Basilisk said:

And yet Quarion was still wise enough to let Gerhardt go first through the funny-looking corridor. That counts for a lot. . . of hit points. :D

Luckily, Gerhardt's lack of wisdom is more than compensated for by his absence of Intelligence.


First Post
pogre said:

Luckily, Gerhardt's lack of wisdom is more than compensated for by his absence of Intelligence.

I object most strongly. Gerhard is of perfectly average Wisdom. :rolleyes:

(Gerhard in Pogre's New Story Hour)

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