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portraits and bits


World of Kulan DM
astralpwka said:
Here is Crystal Tigerstorm, the Silver Witch. I'm really curious to know what you think. I started to apply some photoshop filters to her, but decided that I liked her better before.

Thanks for sharing her story.

Excellent job astralpwka! That's pretty much how I envisioned her (the staff is great)! The only thing I can think of to add to it is to make the background color darker like a deep steel blue. But that's ok, it's great regardless.


BTW, I just notice that the glow around the staff is the perfect color. Very cool.


p.s. I'm going to post this image in my story hour, ok?
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Here's a blue background. Not quite steel blue...

Yes, feel free to post in your story hour. :D


  • silverwitch2.jpg
    61.9 KB · Views: 443


World of Kulan DM
astralpwka said:
Here's a blue background. Not quite steel blue...

Yes, feel free to post in your story hour. :D

Woohoo... yah. That's perfect. Thanks a lot astralpwka. Do you feel like doing some more of the Tigerstorm clan? Kip the Bold already did Dabuk for me but you could do both Garth and Carl if you like?

Let me know and I''ll post their descriptions.



World of Kulan DM
Cloudgatherer said:
That silver witch wears an awful lot of black!

That's a good observation Cloudgatherer. But there is a reason for it. You see, Crystal is most often recognized by the people for something she had to wear after the humanoid uprising.

The King of Thallin was furious with her due to her alliance with the humanoids and she had to spend a lot of time at court proving her good intentions. He made her work for him and the other nobles as a punishment for her crime, which lasted about six months.

If she had been anyone else's granddaughter but Carl's, the King would have had her clamped in irons and sentenced to life in prision or worse. During this time Carl, the sly man he is, made Crystal over into this beautiful vision in a long, flowing silver gown that had belonged to her mother (Garth had kept it to remind himself of his lost love). This along with silver bracelets, rings and a magical tiara (which was her grandmothers) made her a radiant sight to behold in court.

Now, that outfit is what she wears when she has to go to court but she 'prefers' the outfit above. Most of the people of Thallin adore her now and it was the people who began calling her the Silver Witch. Both out of awe and a little bit of fear.

Hope that helps.

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First Post
Well, if you're taking requests...

Orlamm Tavertar, gnomish "security expert"


A blonde hair blue eyed gnome with a permanent 5'o'clock shadow and thin wide mustashe, orlamm is usually either found over-calculating where exactly the mad wizard would put that next fireball trap, or is trying to sneak past some guards to deliver a shot from a dark corner (because just because you can get past the checkpoint dosn't mean the rest of the people you're traveling with can too)

While he claims to be a freelance security consultant, the ruse dosn't usually last too long. A few years ago he was almost sincere about that, but after adventuring with his current companions, his life has turned into one combat of shooting people in the back after another. (with the occasional disarming of a strangely placed flooding room or vacume trap that boggles his mind)

Orlamm knows the best place to be in a fight is where nobody is looking, and aided with a Lesser Piwafwi (It's a cloak of elvenkind for drow... who aparently won't be caught dead wearing a cloak of elvenkind) he usually manages to evade detection.

But if anyone does set their sights on orlamm he's got enough toys and tricks to come out on top. He wears a mithril chain shirt under his outer clothes and cloak, but also holds a buckler that he found earlier in his career. If pressed into melee, or if his blumbering companions actually manage to set up a flanking scenario, he'll take out a dull grey shortsword and go to work on an opponent.

His once bright blue eyes are rarely seen now that he's either looking through some magnifing goggles or squinting to avoid gettting a heaping helping of blood and guts in his eyes...

(I'm thinking he'd probally end up looking like the main guy from the Soilder of Fortune games, at least as far as facial expression and mannerisms)

PS: the image if Crystal was amazing.


Hey Knightfall! How about a pic with Carl and Garth together? You post and I'll draw. :D

Las! Your portrait has begun. I'll finish sketching it at work tomorrow afternoon, and hopefully get it colored when I get home.

LoneGoldfish! Thanks for the praise on Crystal. Your gnome is in line. ;)

I do have one submission I'm going to finish first, then I'll do all of the above. :D


World of Kulan DM
WARNING... World of Kulan story hour spoilers!!!

Stats: hm / 10th level fighter, 10th level rogue / neutral good
Age: 95
Height: 6' 1"

Personality: Charismatic, brilliant, meticulous

Appearance: Carl isn't the armor wearing, sword swinging type. He tends to be more subtle but can defend himself in a fight if forced to. He is never without his magical masterwork sword or the two daggers he always keeps in his boots. He always wears the symbol of his guild, a rearing black tiger on a red background. If he has to wear armor then he dons his +5 masterwork studded leather. His boots are pitch black and he hates wearing capes or cloaks. His face is hawkish and his features stern, even in his old age.

Description: One of the most powerful men in the Eastern Shores, Carl is a well-known soldier in the Kingdom of Thallin and beyond. A veteran of the Second Ogre War, Carl is considered a hero by the masses of Thallin.

He is fond of the people and has been often seen wandering through the streets of Fruen helping the less fortunate. He isn't the sort to give out alms and instead tries to clean up the streets by offer wayward youngsters a chance to join the Tiger Guild and learn whatever profession they choose. Those with obvious magical talent he would send to the College of Wizardry, where his good friend Heward Tallinson would have them tested for entry into that guild.

Carl was a long time friend and loyal servant to last King of Thallin, Travathian Dragonguard. Carl is not pleased that Travathian’s son has become King, as he has witnessed firsthand the young man’s vicious nature.

His grandson and Carl's long time friend, the ogre known as Kellin One-Eye, thwarted a recent attempt on Carl's life by a former guild member, Jacob Diamondeye. Carl is positive that King Varath hired the assassin to kill him. The recent proclamation that Nether will be the new state god of the Kingdom of Thallin hasn't given him reason to think otherwise.

The poison that had infected Carl’s system almost killed him and he is still suffering the effects. He has become a shell of his former self and his age is now just starting to catch up with him. He will not live much longer but is content with his life. (Note: He still looks younger than he is.)

Stats: hm / 12th level ranger (Larea), 4th level justicar* / lawful good
* FFGs Path of the Sword legendary class.
Age: 58
Height: 6' 8"

Personality: Cold, distant, just

Appearance: Garth, unlike his father, is most comfortable in heavy plate armor. But just not any armor, he wears the Armor of the Justicar, a set of +5 full-plate (with great helm) that belonged to the last Justicar to ride across Harqual nearly 500 years ago. He discovered the armor after a grueling quest, which hardened him even more than he was before. He carries a +3 defending holy broad sword that glows with green light when brought in the presence of goblinoids. Garth only uses a shield when fighting from horseback -- a +2 large steel shield that he had commissioned to go with his armor. Garth is an imposing man.

Description: Haven't written it yet but here are a couple of Interludes from my story hour which brings his character more to light.

Interlude #1

The Tiger Guild in Fruen:
Carl Tigerstorm went through the dispatches on his desk one by one until he had read them all. It didn't look good. The ogres were coming down the banks of Wind River in the thousands. They had sacked Ciros and were now laying siege to Wynyard. But even the promise of those cities riches wouldn't keep them from the gates of Fruen for long. No, it didn't look good at all.

"Guildmaster," Tallos knew better than to interrupt him when he was going over strategy for the King. "There is someone who insists on seeing you immediately."

"Tallos, I don't have time for diplomats or jealous nobles right now."

Carl looked up at his seneschal with a hint of aggravation. Then he noticed that Tallos looked nervous. Carl put the reports on the desk out of his mind for a moment to find out what was wrong with his friend. Tallos has never been the nervous type.

"Tallos, what's wrong? Who is this person that makes you quiver in your boots?"

"Sir," Tallos cleared his throat with a swallow. "A young woman in the foyer insists that she is your granddaughter."

"I haven't a granddaughter, Tallos. You know that. We've dealt with her kind before. Someone comes here claiming to be a long lost relative of mine. In reality, they are a spy for one of Thallin's backbiting noble families trying to gain power and influence in the guild."

"Yes sir, I know. But this woman is different. Confident. Sure of herself. But the scary part is that she looks like she could be of Tigerstorm blood."

"Really?" Carl sat back in his chair stroking his long goatee. If she was intriguing enough to make Tallos think twice then he should at least meet with her. More than likely she is simply a beautiful woman with a keen wit and an ulterior motive.

"Yes," Tallos swallowed hard on his fear. "A-and she wears the trappings of a necromancer."

"Interesting." Now that was definitely not like his enemies. "A necromancer who claims to be a Tigerstorm. That's someone I have to meet. Show her in Tallos but be mindful of what she sees along the way."

"Understood." Tallos slipped out the secret side door of Carl's private quarters.

The guards outside the main door hadn't even been aware that Tallos had been there. They were assigned to the guildhall by the king. Not to keep an eye on Carl but to keep anyone else from seeing the reports that now sat on the guildmaster's desk. Travathian trusted Carl with his life but not anyone else in the guild. It was a point of contention between the two old friends. In Carl's mind, he is the guild.

Carl gathered the reports together bundling them into the leather folder that the King had sent to him sealed with the Royal Mark of the House of Dragonguard. Carl tied the folder closed with the attached string sliding the folder into the bottom drawer of the desk.

He knew his King wouldn't understand if Carl risked letting a possible spy even get a glimpse of the Royal documents. It might have been his men sending the reports to the King but they were the King's reports, not his.

Carl laid his sword on his desk unsheathed. He made sure it was placed just at the right angle to indicate it was meant to intimidate his guest. Carl's interest might have been piqued but he wasn't about to take any chances with a necromancer.

Tallos soon reappeared through the secret door with the young woman in tow. Her hands were bound and a hood thrown over her head. Tallos sat the woman down in front of the desk. Carl had known that Tallos wouldn't be diplomatic with the young woman but saw no reason for the hood. A gag and blindfold maybe but not a hood.

"Take that thing off her Tallos. I'm more than capable of protecting myself. Besides, if she wanted to kill me she would have simply cast some sort of death spell from afar."

"Guildmaster, I must strongly disagree. She's a witch and could try to take over your mind with a mere look."

"Tallos, who is the guild?" Carl didn't like being second guessed in front of others. Especially if that person might view it as a weakness.

"You are, Guildmaster." Tallos had realized his mistake to late but recovered well enough. "I am sorry, Guildmaster."

"Yes, you better be. Now take that hood off her."

Tallos untied the cord keeping the hood snug around her neck. He pulled it off unceremoniously jerking the woman's head back. Tallos quickly left the room through the secret door.

Carl took a careful look at the woman studying her features. She was a beauty. Of that there was no doubt. Her hair was golden, her eyes as blue as the sky above, her features fair. Her face seemed a perfect oval of loveliness and Carl wondered if she had been blessed by Ramara at birth. Only the stern glare she shot at him gave away her dark personality. She was dressed in black from head-to-toe with a skull pendant around her neck. Her fingernails were painted silver along with her lips. She showed no fear that Carl could detect.

"Your name?" Carl sat back keeping an eye on his sword. She hadn't even acknowledged that it was there. Her wouldn't be able to intimidate her. He already admired her.

"Crystal." Her voice would have been as lovely as her face if it hadn't been dripping with poison. "I am Crystal of Massalia."

"You actually admit being from the City of Vipers. You are either very brave or very stupid."

"I assure you, grandfather. I am not stupid."

"A smart person would know better than calling me grandfather without proof. You do have proof?"

"Mundane documents, no. My magical scryings, yes. My mother was Dawn Almondsky, cleric of Jalivier, traveling companion and lover of your son, Garth Tigerstorm."

"Interesting," Garth leaned forward studying the necromancer closer. She did look a little like Margretta, his wife, may Hade's protect her soul from Xuar. "It is an interesting claim that you have made. If it was anyone else who sat in front of me I would toss them out on there ear. But I believe that you deserve to know the truth. And so do I."

"A-are you saying that you believe me?" She hadn't expected him to say that. A look of innocence entered her eyes as she failed to remain completely composed under Carl's unrelenting gaze.

"I didn't say that, child." Her eyes became cold an instant after he spoke the words. "But I assure you if you are indeed my granddaughter then you will be welcomed into this family with open arms. We take care of our children in this family."

Her gaze warmed a little but she remained confident and composed.

"I will send for my son. Garth will know if you are his daughter or not. And he will not deny you if he is sure in his heart."

"Thank you-," Crystal stopped herself from saying grandfather. "How should I address you if you don't mind me asking?"

"Carl will be fine or Guildmaster. Just don't ever call me Lord Tigerstorm. I hate that horrible honorific."

"Carl." A small smile escaped her lips. Carl was sure the room lit up in that instant.

"I will have Tallos assign you a room. I hope you understand that I must insist that you not leave your quarters without a guard present."

"That sounds reasonable." She was very calm, which Carl liked. It made her easier for him to read emotionally. It was his gift.

"Now, let's get you out of those bonds." Carl motioned for her to put her hands on the desk.

"No need," Crystal bent her left wrist slightly slipping her hand out without any difficulty. She calmly put the rope on the desk in front of the Guildmaster of the Tiger Guild.

"Impressive," Carl couldn't help but grin. "Are you sure you're a necromancer and not a rouge."

"Massalia is a dangerous place. You learn how to survive there or die quickly."


Carl stood up walking over the secret doorway. He knocked on the wall twice. The door opened without a sound and Tallos stepped out.

"Yes Guildmaster?" Tallos eyed Crystal nervously. He didn't like that her hands were loose. "I-is everything all right?"

"Just fine, Tallos. Crystal will be staying with us for a while."

Tallos stood there speechless his mouth agap.

"Please assign her quarters in the upper wing with an armed escort for everyones mutual protection. I don't want any of the guildmembers to think her being here is some sort of test of skill."

"U-understood Guildmaster." Tallos shot Crystal a look of total disdain.

"Oh, and Tallos," Carl was starting to wonder if his seneschal needed a vacation.

"Y-yes," Tallos was still eyeballing Crystal.

"Stop stammering. You sound like a bloody idiot."

Tallos closed his eyes taking a deep breath. "Yes Guildmaster."

"And bring us some lunch."

"Yes Guildmaster." Tallos was calm and cold as a frozen lake. "Do you want anything in particular?"

"No," Carl walked back over to his desk. "Whatever the cook has planned is fine."

"As you wish." Tallos bowed as Carl sat down. Then the seneschal left in silence.

"He doesn't like me."

"Tallos isn't paid to like anyone. He is my friend and my confident. He is also a highly trained bodyguard. I assure you he is more dangerous than he looks. If you had threatened me at all he would have been through that door and cut your head off before you could have even moved."

"R-really?" Crystal watched the door with concern.


End of Interlude #1

Interlude #2

The Tiger Guild in Fruen:
Garth Tigerstorm walked through the halls of the Tiger Guild to his father's chambers. His father had sent for him but the envoy hadn't said why. All he knew was that his father considered it imperitive.

"All I can say is that it better be." Garth wasn't one of his father's mercenaries or spies. In fact, he went to great lengths to distance himself from his father's guild. Not that he didn't care about the old man.

"It is very important. I assure you." Tallos walked along side the large justicar. Garth didn't like him. But then again no one really liked Tallos. But Garth really didn't like him. He was everything that was wrong with his father's guild.

Garth said nothing in reply to the seneschal. He had known this man when he was child. Carl and Tallos had done everything together in their youth. When his father had married and moved to Fruen, Tallos had agreed to come with the family. Garth hadn't liked him then either.

The two men rounded the corner where a guild guardsman stood on duty. He had known they were coming and stepped aside. It was a good thing too. Garth wouldn't stand for ceremony when it came to his father.

He unlatched the double door pushing both open in towards his father's spartan quarters. At least that was something they agreed on. Gaudy furnishings made Tigerstorms sick to their stomach.

"All right father," Garth stared down his father. "What was so important that you had to send a envoy all the way to Ciros during a war?"

Then he noticed his father wasn't alone. A beautiful young woman with flowing golden hair sat across from Carl. Her eyes stared at him intently. She was dress all in black and looked like a student of the Forbidden Arts.

Then he looked more closely. It couldn't be.

"D-dawn?" His heart sank. It couldn't be. Dawn Almondsky was dead. She had been lost during the Second Ogre War.

"No," The young woman tossed her hair. "I am her daughter, Crystal. And you are Garth Tigerstorm. My father."

Garth was speechless. His mind searched for the truth. It had been over forty years ago since he lost Dawn. The first great love of his life. Could she still be alive? Garth had always hoped. His heart quickened at the thought of seeing her again.

"Tell me," Garth sat down next to her. "Is she still alive?"

Crystal pulled back from the man. She had hoped he'd care about her and that he'd really loved her mother. She could see that he'd loved her deeply.

"N-no," Crystal folded her arms over her lap. "She died during my birth. I never knew her."

Garth felt his heart sink back into despair. No. She had lived but not long enough for him to find her again. He had lost her a second time.

"How old are you?" Hi tone was steady. Level.

"Thirty-one," Crystal didn't like his tone. "Why do you ask?"

She held her breath.

"It has been over forty years since I last saw your mother. There isn't anyway I can be your father. I am sorry."

"No!" Crystal screamed in rage. "I don't believe you! You're lying!"

"I do not lie." Garth stood staring down coldly at the young woman. He was larger than life to most people but she glared right back at him. "I am the justicar!"

Crystal threw herself at him ready to pummel him. How dare he lie to her. She knew in her heart who she was. She was a Tigerstorm. It screamed inside her.

Garth caught her wrists in his hands. His stare didn't waver. Didn't allow for any appeal.

Crystal began sobbing. She was heart-broken. The one person she'd hoped would love her unconditionally had rejected her. Garth let her go and she ran from the room in tears.

"You could have been a little more diplomatic, son."

"That's not who I am, father. I am the justicar. I am not diplomatic."

"Are you sure she isn't your daughter, after all she has your temperment."


"A pity." Carl stood up from his wooden chair waving Tallos out of the room. The seneschal had watched the entire debacle unfold. He went to find Crystal. "I was really begining to like that girl."

"She's a necromancer, father. She's evil."

"Bah! What is evil. One's profession doesn't make one evil. One's actions do."

"You would know better then anyone, father." Garth turned and calmly walked out of the room without waiting for his father to respond.

Carl sighed. It was always the same between them.

End of Interlude #2
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Well, I'm mostly done with the coloration of the Cascene, but am passing out (its so late... moan!!!!). Odds are it will be up tomorrow.

The gnome security expert is sketched and will be next.

Here's something until then...

Not my best work. This just shows you that I had a sick moment. I turned Britney Spears into a Rabbit. :D


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