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Pogre's New Story Hour with Mini pics - (12/7 The Final Update)


Episode 17
Door Bashing

“Poison!” Gerhardt screamed.

E’lissar scrambled over to the edge of the trap door and quickly found a mechanism. “It is weight activated.”

Quarion tried to pry the door open with his sword, but failed.

“Get the lid from that sarcophagus,” Hilde ordered. “We need some weight to open that door.”

Inga dashed back into the tomb chamber and hoisted the lid onto her shoulders in an incredible act of strength. She moved to the trap door. “Hug the North wall in case I slip Gerhardt.”

“There is poison down here! Get me out now!”

Hilde shrugged and Inga placed the sarcophagus lid on the door. The trap door flew open and Inga held on with all of her might. As light flooded down into the pit a cloud of spores was revealed. Gerhardt’s face was contorted from his efforts at holding his breath.

Quarion retrieved a rope and lowered it to the fighter. Gerhardt grabbed the proffered rope and climbed out of the pit. As he cleared the door he took a deep breath.

“You don’t even look hurt,” Inga said with a bit of disgust.

“Those spores were burning my lungs. I thought I was going to die.”

“I would not scream like that even if I was dying,” Inga retorted.

“Yeah, well…” Gerhardt stopped. She probably wouldn’t he conceded in his mind. “I bet Skullringer made you scream like that after a few beers.” He just could not let it go; besides, he was embarrassed.

Inga glared, “I do not know, but he is more man than you and he is a half-orc.”

“Enough!” Hilde stepped between the bickering couple. “Gerhardt, I will restore you in the morning with a prayer. Until then we have to work together. Agreed?”

The two grunted their assent.

“Very well then, let us move forward.”


E’lissar scouted the hall ahead and found a four way intersection. One of the doors was a bit different; it had a dragon’s head set in the middle. He approached it cautiously.

“WHO APPROACHES?” the dragon’s head boomed.

“It is I, E’lissar and I seek to pass, oh great door.”


E’lissar immediately took flight from the area. As he ran past the rest of the party he stated, “Huge guardian door ahead.”

“He must have made a bad impression,” Inga commented.

“I blame myself,” Hilde replied. “I seem to have a way with guardian doors. I should have been there.”

Quarion, ignoring E’lissar’s warning and snuck up the hall. As soon as he reached the intersection the dragon face on the door spewed a black cloud of mist out.

Quarion was immediately stunned as the poison sunk into his lungs. Inga rushed to aid the rogue and was enveloped in the poisonous mist as well.

Gerhardt moved up to the edge of the mist. To everyone’s horror the door-construct began to move. Laboriously waddling down the corridor it narrowly missed slamming into Quarion. Gerhardt braved the dark mist and worked around to hack at the door, but to no effect. Inga smashed the door with her weapon, but again to no effect. Quarion dug his dagger in, but it failed to make an impression.

The door slammed into Quarion again, but the nimble elf narrowly avoided the construct’s force. E’lissar and Hilde called to the group to draw it back to the pit trap. Gerhardt hit the door again and failed to do any damage, “It’s too hard. Run!” The fighter ran back towards the cleric and E’lissar.

Inga stepped up into the door and called out, “Run now Quarion. I will cover your back.”

Quarion stabbed at the door.

“Run you pointed ear fool!” Gerhardt screamed.

Inga grimaced as the door slammed its weight into her. She could not face much more damage.

Quarion left the combat and jogged back across the corridor and casually jumped the pit. Inga followed and was tagged by the door as she fled. Blood gushed out of her nostrils as she sprinted to her companions. Hilde held her up as she ran into her arms partially collapsing. Hilde said a prayer over her sister and stopped the bleeding.

The door creaked and waddled around the corner facing the party over the pit. It belched forth its foul black mist. The adventurers jumped back to avoid the poisonous cloud. E’lissar unloaded his bow on the door a couple of times, but it was apparent he was causing no damage.

Finally, the door back downed from the standoff, moving back around the corner out of missile range.

“Next time I tell you to retreat,” Gerhardt hissed at Quarion, “You better damn well do it. If we lose a cleric trying to save your sorry carcass, I guarantee their efforts will be for naught.”

Quarion ignored Gerhardt’s threat.

“There are still a lot of passages we have not explored,” E’lissar suggested.

“I am nearly exhausted,” Hilde warned.

“Same here,” Inga agreed. “We need rest and time to pray.”

“Alright, back to the druidic circle then?” E’lissar asked.

“Yes, we need to rethink our strategy,” Hilde stated.

“There is a first for everything,” Gerhardt growled. “Getting ripped by a door is not something I would have figured.”

The group headed out of the complex back to the west.

To be continued…
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First Post
Nasty door! What is it? Some kind of wood golem? A large animated object?

And, because mocking Gerhardt makes an amusing pasttime, I'll frame this in quote brackets:

“Yeah, well…” Gerhardt stopped. She probably wouldn’t he conceded in his mind. “I bet Skullringer made you scream like that after a few beers.” He just could not let it go; besides, he was embarrassed.

Inga glared, “I do not know, but he is more man than you and he is a half-orc.”



Welcome Elder-Basilisk!

Elder-Basilisk said:
Nasty door! What is it? Some kind of wood golem? A large animated object?

Well, it is open content I'll post them when I get home tonight. It is called a Greater Door Guardian I believe.

Elder-Basilisk said:

And, because mocking Gerhardt makes an amusing pasttime, <snip>

By all means! Pile on!


First Post
*sniff, sniff*

Everybody picks on the dumb, uncharismatic (but, mind you, averagely wise) fighter. :(

(Gerhard in Pogre's New Story Hour)


First Post
If Gerhardt has a low Charisma, why is he consistently the most quotable member of the group? I say he kills Quarion in his sleep and claims his share of the loot in the next session.


LuYangShih said:
If Gerhardt has a low Charisma, why is he consistently the most quotable member of the group? I say he kills Quarion in his sleep and claims his share of the loot in the next session.

Now stop giving him ideas!;)


First Post
LuYangShih said:
If Gerhardt has a low Charisma, why is he consistently the most quotable member of the group?

Foot in mouth disease? No buffer between mind and mouth? Both seem very likely.

LuYangShih said:
I say he kills Quarion in his sleep and claims his share of the loot in the next session.

They keep putting other people on watch with me. You know, useful people I can't really justify doing in like the clerics.

Not that Quarion isn't useful, but you know the old saying. "The only good elf is..."

(Gerhard in Pogre's New Story Hour)
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First Post
hwoolsey said:

Foot in mouth disease? No buffer between mind and mouth? Both seem very likely.

No, it is clear Gerhardt has a very high Charisma. His words are confident and bold, and where he leads, the party follows, even when they do not want to. In fact, I think the whole statistical setup for Gerhardt is wrong.


Gerhardt takes initiative in proposing mercenary service instead of taking work for no charge. (High Wisdom and Charisma.)

Gerhardt declines to take and eat food from a person he met maybe five minutes ago. The rest of the party does not show his practical good sense. (High Wisdom.)

Gerhardt perceptively spots the dopplegangers posing as children and tries to take them down before they can cause more harm. Unfortunately, the rest of the party does not see through the guise of the wicked creatures. (High Wisdom.)

Gerhardt recognizes the absolute worthlessness and disreputable character of the Halfling race. (High Wisdom.)

Gerhardt comes up with a sensible, logical plan to take down the troll the party faces. Sadly, they do not listen. (High Wisdom and Intelligence.)

Gerhardt points out the party should continue exploring instead of stopping. Once again, the lackwits running the party fail to listen. (High Intelligence.)

I could go on, of course, but I think my point has been suffeciently illustrated. You should talk to pogre and see about adjusting your mental statistics to: Intelligence 14-16, Wisdom 18, and Charisma 16-18. Gerhardt keeps the party moving and motivated, comes up with good plans, and has more practical sense than the rest of them combined. To balance out the new adjustment to Gerhardts statistics, and judging by previous handling of encounters, the rest of the party should have each character suffer a decrease of Wisdom for about 4-6 points. :D

They keep putting other people on watch with me. You know, useful people I can't really justify doing in like the clerics.

Not that Quarion isn't useful, but you know the old saying. "The only good elf is..."

(Gerhard in Pogre's New Story Hour)

See, this is what I am talking about. Proper prioritization of goals and needs. Quarion=better off dead, but overridden by Clerics=survival. An eighteen in Wisdom if I have ever seen it.
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LuYangShih - you made my day!

Episode 18
A What?!

Gerhardt complained bitterly about the adventurers’ lack of progress on the way back to the druidic circle. When Hilde again suggested they had enough to go back to Lord Noble Helmall the fighter exploded.

“No! Let us die in that place before we let some other sots steal our treasure and glory. I will not return to a major player in Norgate with the news that I have been defeated by a magical door. Forget it!”

Hilde chuckled and nodded her head in bemused appreciation of Gerhardt’s stubbornness. She chatted quietly with Inga while Gerhardt stormed ahead still bitter at the delay. When the group reached the canyon of the circle he quickly went to work making a fire.

“Something is approaching,” Quarion called out to the rest of the group.

Gjord emerged from the shadows of the rocky landscape. “You are good Quarion. I thought I would work on some of the things Vostark is teaching me.”

“Gjord, welcome!” Hilde cried out warmly. “Does Vostark accompany you?”

“No, sister he remains with Viziona and Ranin. He told me I would find you here and gave me permission to help. He wants Ranin to remain with him and the dark elf. Apparently, it is some sort of training for Ranin.”

“Sounds like torture to me,” E’lissar stated.

Gjord smiled ahead of his next comment. “Aye, and it is your turn E’lissar. Vostark has asked me to summon you to his camp.”

“Me! Why?”

“He wants you to spend some time with Viziona as well.” Gjord sat down by the fire.

“I will not,” E’lissar spat.

“I knew I liked this druid,” Gerhardt interjected. “Anybody that is into torturing elves is my kind of guy.”

“It would be most foolish to raise the ire of our best ally at this point,” Inga offered.

“What of Quarion?” E’lissar whined.

Quarion raised an eyebrow. “Leave me out of it E’lissar. Perhaps the druid knows I am beyond redemption.”

“Perhaps you were less vitriolic in your criticisms of the drow,” Hilde suggested.

E’lissar was pouting. “I’m not going.”

“Fine,” Gjord replied. “I guess we will just report to Lord Helmall that your refusal to cooperate endangered the entire mission.”

“You would say no such thing,” E’lissar challenged.

“He wouldn’t, but I sure as hell would,” Gerhardt grinned madly at the elf’s discomfort.

“What is he making Ranin do?” E’lissar was deflated.

Gjord hesitated and then grinned slightly, “Not much. A couple of days ago he made Ranin give her a bath.”

E’lissar hissed with a clicking noise expressing his utter distaste for such an assignment.

“Why didn’t you say so!” Gerhardt roared. “Sign me up.”

Hilde approached E’lissar, “My friend we all have burdens to bear. Your burden in this case is to go to Vostark. Look upon it as an opportunity to learn, or as a necessary hardship for the success of our mission. In either case – you must go to him.”

E’lissar looked down. His face was dark and brooding. A resigned sigh rose from his lips. “Gjord, how do I get to his camp?”

“Hey pointy-ears,” Gerhardt called. “Give Viziona a big kiss for me and tell Vostark I’m next.”

E’lissar received quick directions from Gjord and melted into the darkness. Gjord then was updated on the group’s progress in his absence. The night passed peacefully and following the sisters’ prayers the group headed back to Griffon Rock.


The group descended the stairs.

“To the door?” Gjord asked.

“No way, not yet. There is a lot of areas we have not been in yet,” Gerhardt reminded the rest.

Quarion moved down an unexplored hallway ahead of the group.

Gerhardt rushed to catch up to Quarion’s position. The rogue shuddered at the amount of racket the armored fighter made clunking up to him.

“What do you see?” Gerhardt asked in hushed whisper.

Gerhardt’s whispering amused Quarion to no end, especially in light of the cacophony he had just created. “The corridor to the left here opens up into a chamber. The room appears to be covered in black sand.”

The rest of the group caught up to the leading two. Quarion moved cautiously towards the chamber with black sand. He stuck his sword into the granular surface. “It’s about a foot and a half deep.” He whispered back to the group.

Gerhardt moved up some and flung five silver coins into the sand. He held a torch high watching for reaction across the floor. None happened. “What are the white things in the sand?”

“They look like egg shells,” Quarion replied. Quarion stepped lightly into the room and picked up one of the objects and held it towards the group.

“Well?” Inga asked.

“Definitely an egg shell fragment,” Quarion confirmed.

“That is one big egg,” Gjord commented.

“Yes, and there are thousands of fragments like that one in here,” Quarion replied. He took another step and realized the fragments were a real hazard that might even cut through his soft boots. He gingerly tip-toed back to the adventurers.

The group moved up the corridor and found themselves in an unusual chamber. The floor and walls were black as coal, but the ceilings were painted with white glowing dots. Hilde quickly recognized them as stars and constellations, although not from their own night sky.

“Are these constellations from the north?” Hilde asked Inga.

“No sister. I do not recognize them.”

“Look what I found,” Quarion interrupted the sisters.

“Do you think our friends upstairs are aware of this secret door?” Hilde asked.

Gjord inspected the portal. “Not likely. No one has been through here in years.”

“It can wait then,” Hilde suggested.

“No,” Inga and Gerhardt replied simultaneously. They looked at each other for a moment and then Inga said, “This may be the break we need to find a new area to surprise them from – it is an opportunity we must explore.”

“I had not thought of that,” Hilde admitted. “I agree.”

The group worked its way down a very long hallway beyond the secret door.

Quarion raised his hand to halt the adventurers. He stopped and listened. In the distance he heard an odd rasping noise. It sounded like a great blast furnace with bellows shooting air intermittently to feed the fire. He described the sound to the group.

“A forge?” Gjord questioned.

“This could be an entrance to a whole new area – an underworld ruin of the Odysseans,” Inga guessed.

“The volcanoes that roared and covered much of that ancient civilization did not reach this far north that I am aware of,” Hilde commented.

Gerhardt scowled, “Hey, I got a theory for ya’: Let’s keep moving our feet and find out what it really is.”


Quarion led the group on down the dark corridor. In the distance he spotted a dim blue light and the group allowed him to move ahead quietly. Quarion crept softly on the stone surface and found the tunnel opened up into a chamber. The group followed at a respectful distance watching the rogue for signals.

Quarion peered into the chamber; he jumped back from the sight. Scrambling on all fours and obviously in a panic he returned to the group.

“What is it?” Gerhardt asked.

It was as if something was choking Quarion, he could not speak. Quarion trembled and sweat dotted his brow. He was clearly terrified.

Hilde and Inga tried to calm him down and he was able to take a couple of deep breaths, but still he could not vocalize what he had witnessed.

“Fine, I’ll see what this is about,” Gerhardt stated.

Quarion grabbed Gerhardt’s arm and shook his head from side-to-side wildly.

“I can handle it,” Gerhardt said throwing Quarion’s grip off of him.

Gerhardt made his way up to the end of the corridor. When he reached the opening he quickly motioned to the group to come up.

“What?” Gjord asked impatiently.

Gerhardt put his index finger to his lips to quiet the ranger. He then whispered in Gjord’s ear.

Gjord snapped back from the fighter, “It’s a what!?”

Together the adventurers peered into the chamber beyond.

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