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Pogre's Story Hour - with Pics of Minis & Scenery (Final Update)


Episode 09

Episode 09
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

Bridget sprinted towards the farmhouse.

Scapa looked at her in disbelief and yelled, “What are you doing?”

“Cover me!” she could not help laughing as she bounded underneath the house. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she could see that both fighters had worked their way up a ladder into the house above. She sprinted to the ladder to join the fray.

“Demons and hellfire!” Shannon cursed as the Hobgoblins blade glanced of his shoulder. It was not a staggering blow, but he felt its might.

Shannon contemplated retreating back through the trapdoor, but saw that Johann was almost up with him. His spirits buoyed and he resumed the fight with vigor.

Johann immediately jumped the Hobgoblin that had just hit Shannon. His sword took a terrible toll on the humanoid as he swung in a wide arch battering the target’s temple. Crimson formed across the Hobgoblin’s brow and he appeared to be on the edge of consciousness.

Shannon tried to hit the other Hobgoblin but his weakness betrayed him and the blow was easily turned aside. The cleric had just worked her way up into the house when the blow came.


Melee in the farmhouse.

The Hobgoblin thrusted its weapon deep into Shannon’s gut. The fighter felt his wind leave completely and then a rush of whiteness over came him. He tumbled to the ground like an oak felled by the woodsman’s axe.

Bridget gasped audibly at the sight of Shannon’s entrails spilled on the ground. Johann took advantage of the Hobgoblin’s diverted attention and buried his weapon in its back. The surprised Hobgoblin fell face first to the ground and struggled to right itself.

“Heal him!” Johann commanded.

“It’s not that easy!” Bridget shouted back at him.

Bridget knelt over Shannon’s body and heard his muffled breath.

Johann placed his boot on the Hobgoblin’s neck and delivered a vicious death blow to its skull. “That’s for thee scum!”

He turned back to Bridget and asked, “Can you save him?”

“He will live,” she muttered. She quickly said another prayer and sealed the worst of Shannon’s wounds. A small light of life came back into Shannon’s eyes. A weak smile crossed his face and he closed his eyes again.

“There’s something moving over by the barn,” Scapa yelled up to the group.

Johann went over to the window and peered outside. He could see that the barn door was ajar and something large was moving around behind it.

Scapa called to them, “I am going to take up a position where I can see what’s in there.”

“No, Scapa wait!’ Johann yelled back.

It was too late; he saw the sorcerer crossing the grounds towards the barn door.

“I wish I would have known he was going to do that,” Johann complained.

The barn door burst open and a huge humanoid in armor charged at Scapa. The sorcerer froze in terror.

To be continued…
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Episode 10

Episode 10
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

The huge hobgoblin bore down on Scapa and the poor sorcerer readied himself for the worst.


Scapa gets jumped.

Miraculously, the big Hobgoblin missed wildly. Bridget and Johann bounded down the stairs and over to help the spell caster. Scapa stepped back and tried to slow the beast down with a magic invocation, but the nasty-looking humanoid shrugged off the magic.

The hobgoblin now took careful measure of its unarmored foe and closed the distance between them. Lashing out with its weapon the Hobgoblin boss nicked the sorcerer’s forearm, which immediately began to bleed profusely. Scapa was just glad the fiend had not loosed his whole arm free from his torso.

Bridget and Johann arrived and interposed themselves between the backing sorcerer and the advancing hobgoblin. The Hobgoblin snarled at the sorcerer’s rescuers and took up a defensive position while he reassessed the situation. Johann struck wildly at the humanoid, but his blow was glanced aside by the Hobgoblin’s shield. The cleric’s efforts were likewise turned aside by the humanoid.

Finally, the Hobgoblin perceived an opening and uncorked a mighty swing at the fighter. Johann narrowly averted the blade and brought his blade up simultaneously at the springing Hobgoblin. Johann’s blade pierced under the beast’s chin, driving through his tongue and palate, and lodged deeply in his brain. Crimson oozed from the Hobgoblin’s eyes, nose, and mouth and the dull look of death passed over his pupils.

The Hobgoblin toppled to his side and Johann lorded over him, pulling his weapon from the Hobgoblin’s skull triumphantly. The cleric averted her eyes from the grisly scene, a bit overcome by the bloody work.

Scapa gave the pair a look of thanks as they looked back to him to check on his welfare. He spoke slowly, “I guess I should not have taken off like that…”

“There’s a lot of that going around,” Johann replied with a chuckle.

The group gathered together and began searching the farmstead. Bridget gave a cheer of discovery in the barn, “Hey! There’s something behind this brick. Come help me move it.”

The brick was moved aside to reveal a cubbyhole.

“It might be trapped,” Scapa warned.

“Yeah, I know, “ Johann replied. “Well, I guess none of you have much experience with traps… So here goes nothing!”

The sharp needle dug deep into the fighter’s hand and Johann recoiled in pain.

“Well, the good news is I just disarmed the trap. The bad news these things usually come with a bit of poison to send the message home. Do you have anything to help me Bridget?”

“Just a prayer,” she answered.

“Did you find out what is in there?” Shannon asked weakly. The fighter was still reeling from the effects of his injuries.

“Yeah,” Johann answered. He proceeded to reach in the hole and produced a small box. “This.”

“That looks too small to hold a recipe book,” Scapa mused. “Perhaps the rogue tore the recipe from the book and put it in the box. Let’s take a look.”

“Help yourself, Scapa,” Johann replied. “I am done finding traps today.”

“Ah, yes. Well perhaps I will hold off. A trap on this box seems likely – it looks like some sort of puzzle box.”

“I cannot make ale anyway. I say we take the whole thing back to Turin. It’s pretty small,” Johann said.

The group returned to the Quail’s Covey and met with their new patron Turin. They explained their adventure to the dwarf and handed him the puzzle box.

“You were wise to leave this closed,” the Dwarf agreed. “I have an acquaintance who can open this thing more safely than we can any way. I’ll go meet him and see what we can find out.”

“And our reward?” Johann asked.

“Oh yes, of course, here you are,” the Dwarf answered throwing down a bag of coins. “Come back on the morrow and we will discover if I owe you even more!”

The group thanked the Dwarf and agreed to lunch with him the following day.

Turin did not like this side of Hemmerschneg. The turning, dense streets and the smell of waste were of no concern, but there was a palpable malaise that permeated the air. It cast a pall over the small flats and huts that were huddled against one another. He followed a short flight of stairs down to a wooden door. He knocked thrice and a face appeared in a window. He flashed the face a sign and was allowed into the place. He entered a dark low room that smelled of men, smoke, and ale.

“I’m seeking Filch,” he said. Some nameless person in a dark cowl pointed to the backroom. Turin walked to the back slowly with his hand wrapped tight around a dagger. He reached a curtained area and stuck his head through. He saw a skinny man having a romp with a young lady.

“Just wait your turn,” she squawked at him. “There’s plenty of woman for everyone.”

Her customer turned his head and a look of recognition came over his face. “Ho there! Turin! Wait a second will you while I finish here?”

“I’ll be right outside,” the Dwarf replied.

“No wait,” the indisposed man said. “Ah, that’s got it. Move on my lady, me and my mate got business here.”

Both parties hurriedly buttoned their garments. As she was leaving she told the Dwarf, “I’ll be back if you want your shot, short stuff.” She brushed her torso hard against the Dwarf on her way out, giving him a black-toothed smile.

“Lovely,” Turin said sarcastically.

“Yeah well, we ain’t gettin’ married Gov’. What brings you to this fine area?”

“This,” the Dwarf replied holding out the puzzle box.

“Oh, let us see.”

“Hold on – this is a commission job. How much to make sure it’s not trapped and open the box?”

“Hmmm, never seen one like this. How’s 20 gold sound?”

“Sounds expensive. I was thinking 5, but I’ll give you the 10 gold I brought with me.”

“Ten it is mate.”

Filch worked over the box feverishly. Following just a few minutes he popped the puzzle box open. “What’s this then?” he asked.

To be continued…
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Wow! The miniatures look great.

How do you keep your miniatures? Mine seem to get chipped as they are transported around.

Either way, I'm looking forward to more. This is pretty cool ... the minis are fun too! :D


First Post
Ya Gotta Send a Message

Wulf Ratbane said:
If Scapa doesn't win initiative, he's a dead man... Sorcerers are not cut out to take even a single blow from "large humanoids."

Bah! Any Sorcerer with a pair (or at least a Toad) can take some heat. After all we were born to be God's among mortals.


Episode 11

How do you keep your miniatures?
- Caliber

Ah, you see I have an advantage there. We play at my friend's house every week (Johann). He has a beautiful game room that I leave everything in. When I take figures to a convention I use an Army Transport made by New Wave Miniatures - works pretty well.

Years ago my brother built a nice cabinet with glass doors and glass shelves to house all of my figures. The cabinet is well-sealed and keeps out dust nicely. All of the dungeon pieces - custom-built and mastermaze are held in large rolling drawers we got from a Hallmark shop that went out of business.

Our game room has moved in recent years, but stays at the established location for years at a time. We played in my brother's game room in his basement for about 5 years. We then moved to my garage that I refinished into a game room for about 3 years. Now, we have played in Hank's new game room for the past year or so - hopefully it will stay in this location for a few more years.


Episode 11
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

The group came down from their rooms early the next day to meet with Turin. Turin was already waiting for them.

“What did you find out?” Shannon asked eagerly.

Turin smiled and pulled out a piece of paper and spread it out on the table before the group.

“I take it that is not an ale recipe,” Johann commented dryly.

“Uh, no. It is a map. A map I believe of Nulus’s stash. It was a common procedure among the members of the network years ago to set up a double stash. A stash for a map to your real stash. I think that’s what we have here, and the added bonus is I happen to know where this Lannington is.” Turin was simply beaming, for a Dwarf at least.

“Network?” Bridget asked.

“He means the thieves,” Scapa replied.

“If you were willing to search this out I would pay your expenses up to 50 gold, and if you found the recipe book my offer of a thousand gold stands as well,” the Dwarf replied.

The group agreed and made preparations to go.

The group approached the village of Lannington. A mud and earthen embankment had been set up around the village, although its defensive value was dubious at best. A young man appeared near a gate and watched the group warily as they approached.

“What do ye’ want?” he yelled at them.

“Let us in you hayseed!” Johann yelled back.

“Why should I? Ye’ dirty rapscallions are ruffians of the worse sort,” the guard retorted.

“We have gold to spend,” Johann replied holding a gold crown aloft. “Certainly enough to buy your mother’s favor at least.”

“Go camp in the swamp then you heathen!” the guard replied with indignation straining his voice. He turned his back on the group and stepped down from the embankment.

“Yet another effective parley by Johann,” Bridget said.

“Shuddup and start making camp,” Johann replied.

“Right here?” Shannon asked.

“Sure, let’s give that kid something to do overnight,” Johann replied.

The group set up camp a few hundred feet from the village’s gate.

A figure approached the group’s camp later that evening. Scapa kicked his compatriots awake and told them someone was coming out of the village towards them.

The woman wore a long flowing tunic belted through with a spring cape. She wore a flower wreath on her head and had a simple leather thong necklace. She had her arms crossed across her torso as she approached. Streaks of gray were intertwined in her long dark hair that seemed to reflect the fire.

She opened her palms towards the party as she introduced herself, “I am Pandilandra a cleric to the mother goddess Rhylya. I came to see if any of you were hurt or needed prayer.”

The party spoke with the cleric for sometime and learned that a group of Gnolls had been plaguing the shepherds in recent weeks. She did not know much about the swamp area north of the village. She blessed the group and after having a short ecumenical talk with Bridget, she walked back into the village.

The following day the adventurers made their way up the Black Creek into the swamp north of the village. The map proved to be fairly accurate and they even found an ancient druidic circle of the old faith. They camped near the circle for the night.

The next morning the party set forth into the swamp, around mid-morning they spied a dry spot coming out of the muck.

The group approached the hill that was rising out of the swamp with nervous excitement. They scaled on top and found a large circular stone cover that had a hole in the middle.


Group atop the hill.

“This has got to be it,” Scapa offered. “But what do you suppose burned that hole in the top?”

“Do you hear that?” Shannon asked.

“It look like some sort of acid burn,” Scapa said, answering his own question.

“Shuddup for a second,” Shannon demanded. “Do you hear that?”

to be continued…

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