D&D 5E [poll] How much does party class composition impact your choice on class?

How much does party class choices impact your choice on what to play

  • A lot. I make my choice based on what others are playing

    Votes: 41 27.7%
  • Only a little. I might have a couple options in mind, and choose one based on the needs

    Votes: 94 63.5%
  • not at all. I play what I want, regardless of what anyone else is playing

    Votes: 13 8.8%


Victoria Rules
For me the answer completely depends on when in the campaign I'm being asked.

At the very start during session 0? I roll up what I want (assuming the dice will let me). At that point I don't even want to know what anyone else is playing, I'd rather be in isolation; as to me this is the one time I don't have to worry about what "the party" needs as there isn't a party yet. Then, once we've formed into a party, if my character has a shred of wisdom (don't get yer hopes up!) he or she will suggest we take stock of our capabilities and then go recruit an NPC or two to fill any glaring holes.

Once the campaign is nicely underway? Then I'll look at what holes might need filling, and if I've got a concept in mind that'll fill one that's what I'll (try to) roll up. The only risk there is that if the loss of your previous character has left a gaping hole (e.g. the only wizard in the party was yours, and she just perma-died) you'll just end up playing much the same thing again as a replacement.

This is where bigger parties (e.g. sometimes more than one PC each) are fun - you can more often play what you want knowing all the key roles and holes are covered.

Lan-"and remember, kids: you can never ever have too many front-line fighters"-efan

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
For the group I just joined (a descendant of my old Tiamat group, but with only one person who has stuck through the whole way; he is the DM!), I started with a Tiefling Bard.
Somebody else had already had the very same idea.

But there was no healer. So I knew what I was going to be creating for this week.
I put a twist on it, though: the most fun character I've played so far in 5e was an Arcane Trickster. I therefore created a Cleric of Trickery.

The group is almost through Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (sp?). When we do the next adventure/campaign, I'm going to ask what the party composition is - we've been changing characters in/out a lot - and try to fit an AT Rogue in there, maybe m/c'ed with something else useful.

I'm also kicking around using a Tiefling to represent a Satyr. Maybe I'll play that and persuade somebody else to 'take one for the team'.

I only play casters but within that framework I try to select choices which will fit the group's needs. For instance, if the group lacks a tank I might play a moon druid. If there is a lack of ranged attacks, an evoker wizard, sorcerer or warlock (better yet, sorcerer/warlock). If the party lacks a healer a number of options could work. Life cleric is the obvious one, but I can think of others.


Small Ball Archmage
Generally I have a bunch of builds i like to play and choose the one that fits in best in the rest of the group. Part of my ideal of the game is a bunch of friends with different skillsets who depend on each other- so everyone having a role is something desirable to me.

I usually pick last, and ive noticed my favorite characters seem to end up being the ones that can flex to fulfill different needs. I also seem able to twist any character into a defender and use whatever abilities i have to protect allies.

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Maggie K

First Post
Honestly, I'm almost always the DM so by the time I get to play I usually have a bunch of characters I want to play. Which is convenient, because then I can just pick whichever one of those characters would best fill any blanks without feeling like I'm just playing a character because I have to.

I generally don't look at 'Class', so much as 'Role'. I generally go with supporting-type characters as a matter of personal preference. Sometimes I'll look for a hole in the party that needs filling, and sometimes I will have a character concept that I'd definitely like to play, and go with that regardless.
For example I started off with a bard in the CoS game: the group contained a Ranger and Paladin so it wasn't entirely necessary, but I wanted to see how they played. When he died, the party needed a healer and support, so I went with artificer wizard. - Partly because I wanted to try out the UA rules, and partly because the character was an interesting concept.
Despite most combat rounds being spend poking at necrotic-resistant creatures with a chill touch cantrip, he was probably the linchpin of most of the party's success.

For the group I just joined (a descendant of my old Tiamat group, but with only one person who has stuck through the whole way; he is the DM!), I started with a Tiefling Bard.
Somebody else had already had the very same idea.

But there was no healer. So I knew what I was going to be creating for this week.
Why didn't you just stick with the bard and be the healer with that? They get healing spells, heroism, can poach other resurrection or ailment-removal spells where they need them etc.


First Post
As a relatively new player (3 campaigns in) I am always scared of other players being negative towards me because I want to play what they want to play or are already playing if it is me joining. It feels like: no I'm the wizard here, but we need a tank so feel free to choose Fighter or maybe Fighter if you don't like Fighter...


As a relatively new player (3 campaigns in) I am always scared of other players being negative towards me because I want to play what they want to play or are already playing if it is me joining. It feels like: no I'm the wizard here, but we need a tank so feel free to choose Fighter or maybe Fighter if you don't like Fighter...

screw that. play what you want. i have never played with primadonnas who worry about "spotlight" or whatever. we get a gang of four or five and hope to live!

All thief, ahem rogue parties are fun. warriors can be fun. my favorite group ever was a barbarian and a bunch of thieves (had a conan the move feel).

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